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What is a Facebook call-to-action?

What is a Facebook call-to-action?

A Facebook call-to-action (CTA) is a button or link on a Facebook page, post, or ad that encourages users to take a specific action. CTAs help guide Facebook users towards desired goals and conversions for businesses or organizations. Effective CTAs are a key part of any Facebook marketing strategy.

Types of Facebook CTAs

There are several common types of calls-to-action used on Facebook:

Visit Website

This simple CTA directs users to the company’s website. It works well for increasing website traffic.

Shop Now

Retail businesses can use this to promote their online store and direct users straight to the shopping cart.

Learn More

If you want users to discover more about your business, products, or services, this CTA invites them to get more information.

Sign Up

For membership sites, SaaS companies, online courses, or other subscription services, this prompts users to create an account and join.


Offer users access to downloadable content like ebooks, coupons, or resources with this CTA.

Watch Video

Video views are a valuable Facebook metric. This CTA helps get more eyes on marketing and promotional videos.


Businesses hosting events can use this to get RSVPs and signups.

Book Now

Service providers like hotels, salons, and restaurants use this CTA to allow customers to schedule appointments or make reservations.

Contact Us

This facilitates leads and conversions by making it easy for interested users to get in touch.

Buy Now

The most direct CTA – this sends users right to the checkout to complete their purchase.

Where to Place Facebook CTAs

Effective placement is critical for Facebook calls-to-action. Here are the best places within Facebook to put CTAs:

Facebook Page Cover Photo

The large header photo at the top of a Facebook Page is prime real estate for a strong CTA. Various studies show the cover photo area has the highest click-through rate on Facebook Pages.

Facebook Page “About” Section

This is the first place users look to learn more about a Page. Including a CTA button here makes it easy for visitors to immediately take action.

Pinned Facebook Page Post

Pinning a post to the top of your Page ensures a CTA gets maximum visibility in the main feed.

Facebook Ads

CTAs are one of the most important elements of Facebook ads. Compelling calls-to-action boost ad engagement and conversions.

Facebook Image Posts

Adding a clickable CTA button overlaid on photo and video posts helps direct response.

Facebook Carousel Posts

You can include customizable CTA buttons on each frame of a Facebook carousel for greater exposure.

Placement Pros Cons
Cover Photo – Highly visible
– Large clickable area
– Limited to one CTA
About Section – Seen by all visitors
– Persistent placement
– Lower visibility
Pinned Post – Stays atop feed
– Repeated impressions
– Can only pin one post
Facebook Ads – Direct call to action
– Trackable conversions
– Costs ad spend
Image Posts – Engaging visuals – Smaller clickable area
Carousel Posts – Multiple CTAs – Individual frames less visible

Best Practices for Facebook CTAs

Follow these best practices when creating calls-to-action for Facebook:

Offer a Clear Next Step

Your CTA should clearly tell the user what to do, such as “Sign Up Now”, “Learn More”, or “Download”. Avoid vague or generic phrases.

Use Action Words

Lively action verbs encourage clicks. “Get”, “Find”, “Join”, and “Reserve” are great examples.

Keep it Concise

Short, succinct phrases are best for CTAs. Get your message across in as few words as possible.

Target Each Audience

Tailor your call-to-action to the specific segment you are targeting. Personalization boosts relevancy and conversions.

Match CTA to Objective

Be sure your call-to-action matches your desired goal, like email signups, content downloads, event RSVPs, etc.

Highlight CTAs Visually

Use contrasting colors, size, and other design elements to make CTAs stand out on the page.

Test Different CTAs

A/B test multiple CTA versions and placements to determine what resonates best with your audience.

Keep CTAs Consistent

Use the same CTAs across different campaigns and posts for a cohesive call to action.

Facebook CTA Best Practices Checklist

Here is a handy checklist of key tips to optimize Facebook calls-to-action:

  • Locate in high-visibility placements like cover photo
  • Craft a compelling, action-oriented phrase
  • Keep text short, clear, and concise
  • Target specific personas and goals
  • Make it scannable with good visual hierarchy
  • Drive clicks with contrast and color
  • consistently measure performance
  • Iterate and A/B test different versions

Examples of Effective Facebook CTAs

Let’s look at some real-world examples of great Facebook calls-to-action:


The media brand uses clear “Watch Now” and “Learn More” calls-to-action in their page header and posts.


This jewelry maker prompts visits to their website sale with a prominent “Shop Now” CTA placed over cover photo imagery.


The travel company drives downloads of their brochure using a pink “Request a Brochure” button in their cover image.

ollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club boosts conversions with a strong “Get Started” CTA in the header of their Facebook ad.


This travel site uses a bold red CTA reading “Get Inspired” with a suitcase icon to capture email newsletter signups.

SHORE Projects

“Shop Now” positioned prominently in the cover photo promotes this brand’s online store.

A/B Testing Facebook CTAs

A/B testing different versions of your call-to-action is crucial for optimization. Follow these tips when split testing Facebook CTAs:

Test Different CTAs

Try different phrases like “Sign Up Now” vs “Join Now” or including emojis or not.

Test CTA Colors

See if bright contrasting colors outperform dark or black CTAs.

Test CTA Placements

Put the CTA in different positions like header vs. main text.

Test Visual Treatments

Try versions with and without buttons, borders, icons, or other design elements.

Test Audiences

Target CTAs to different segments like demographics, interests, or buyer personas.

Measure Conversions

Track clicks, opt-ins, purchases, or other desired actions from each CTA variant.

Run for Statistical Significance

Let tests run long enough for the winning variation to emerge conclusively.

Measuring Facebook CTA Performance

It’s crucial to monitor Facebook CTA metrics to identify successes and areas for improvement. Key analytics to track include:


This shows the raw click-through rate and engagement for each CTA.


How many unique users are being exposed to your CTAs?


How often is each person seeing your CTAs?


Signups, downloads, purchases, or other goals completed from CTAs show their business impact.


Click-through-rate measures clicks relative to reach. Higher is better.


For paid ads, cost-per-click shows efficiency of ad spend. Lower is better.


Cost-per-acquisition calculates your true advertising cost to generate conversions.


Effective Facebook calls-to-action are critical for motivating users and driving conversions. By strategically placing CTAs, crafting compelling messages, applying design best practices, testing different variants, and monitoring key metrics, businesses can fully optimize their use of calls-to-action on Facebook for maximum results. With these tips and best practices, you can improve your Facebook marketing performance and grow your business.