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What is a good content for FB reels?

What is a good content for FB reels?

Reels are the latest buzz on Facebook. These short, entertaining videos can help capture viewers’ attention and increase engagement on your Facebook Page or Profile. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users on Facebook, Reels present a major opportunity to reach a large audience. But creating compelling Reels content can be a challenge.

The most effective Facebook Reels feature entertaining or helpful content tailored to your target audience. They align with your brand voice and style. To create successful Reels, you need to understand best practices and what types of content perform well.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • What are Facebook Reels and how do they work?
  • Why you should be using Reels
  • Tips for creating engaging Reels content
  • Types of content that work well in Reels
  • Optimizing your Reels for discovery

Let’s dive in so you can start making Reels that captivate and convert!

What Are Facebook Reels?

Reels are short, entertaining videos up to 60 seconds long. They live on Facebook and Instagram. Users can record and edit them using creative tools within the Facebook or Instagram apps.

Reels have access to Facebook’s huge audience. They also benefit from cross-posting between Instagram and Facebook. You can easily convert Instagram Reels into Facebook Reels and vice versa.

Once published, Reels have content-sharing features that help them gain traction:

Reels Feed: A separate feed within Facebook and Instagram just for Reels. This gives them a dedicated space for discovery.

Sharing: Reels can be shared to Facebook Stories, Facebook News Feed, or via Direct Messaging. This gives them added visibility.

Music: You can add popular or trending music tracks to Reels. The music sticker helps them get discovered by people interested in that song.

So in summary, Reels are short-form, entertaining videos that have creative tools and built-in features to increase their reach.

Why You Should Use Reels

Here are the key advantages of using Reels for your business:

Reach New Audiences

The Reels feed gives your videos a chance to reach new audiences outside your existing followers. When people like, comment, or share your Reel, it spreads further.

Increase Engagement

Short, fun videos are naturally engaging. Reels are designed to be easily “liked”, shared, commented on, and remixed into new user-generated content.

Highlight Your Brand Personality

Reels let you showcase your brand personality and style. You can be funny, musical, helpful, or entertaining – it’s a chance to express creativity!

Promote Products or Services

Use Reels to highlight your products/services in action in a captivating way. They work great for unboxings, tutorials, or sharing exciting announcements.

Grow Your Following

Consistently posting fun, valuable Reels can help attract new, loyal followers to your business. Reels get extra visibility in the explore pages.

Increase Website Traffic

You can include links in Reels to drive traffic back to your website. Send people to products, blogs, services, or any useful resources.

Tips for Creating Engaging Reels Content

When making Reels, focus on creating content that captures attention quickly and keeps viewers watching. Apply these best practices:

Hook Viewers Right Away

The first 5 seconds are crucial. Use them to hook viewers with something eye-catching or surprising that makes them want to keep watching.

Educate or Entertain

Share educational tips, entertaining moments, or something funny. Useful “how-to” content or behind-the-scenes footage works very well.

Leverage Trends or Challenges

Use popular songs, dances, memes, or viral trends related to your niche. This helps people find your Reels organically.

Encourage Interaction

Ask viewers questions or invite them to respond in some way to increase engagement. This signals to the algorithm your content is resonating.

Use Captions

Include text overlays and captions to make your videos easily understandable without sound. Many watch Reels on mute.

Optimize Hashtags

Strategically include relevant hashtags so your Reels appear in searches related to those hashtags. Mix broadly popular hashtags with very niche tags.

Keep a Consistent Style

Use colors, music, editing, and overall style that aligns with your brand identity and vibe. This makes your Reels recognizable.

Types of Content That Perform Well in Reels

While you can get creative, some types of content have proven to consistently deliver results on Reels:

Behind-the-Scenes Footage

Give viewers a “glimpse behind the curtain”. Show what goes on at your office, store, or during production processes.


Quick list-style tips around “X ways to do Y” work very well to quickly provide value. They also prompt viewers to comment with their own tips.

Product Demos

Briefly demonstrate how your product or service works. Focus on showcasing the most exciting or helpful features.

Spotlight Customers

Show happy customers enjoying your product or service. This provides social proof. Make sure to get permission.

Spotlight Employees

Let individual employees introduce themselves and talk about what they do. This humanizes your brand.

Repurpose Existing Content

Turn snippets of blogs, videos, etc. into Reels content. Find the most engaging parts to showcase.

Utilize User-Generated Content

Reshare and feature happy customer posts. This shows you care about your community.

Teach a Skill

Show viewers how to do something step-by-step like a recipe, craft, dance move, etc. Keep it simple and fast-paced.

Poll the Audience

Ask viewers to weigh in on their preferences. For example, “Which logo do you like better – 1 or 2?”

Do a Q&A

Answer common questions from your audience. Maintain energy and keep answers concise.

Announce Upcoming Events/Products

Share news about sales, product launches, grand openings, etc. to generate buzz.

Optimizing Your Reels for Discovery

In addition to compelling content, you need the right optimization strategies. Apply these best practices:

Engage With Viewers

Like comments, respond, and engage with anyone who interacts with your Reel. This signals relevance.

Use Peak Times

Post when your audience is most active, typically before/after work hours and during lunchbreaks.

Post Daily

Posting 1-2 Reels per day can help build momentum and interest over time. Try not to let your page go inactive for too long.

Reuse Popular Content

If a Reel does well, reuse that content and post it again 1-2 months later for added reach.


Share your Reels on Stories and feed posts and vice versa. Promote them across your other social channels.

Run Ads

Use Facebook or Instagram Ads to increase views rapidly and reach people beyond your existing audience.

Analyze Performance

Check Insights to see your top-performing Reels and learn what content resonates best with your audience.


Reels present an exciting opportunity for brands on Facebook. The short-form, engaging video format can help you grab attention, highlight your brand personality, and grow your audience.

Focus on educational or entertaining content tailored to your audience. Hook viewers immediately, encourage interaction and sharing, and optimize for discovery. Types of content like behind-the-scenes, listicles, Q&As, and user-generated content tend to perform well.

By consistently posting captivating Reels using best practices, you can increase reach, engagement, website traffic, and followers. Reels help showcase your brand in a fun, creative way to the billions of people scrolling on Facebook.

Start brainstorming ideas and making Reels part of your social strategy. Meet your viewers where they already spend time – on Reels!