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What is a Facebook fundraising page?

What is a Facebook fundraising page?

A Facebook fundraising page is a tool on Facebook that allows people to raise money for a cause, event, or personal need. Fundraising pages on Facebook make it easy for users to create a centralized place where people can donate. The pages include options to tell a story, upload photos/videos, and share updates to encourage donations.

How Do Facebook Fundraising Pages Work?

Facebook fundraising pages utilize the power of social media to spread awareness and collect donations. Here’s an overview of how they work:

  • A fundraiser creator sets up a dedicated page through Facebook’s Fundraisers tool.
  • The fundraiser page clearly states the cause or need for raising funds.
  • The fundraiser creator shares the page with friends, family, and networks on Facebook requesting donations.
  • When people click the donation button on the fundraiser page, they are directed to a secure payment page to submit the donation.
  • Donations are processed by Facebook’s payments system. The money goes directly to the nonprofit or cause.
  • The fundraiser creator can post updates, photos, videos, and comments to share the progress with donors.

Facebook does not charge any fees for personal fundraisers. The platform absorbs the costs itself, so 100% of donations reach the intended recipient. This makes Facebook fundraising one of the most efficient ways to raise money.

What Types of Fundraisers Can I Create?

Facebook’s fundraising tools are flexible enough to allow fundraising for a variety of causes or needs. Here are some common types of Facebook fundraisers:

  • Nonprofit fundraising – Many nonprofits create Facebook pages to raise awareness and collect donations. Users can set up fundraisers benefiting registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
  • Event fundraising – Fundraisers can support events like runs, walks, rides, tournaments, etc. The money covers event costs or gets donated to a related cause.
  • Personal cause fundraising – People can create fundraisers for personal causes or financial needs: medical bills, tuition, mission trips, pet veterinary care, etc.
  • Emergency/crisis fundraising – Facebook fundraisers often assist with natural disasters, humanitarian crises, family emergencies, etc.
  • Memorial fundraising – Memorial fundraisers help collect donations in memory of a loved one to support a cause they cared about.

As long as the fundraiser has a clear purpose that provides help or support, it can qualify for Facebook’s tools. Certain types of fundraisers are prohibited, like those raising money for illegal activities.

How Do I Create a Facebook Fundraiser?

Setting up a fundraiser through Facebook is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Click “Fundraisers” in the left menu of your Facebook account. This is visible on desktop and in the mobile app.
  2. Choose the option to create a new fundraiser.
  3. Select the nonprofit or cause to receive the funds.
  4. Give your fundraiser a title and summary explaining why you’re raising money.
  5. Set a fundraising goal amount and end date.
  6. Customize your fundraiser with photos, videos or a story to encourage donations.
  7. Press “Create” to publish your fundraiser and start receiving donations.

The process is optimized for quick setup on mobile. You can launch a fundraiser in just a few taps from your phone. Once created, the fundraiser page also provides options to share it via email, text, WhatsApp and other channels.

How Do People Donate to My Fundraiser?

There are a couple ways people can donate to a Facebook fundraiser:

  • Donate button – The fundraiser page features a prominent blue “Donate” button. When clicked, this takes donors to Facebook’s secure payments page.
  • Comment donation – Donors can type a dollar amount into the comment box on your fundraiser post. Facebook recognizes comment donations and includes them in your total.

The payment process supports credit/debit cards, bank accounts and Facebook Pay. Donors do need a Facebook account to contribute. All transactions are handled through Facebook Pagamenti, keeping financial info private and secure.

How Do I Withdraw Fundraiser Donations?

For personal Facebook fundraisers, the money raised can be easily transferred to your bank account. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to your fundraiser page and click “Withdraw”. This appears once you raise over $10.
  2. Select “Withdraw to bank account” and enter your bank account information.
  3. Facebook Pay will initiate an electronic transfer of your fundraiser balance to your bank account, typically within 5 days.

For nonprofit fundraisers, Facebook automatically sends donations to the selected organization monthly. The nonprofit does not need to withdraw it.

If any fundraiser donations are made through comment donations, Facebook will mail a paper check for those amounts.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Facebook Fundraisers?

Facebook provides an excellent platform for fundraising, but there are some notable advantages and disadvantages to consider:


  • Free to create and share fundraisers
  • Leverages existing social network on Facebook
  • Easy donation process integrated with Facebook Pay
  • Funds go 100% to cause for personal fundraisers
  • Can add updates, photos, comments to share progress


  • Need a Facebook account to donate
  • Possible donation fatigue among Facebook friends
  • Limited customization and integration options
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates required to keep momentum

Facebook Fundraiser Best Practices

To maximize the impact of your Facebook fundraiser, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Craft a compelling fundraiser story – Explain in detail why donations are needed and how funds will help
  • Set an ambitious but achievable goal – Ideal targets range from $1,000-$10,000
  • Ask close friends to donate first – This builds momentum and encourages others to give
  • Promote across social channels – Share your fundraiser page link on Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Post frequent updates – Share how the fundraiser is going, what donations have achieved
  • Use photos and videos – Visual content helps bring your story to life
  • Send direct outreach – Email and text close contacts directly asking them to donate
  • Tag and thank donors – Recognizing donors fosters community and engagement

Staying active with your fundraiser page provides the best chance of hitting your fundraising goal. Don’t just set it up and forget it!


Facebook provides a built-in fundraising solution to empower both nonprofits and individuals to raise money for their cause or needs. Facebook fundraisers tap into existing social networks to collect donations and spread awareness. While not suitable for all types of fundraising, the streamlined setup and promotion abilities make it worth considering for many fundraising scenarios.