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What is a Facebook zip file?

What is a Facebook zip file?

A Facebook zip file is a compressed archive that contains data from a Facebook user’s account. It can include photos, videos, messages, and other content. Facebook allows users to download a copy of their data, which is provided as a zip file for easy sharing and storage. This allows people to back up their Facebook information or transfer it to another service.

Why would someone download their Facebook data?

There are several reasons why someone may want to download a copy of their Facebook data:

  • Backing up their account – If a user is going to delete their Facebook account, they may want to download a backup first.
  • Transferring info to another platform – If moving to another social network, having Facebook data in a portable format makes transferring info and photos easier.
  • General personal records – Some users just like having a copy of their data for their own records and use.
  • Investigating account activity – If there are concerns about unauthorized access, downloading account data lets the user see login details and activity.
  • Academic research – Researchers sometimes use large sets of anonymized Facebook data to study social networking patterns and behavior.
  • Legal requests – Law enforcement may request Facebook account data for investigations or legal cases via proper procedures and paperwork.

What’s included in a Facebook zip file?

Facebook allows users to select what content they want to include in the downloaded zip file. This gives people control over what personal information they store and share. The types of data available are:

  • Photos and videos – All photos and videos uploaded by the user.
  • Posts – All text posts made by the user on their own timeline.
  • Messages – Private messages exchanged with friends or in groups.
  • Profile info – Name, bio, contact info, and other profile details.
  • Friends – List of friends and their contact info.
  • Following/followers – Pages and accounts the user follows or is followed by.
  • Login history – Details on login sessions and account access.
  • Other activity – Likes, reactions, comments, groups joined, and other account activity.

The zip file does not contain any data from a user’s friends or contacts – it is limited to the individual user’s own account details and content. The user can select all or only some of the categories to include.

How to download Facebook data

Downloading a copy of your Facebook data is easy and only takes a few steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings page and select “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu.
  2. On the “Your Information” page, click on “Download Your Information.”
  3. Choose the date range you want to include (ex: all time or just the last year).
  4. Select the types of information you want in the file – you can check all or only certain categories.
  5. Click the blue “Create File” button.
  6. Facebook will prep the file and email you when it’s ready to download – usually within a few hours or days depending on size.
  7. When ready, revisit the Your Information page and click “Download” to get the zip file.

The download file will have a generic name like “facebook-[your name].zip” and may be up to a few GB in size if you select all content. Be sure to save it somewhere safe and back it up if it contains important or sentimental data.

What’s inside a Facebook zip file?

When you open and explore a Facebook zip file, you’ll see subfolders and JSON files organized by data type:

  • photos_and_videos – Contains all your photos and videos from Facebook.
  • posts – Text and info on your own posts.
  • messages – All private messages sent and received.
  • profile – Profile info like name, bio, work, education, etc.
  • friends – List of your friends and their contact info.
  • followers_and_following – Pages and accounts you follow or are followed by.
  • security_and_login_information – Login records and account activity history.
  • comments – Your comment history and info.
  • likes_and_reactions – Things you’ve liked or reacted to.
  • groups – Groups you’ve joined and their data.
  • other_activity – Additional account actions and content.

Within each folder is a mix of actual files (photos, videos, etc) as well as JSON formatted data on your activities. The JSON files are easy to open and read through to see your full history of messages, likes, friends, and more.

How to view and read the data

Since a Facebook zip contains a bunch of well-organized folders and files, you can simply unzip it and browse through the content on your computer. Most operating systems have built-in zip utilities or you can download a free unzip program.

For convenience, you may want to load the unzipped Facebook data into an application like Documents by Readdle on iOS or DriveSync on Android. This makes it easy to view photos, videos, and JSON files on mobile devices.

To view JSON data on desktop, the files can be opened in any text or code editor. For a nicer visual representation, copy/paste the Raw JSON into a tool like JSON Formatter. This structures the data into an organized, collapsible tree for easier reading.

Photos and videos can of course be opened normally with image/video apps. Text files like messages and posts are also viewable in text editors.

Uses for the downloaded data

Once you’ve downloaded your Facebook data archive, there are many ways you can view, use, or analyze the information:

  • Backup important photos before deleting Facebook
  • Review your entire message history with someone
  • See a history of your posts and activity over time
  • Review profile info and contacts before deactivating your account
  • Select favorite photos to repost on a new platform
  • Analyze your data to see changes in your interests and activity over time
  • Do a security review of account access and logins
  • Find old messages and comments you want to reminisce on
  • Export data to another app or service

Researchers may also find aggregated and anonymized data useful to analyze social media patterns and behaviors. But individual zip files contain very personal information and should be handled carefully and ethically.

Is the data safe and secure?

Facebook takes care to protect user privacy when generating these download zip files. The company states:

“We remove certain information from your downloadable data, such as messages you’ve deleted. Your data may also include your posts, photos and date of birth, but not your email address or password. The data we provide is encrypted and only you have the decryption key.”

So content you’ve explicitly deleted, along with sensitive account credentials, are not included. Encryption ensures that only someone with your password can access the content.

However, it’s still important to store and dispose of the zip file properly:

  • Keep it in a secure, private location while using it.
  • Permanently delete it when finished if it has sensitive data.
  • Use password protection if placing it in cloud storage.
  • Enable device encryption if storing on a device.

In general, minimized sharing and retaining the file only as long as needed reduces privacy and security risks. But used properly by the account owner, the Facebook zip process lets people responsibly access their personal data.


Facebook’s “Download Your Information” tool provides an easy process for people to archive important memories and content for personal use. While the zipped data should be handled carefully, this gives users control over their information and improves transparency. Just be sure to review privacy settings before sharing any data further. With millions using social media daily, having straightforward data portability helps balance convenience with user control.