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What is a good name for a business page on Facebook?

What is a good name for a business page on Facebook?

Choosing a good name for your business Facebook page is an important decision that requires some thought and planning. The name you choose represents your brand and identity to all of your followers and customers on Facebook. Your business page name needs to be catchy, memorable, and representative of what your company does. While the options may seem endless, there are a few key factors to keep in mind when brainstorming business page name ideas for Facebook.

Keep it Simple and Make it Memorable

When choosing a name for your Facebook business page, you generally want to keep it simple and easy to remember. Avoid names that are overly complex or confusing. You want something that people will easily recall and recognize. Some examples of simple yet memorable Facebook business page names:

– The Home Depot
– Target
– Starbucks
– Amazon
– Walmart

These are all widely known brand names that are simple and stick in people’s minds. Using your established company name or a variation of it is one of the easiest ways to go when naming your Facebook page.

You also want to keep your actual name fairly short – ideally less than 20 characters. This allows it to fit nicely in the limited space allowed on Facebook.

Accurately Describe What You Do

While keeping it short and simple is ideal, you also want your Facebook business page name to accurately describe what your company does. This will help attract the right audience and allows people to instantly understand your focus and offerings.

Some examples of descriptive Facebook business page names:

– AMD – Technology/Semiconductor Company
– TOMS Shoes – Shoe Company with Social Mission
– Weight Watchers – Weight Loss Services
– Petsmart – Pet Supplies Retailer

Avoid names that are vague or confusing. Be as clear as you can about your niche, products or services. Your page name is valuable branding real estate – use it wisely!

Be Consistent with Other Branding

Ensure your Facebook business page name aligns with your existing branding and content on other platforms or channels. You want consistency across your website, other social media accounts, marketing materials, etc.

Having different names on different platforms can create confusion. People may not realize your various accounts are connected. Being consistent reinforces your brand identity.

If you operate locally, you can include your city, state or region in the page name. Just be sure it matches your overall brand voice.

Do Keyword Research

Conduct keyword research to see what terminology your target audience uses to search for your products or services online. Try to incorporate relevant keywords into your Facebook page name where possible.

For example, a wedding photography business could incorporate words like “wedding” or “photography” or a combination. Just be sure not to over-optimize or stuff too many keywords in. Natural and descriptive is best.

Examples of Effective Facebook Business Page Names

Here are some examples of real Facebook business pages with effective names:

Company Facebook Page Name
Southwest Airlines Southwest
Dunkin’ Dunkin’
The Home Depot The Home Depot
Weight Watchers WW (Weight Watchers)
bareMinerals bareMinerals
South Beach Diet South Beach Diet

As you can see, these companies opted for simple variations of their brand names – usually just the most recognizable words. This makes it easy for people to identify them and know what they’re about. They incorporated keywords where helpful but didn’t go overboard.

Tips for Brainstorming Your Facebook Business Page Name

When you’re ready to start brainstorming possible names for your business’s Facebook page, keep these tips in mind:

– Start by listing your main brand names, products, services, and keywords. This gives you elements to work with.

– Try combining important keywords with your primary brand name. For example: “ACME Software Solutions” or “ACME Computers”.

– Consider abbreviations or shortened versions that are still recognizable. For example using just the first letters: “SWA” for Southwest Airlines.

– Don’t worry about using exact match domain names. The page name doesn’t need to match your actual website URL.

– Ask others for feedback once you have some initial ideas. Get input from colleagues, partners, or customers.

– Review competitors for inspiration but don’t copy their names.

– Use Facebook’s search tool to check availability as you go.

– Start simple but have some backup options in case your first choice isn’t available.

Taking the time to carefully craft your Facebook business page name will pay off in the long run. A creative yet descriptive name can help drive brand awareness and engagement on one of the world’s most popular social networks.

Consider Your Target Audience

As you brainstorm possible Facebook page names, keep your target audience at front of mind. You want a name that will appeal to them specifically.

Ask yourself:

– What terminology do they use when discussing my products or services? Incorporate relevant keywords and language.

– What tone and image would appeal to them? Is a formal corporate name best or something more casual and approachable?

– Are there regional considerations? You may tailor a local brick and mortar store name to a specific city.

Really get into the mindset of your ideal customers as you develop name ideas. This will ensure the name resonates and makes sense to the people you most want to reach through your page.

Emphasize What Makes You Different

There are likely many companies in your industry or niche on Facebook. To stand out, emphasize what makes you unique in your page name.

For example:

– Eco-Friendly Cleaning Service
– John’s 24/7 Emergency Plumbers
– Organic Home Baked Goods Shop

Highlighting your differentiating factor – be it sustainability, great service, local ownership, or high quality – can help you get noticed. Just be sure to keep it natural and not overly promotional.

Adapt Your Name for Mobile

Keep in mind a large portion of visitors will view your Facebook page on mobile. Make sure your name is short enough to display well on small screens. Too many long words or extra descriptors can get cut off or be hard to read.

Visually imagine how the name candidates would look on a smartphone screen when making your choice. Aim for 12 characters or less.

Perform a Trademark Search

Before settling on your final Facebook page name, do a trademark search to make sure you aren’t infringing on another business’ rights. You can use the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s free search tool to check.

While it likely isn’t necessary to register your specific page name, you want to avoid any conflicts. If another company already has a trademark on a certain name, come up with an alternative. This can prevent legal issues down the road.


Choosing the perfect name for your business Facebook page is crucial. You want something memorable, descriptive, consistent, optimized for search, adapted for mobile, differentiated, and legally permissible.

While it may take some work to develop the ideal name, the investment of time and effort is well worth it. The name you select will represent your brand to the millions of active Facebook users you want to reach and convert into customers.

Take the naming process step-by-step:

– Brainstorm keywords, brand names, abbreviations, etc.

– Get feedback from others and test ideas.

– Ensure it resonates with your target audience.

– Check trademark availability.

– Visualize how it looks on mobile.

With an effective, strategic name in place, you’ll be off to a great start engaging your audience on the world’s largest social media platform.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about naming a Facebook business page:

Do I have to use my business name?

No, you don’t have to use your formal business name. Many companies opt for abbreviations or more informal versions of their brand name when naming their page. Just be sure it’s consistent with your overall brand identity.

Should my page name match my Instagram and Twitter handles?

Ideally, yes. You want consistency across the various social networks for better brand recognition. However, it’s not absolutely mandatory. Adapt as needed for each platform.

Can I change my Facebook page name later if I want?

Yes, you can change the name of your Facebook business page in the settings. There is no limit on how many times you can change the name. However, frequent name changes may confuse your audience so pick a name you plan to use long-term if possible.

Is a branded Facebook handle/username better than my name?

Most experts recommend using your actual business name in the page title for clarity. But having a branded handle (username after can also be beneficial, especially if you want a vanity URL for promotional purposes. You could do both – branded handle with descriptive page name.

Should I add my location to my Facebook page name?

If you operate locally, including your city, region or state can help users find you and know you serve a specific area. For larger brands focusing on broader outreach, a location may not be necessary.

What if my first choice isn’t available?

If someone already has your preferred name, try variations by adding location, abbreviations, etc. Or reach out to request the name if it appears inactive. If all else fails, get creative with a new name representing your brand. Availability shouldn’t hold you back.