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What is a good comment for a picture?

What is a good comment for a picture?

When looking at a picture posted online, whether on social media or a photography platform, it can be nice to leave a positive and engaging comment. But knowing what to say can be tricky. Here are some tips on how to write a good comment for a picture.

Compliment the Photographer

Start by complimenting the photographer’s skills and vision. Mention specific techniques or choices you find effective. For example: “This shot is perfectly composed!” or “The lighting is gorgeous!” Let them know you appreciate their effort and artistry.

Describe What You Like

Pick out specific details that stand out to you and explain why they catch your eye. For instance: “The purple sunset colors are so vibrant and really make the landscape pop.” Describing what draws you in provides useful feedback.

Interpret the Photo Creatively

Offer your unique interpretation of the image. What does it evoke emotionally? What’s the story or meaning you see in it? For example: “This melancholic rainy day scene really makes me feel calm and reflective.” Creative insights are engaging.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

Pose thoughtful questions that show your interest in learning more. Ask about the location, subject matter, inspiration behind it, or techniques used. For instance: “Where was this taken? The mountains look beautiful!” Open-ended questions encourage dialogue.

Be Specific and Detailed

Vague praise like “Amazing!” or “Gorgeous!” is nice but doesn’t provide much value. Zoom in on something distinct you enjoy, using descriptive language. Sentences like “The soft out of focus foreground adds a dreamlike quality” show you looked closely.

Share Your Emotional Response

Reveal the feelings or memories the photo brought up for you personally. Maybe it reminds you of a place you’ve been or evokes certain emotions. For example: “This serene landscape makes me feel so peaceful and relaxed, like I’m right there.” An emotional reaction can resonate.

Avoid Clichés or Overused Phrases

Stay away from generic comments like “Beautiful capture!” or “So amazing!” While well-intentioned, overused phrases don’t provide details on what you find remarkable. Come up with a unique perspective instead.

Be Positive and Encouraging

Keep comments uplifting and constructive, not critical. Mention issues like lighting or composition gently and with suggestions for improvement. For example: “Have you tried adjusting the contrast? I bet that would make it pop even more.” Positivity nurtures talent.

Reference Specific Techniques or Skills

If you have photography knowledge, point out excellent use of skills like composition, framing, rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, patterns, texture, depth of field, perspective, etc. For instance: “Great use of the rule of thirds here. The horizon line sits perfectly.”

Compliment Editing Choices

Notice interesting post-processing like color grading, filters,cropping, collaging, etc. For example: “The black and white conversion creates such a mournful feeling here. Nice edit!” Appreciating polish shows you looked closely.

Mention Next Steps

Suggest ideas for the photographer to try next if you have them. For example: “You could really emphasize the sunlight filtering through the trees by increasing the contrast. Can’t wait to see more!” Forward-thinking compliments can motivate.

Sound Genuine and Natural

Good comments come from an honest place and use natural-sounding language. Be yourself and say what you truly notice and appreciate. Avoid overly complex or formal wording. Relax and comment as if talking to a friend.

Check Your Tone

Make sure your comment has a respectful and considerate tone, especially for photographers you don’t know. Avoid sounding overly familiar or making assumptions. Keep the focus on the photo itself and your reaction as a viewer.

Fit Your Comment to the Context

Consider the photographer’s relationship to you and the platform you’re commenting on. A comment to a friend can be casual, while public comments on a professional photography feed may warrant more thoughtfulness. Make sure your comment fits the situation.

Keep It Short and Sweet

You don’t need to write a novel! A sentence or two is often enough to make someone’s day and show you appreciate their work. Being concise ensures your message gets across. If you have lots of thoughts, you can always add on in another comment.

Check for Errors

Proofread your comment before posting to catch any typos or autocorrect errors. This shows you cared enough to re-read what you wrote and helps your message come across clearly.

Reply Thoughtfully to Replies

If the photographer engages with your comment, thoughtful replies continue the conversation. Answer any questions, offer clarification, express thanks, or provide additional observations. Thoughtful dialogue strengthens community.

Spread the Positivity

If you really love a photo, don’t keep the feeling to yourself! Sharing great work with others magnifies the encouragement. Tagging friends who would appreciate the image spreads the joy.


Posting an engaging, authentic comment on a photo is a great way to interact positively online. Thoughtful compliments make someone’s day and nurture photography skills. By focusing on details, interpreting meaning, asking questions, and avoiding clichés, you can craft comments that inspire. Share your unique perspective, be constructive yet kind, and create connections through considerate photo comments.