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What is a good bio for Facebook page?

What is a good bio for Facebook page?

Having a good bio for your Facebook page is essential for establishing your brand and connecting with your target audience on the platform. Your bio acts as an introduction to who you are and what you do, so it needs to make an impact and get people interested in engaging further with your page. Here are some tips on what makes an effective Facebook bio and how to write one that represents your brand.

Keep it Short But Impactful

You only have a limited amount of space to make an impression on Facebook, so your bio needs to be concise yet compelling. Ideally you want to keep it within 1-3 short sentences or around 30-80 words max. Being succinct will ensure people actually read your bio rather than scrolling past it if it’s too long. Focus on including the most important and interesting information about yourself or your business that will capture attention.

Highlight What You Do

One of the key purposes of your Facebook bio is to let people know what you do or what your brand offers. Include a brief description of your role, profession, products or services to give people an immediate idea of what you are about. For example “John Smith – Professional Wedding Photographer Specializing in Artistic Candid Photography” or “Sarah’s Bakery – Homemade Cakes and Baked Goods”. Keep it simple but make sure to include keywords that relate to your niche.

Engage With Your Audience

Your bio presents an opportunity to connect with your target audience, so think about what would appeal to them. Using language, phrases or buzzwords that resonate with your followers can help strengthen that engagement. Appeal directly to their needs and interests based on who they are as a demographic. This helps your bio feel more personable and less generic.

Communicate Your Brand Personality

Your bio can be a great way to communicate the personality behind your brand. Use descriptive words to create a certain mood or tone that captures the essence of your brand. Are you fun and playful? Sophisticated and elegant? Traditional and timeless? Build out your brand image with some selective words. Just ensure it aligns with your industry and target audience expectations.

Include A Strong Call-To-Action

End your bio with a strong call-to-action to provide followers with clear direction on what you want them to do next. This could be asking them to check out your website, shop your products or subscribe to your mailing list for example. Having a CTA gives people an obvious next step to further engage with your brand after reading your bio.

Tips for Writing Your Bio

When writing your Facebook bio, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be authentic – Let your personality shine through.
  • Speak directly to your audience – Use “you” and “your” to engage them.
  • Include keywords – Optimize for SEO where possible.
  • Proofread – Check thoroughly for typos/errors.
  • Use branding – Include your logo, brand colors, etc.

Mistakes to Avoid

Certain things should be avoided when crafting your Facebook bio:

  • Being too salesy or promotional – Keep it more conversational.
  • Using too many hashtags – This looks spammy.
  • Making it too generic – Personalize it as much as possible.
  • Including too much detail – You don’t need your whole life story.
  • Forgetting a call-to-action – Tell people what to do next.

Examples of Good Facebook Bios

Here are some examples of effective Facebook bios from different brands:

Brand Bio
Nike Just Do It. The world’s leading sports brand. Driven to push the limits of human potential.
Starbucks Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
TOMS With every product you purchase, TOMS will help provide shoes, sight, water, safe birth services and bullying prevention services to people in need.
Dove Helping women realize their personal beauty potential by creating products that deliver real care.

As you can see, these bios quickly communicate the brand’s purpose, products/services, and personality in a compelling yet concise way.

Tips for Personal Facebook Bios

The same principles apply when writing a bio for your personal Facebook profile. Here are some additional tips:

  • Lead with your name.
  • Include your job title/profession if relevant.
  • Share interests, hobbies or causes important to you.
  • Mention your hometown or current location.
  • Use a quote or mantra if it represents your outlook.
  • Show your personality – inject some humor if appropriate.

Examples of Good Personal Bios

Some example bios for personal Facebook profiles:

  • Amanda Smith – Yoga Instructor at ABC Studio. Plant lover. Rescuer of street cats. Proud Jersey girl.
  • Alex Chang – Director of Marketing @ Company XYZ. Foodie. Weekend hiker and aspiring photographer.
  • James Lee – Born in Singapore, living in Paris. Finance professional by day, avid traveller by night.

These bios immediately give you a sense of who the person is as an individual, not just their job title. The right balance of professionalism and personality.

Tips for Optimizing Your Bio for Search

In addition to engaging your audience, your Facebook bio presents an opportunity to optimize for search. Here are some SEO tips:

  • Include keywords people may search to find you/your business.
  • Use keyword phrases instead of single words where possible.
  • Repeat important keywords in a natural way.
  • Include your location to show up in local search results.
  • Use keywords in your name/username if able.
  • Add keywords in image filenames/alt text.
  • Link to your external website to build inbound links.

Do’s and Don’ts

Here is a quick recap of the do’s and don’ts when writing your Facebook bio:


  • Keep it short and impactful
  • Showcase your brand or personality
  • Engage your target audience
  • Include keywords strategically
  • Use branded images/logos
  • Include a strong call-to-action


  • Make it too long or rambling
  • Use too much jargon or industry terms
  • Be overly salesy/promotional
  • Use excessive hashtags or links
  • Leave it generic and impersonal
  • Forget to proofread for errors


Your Facebook bio is valuable real estate to make a stellar first impression and get people excited to engage with you further. Aim for an intro that is personalized, authentic, optimized for SEO, and motivating with a strong call-to-action. The bio is often the first touchpoint people have with your brand on Facebook, so ensure it captures attention and effectively communicates who you are and what you do.