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What is a good cover photo for Facebook?

What is a good cover photo for Facebook?

Having an eye-catching and effective Facebook cover photo is important for making a great first impression on your profile. Your cover photo is one of the first things people notice when visiting your timeline, so you want it to represent you or your brand well. But with so many options to choose from, it can be tricky to select the right image. Here are some tips on what makes a good Facebook cover photo and how to choose one that will enhance your profile.

The Basics

First, let’s go over the basic requirements for a Facebook cover photo:

  • Dimensions: 820 pixels wide x 312 pixels tall
  • File Size: Less than 100 KB
  • File Types: JPG or PNG

Keep these specs in mind as you select or design your cover photo. If your image is too small, it will be stretched and distorted. If it’s too large, Facebook will automatically compress and crop it, possibly cutting off important parts of the photo.

Subject Matter

When deciding what your cover photo should depict, consider your brand, business, or what you want to showcase on your profile. Some ideas include:

  • A relevant landscape/cityscape
  • You or your team
  • Your business logo or products
  • An event photo
  • Inspirational quotes/imagery
  • Your pet or hobby

Get creative but also stay true to your identity. Avoid selecting random stock images that have no connection to your page.

Design Tips

Keep these design tips in mind to make your cover photo as effective as possible:

  • Use high-quality images – Choose photos with good lighting and resolution to avoid a grainy or pixelated look.
  • Focus on one subject – Images with one central focus point grab more attention than busy or cluttered photos.
  • Use vibrant colors – Bright, saturated colors tend to attract more eyes.
  • Minimal text – The space is small, so one short phrase or tagline integrated nicely into the design is ideal.
  • Faces attract – Images with people tend to get more engagement as users are drawn to faces.

Cover Photo Ideas

If you need some specific ideas or inspiration for your Facebook cover photo, consider these options:

Nature Photos

Landscape images make classic, attractive cover photos that work for almost any page. Try using:

  • A sunset, beach scene, or body of water
  • Flowers and gardens
  • Forests, fields, or mountain vistas
  • Skylines or cityscapes

They give a peaceful, welcoming vibe. Just avoid overly processed or generic stock photos.

Event Photos

Help promote an upcoming or recent event you are participating in with a related cover photo such as:

  • A photo from last year’s event
  • The event venue
  • The event logo or branding
  • A promotional flyer graphic

This keeps followers excited and informed about your events.

Product Photos

If launching or featuring a new product, upload a visually striking photo of it. Or use:

  • A professionally styled product photo
  • A lifestyle image showing it in use
  • An artsy, creative abstraction of the product
  • Product packaging design

This can help boost interest and sales of the featured item.

Quote Images

Use inspiring quotes over background images to share an uplifting message. Try:

  • Short, positive quotes
  • Quotes from thought leaders or public figures
  • Motivational messages
  • Quotes related to your niche or industry

Change up your quote image periodically to give followers fresh inspiration.

Team Photos

Humanize your brand and showcase your employees by using fun team photos. Consider:

  • Group shots of your whole staff
  • Candid office photos and headshots
  • Pictures from company events or parties
  • Staff working together on projects

Images that show your company culture help connect with audiences.

Ideal Image Locations

Where you position and align your focal elements also impacts the cover photo design. In general, these are optimal image locations:

Location Why It Works
Left-aligned subject Aligning key elements to the left keeps them visible when profiles are narrow.
Top 1/3 area Keeps the subject visible behind your profile picture and above the fold.
Bottom 1/3 area Leaves space for your name and profile info while keeping focus elements in view.
Centered text Centering text makes it prominent and readable on most screens.

Experiment to find the composition that best suits your particular image.

Tools To Create Cover Photos

If you need help designing your ideal Facebook cover photo, try these useful tools:


Canva offers pre-made Facebook cover layouts you can customize with your own images and graphics for free. It has a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop gives you advanced editing capabilities to touch up, resize, reformat, and perfect photos for Facebook covers.


PicMonkey has many free templates, graphics, and design tools to create stunning Facebook cover photos within minutes.

Creative Market

This marketplace offers unique, professionally designed Facebook cover templates starting around $5. Purchase one then just update it with your own details.


Snapseed is a free mobile app with advanced filters and photo editing features ideal for sprucing up cover photo images on the go.

Cover Photo Design Inspiration

Looking for some visual inspiration for your Facebook cover? Browse these creative, effective examples:

Minimalist Nature Photos

These samples use simple landscape images for an understated look:

Event & Location Images

Covers that showcase events, destinations, and venues:

Product Photos

Samples utilizing stylish product photos and graphics:

Engaging Text Images

Cover examples using inspirational quotes and text:

Key Takeaways

To recap, main tips for selecting the ideal Facebook cover photo include:

  • Pick an eye-catching, high-quality image that represents your brand.
  • Focus on one central visual element when possible.
  • Use vibrant, interesting colors and subject matter.
  • Feature faces, products, events, quotes, or locations relevant to your page.
  • Position important parts of the image thoughtfully.
  • Create an original photo or customize a template using handy design tools.
  • Change your cover photo periodically for freshness.

With these guidelines in mind, you can craft a Facebook cover that makes a great first impression, delights followers, and effectively promotes your brand or business.


Your Facebook cover photo is valuable real estate for communicating your brand identity. Put thought and effort into selecting an image that represents you well and catches the eye. The most effective covers utilize high-quality, interesting photos; focus on one main visual point; and position elements strategically. With the right creative tools and design inspiration, you can develop the perfect cover photo to enhance your Facebook presence.