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What is a Facebook group moderator?

What is a Facebook group moderator?

A Facebook group moderator is someone who helps manage and oversee an online Facebook group. Moderators are appointed by the group creator or admin to ensure posts and discussions follow the group’s rules and guidelines. Their main role is to keep the group focused, civil, and spam-free.

What does a Facebook group moderator do?

The main responsibilities of a Facebook group moderator typically include:

  • Reviewing and approving/denying new member requests to join private groups
  • Deleting spam posts and comments
  • Removing offensive, abusive or inappropriate content
  • Issuing warnings and temporary bans to members who violate group rules
  • Deleting and banning repeat rule-breakers from the group
  • Mediating disputes between members and resolving conflicts
  • Engaging with members and answering questions
  • Updating and enforcing the group’s rules and posting guidelines
  • Promoting active discussions by posing questions and posting content
  • Reporting any concerning content to Facebook

In summary, the moderator acts as the eyes, ears and voice of the admin in keeping order, building community and guiding discussions in the group. They help facilitate a safe, constructive and engaging environment for all members.

What are the qualities of a good Facebook group moderator?

To be an effective Facebook group moderator, some important qualities and skills include:

  • Good judgement – Ability to use discretion and distinguish between harmless debates and harmful arguments.
  • Impartiality – Treat all members fairly when enforcing rules. Don’t play favorites.
  • Thick skin – Should not take angry responses or criticisms personally.
  • Decisiveness – Make tough calls when needed and stick by them. Don’t avoid conflicts.
  • Active listening skills – Hear all sides before determining the best course of action during disputes.
  • Clear communication – Explain rules and decisions clearly and respectfully to members.
  • Problem-solving skills – Resolve issues diplomatically and provide win-win solutions.
  • Team player – Work cooperatively with the admin and other moderators.

Moderators should also be familiar with Facebook’s content policies, group settings and moderation tools. Passion for the group’s purpose and strong ethics are desired to moderate effectively and build community.

What permissions does a Facebook group moderator have?

The specific permissions a moderator has depend on the settings chosen by the admin. Abilities can include:

  • Approving and denying posts and comments
  • Deleting posts and comments
  • Issuing warnings to members
  • Temporarily banning members
  • Permanently banning members
  • Editing or removing other moderator’s actions
  • Editing group info, categories, tags, cover photo and rules
  • Assigning roles like moderator or admin
  • Creating and deleting new admin roles
  • Promoting posts and events
  • Enabled/disabling commenting on posts
  • Turning on/off post approvals

Lower level moderators may only have abilities like comment moderation, while head moderators often have full admin privileges. The admin grants abilities to align with the trust and responsibilities given to each moderator role.

How do you become a Facebook group moderator?

There are a few ways to become a moderator in a Facebook group:

  1. Be invited – Admins often look for responsible, active members to invite as moderators.
  2. Volunteer – Member can express interest in moderating to the admin.
  3. Be promoted – Active member is given moderator status by admin.
  4. Take over – Admin grants ownership to member to run the group.
  5. Join team – Admin recruits moderators to application or interview process.

The best way is to become a familiar, contributing member of the group you wish to moderate and build trust with the admin. Being helpful, reporting content and demonstrating good judgement will get their attention.

Can you get paid to be a Facebook group moderator?

Most Facebook group moderators are volunteers. However, there are some ways moderators can earn money:

  • Get tips through Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee or other crowdsource funding from grateful group members.
  • Monetize a group by allowing approved/paid product promotions.
  • Sell merch (t-shirts, mugs) branded to loyal group fans.
  • Use affiliate links and promo codes in your posts and make commission on sales.
  • Provide paid specialized content (webinars, tutorials) to premium members.
  • Facebook also offers some moderator rewards through its Community Accelerator program.

Many active moderators also grow their brand and social media following which can lead to sponsorship deals, speaking engagements and other business opportunities.

What are the pros of being a Facebook group moderator?

Here are some of the pros and rewards of being a Facebook group moderator:

  • Help build and shape an online community you care about.
  • Gain leadership, communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Connect with people and make new friends.
  • Get advice and learn from other members.
  • Grow your personal brand and following.
  • Possible perks/rewards from donations or monetization.
  • Stand out for future job or volunteer opportunities.
  • Facebook recognition through badges and program incentives.

Moderators also enjoy knowing they are making a positive impact in their communities and helping create a constructive place for discussion.

What are the cons of being a Facebook group moderator?

Moderating also comes with challenges and downsides such as:

  • It’s time consuming and requires regular attention.
  • Having to deal with negativity, arguments and abuse.
  • Facing backlash for enforcing unpopular rules.
  • Stress when there are many issues needing resolution.
  • Little recourse against angry/vengeful banned members.
  • Minimal tools and support from Facebook.

Moderating is volunteer work so it can feel unappreciated and frustrating. Setting boundaries and sharing the workload helps prevent burnout.


In summary, Facebook group moderators are volunteers who help the admin manage and grow an online community. They monitor discussions, moderate content and foster a positive environment. Moderating requires good judgement, impartiality and communication skills. While mostly unpaid, it can provide valuable rewards in connections, leadership experience and community recognition.