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What is a community account on Facebook?

What is a community account on Facebook?

A community account on Facebook is a special type of page meant for representing communities, public figures, businesses, organizations, or other entities. Unlike regular Facebook accounts that represent individual people, community accounts allow multiple administrators to manage their presence on Facebook.

What are the key features of a Facebook community account?

Here are some of the main features and capabilities of a Facebook community account:

  • Allows multiple admins – A community account can have multiple administrators that have access to posting content, responding to users, analyzing insights, and managing ad campaigns.
  • Represents a brand/organization – The account represents a collective entity or organization rather than an individual.
  • Customizable profile/cover photos – Community accounts can customize their profile and cover photos to match their branding.
  • Posting abilities – Admins can publish posts that will appear in the followers’ News Feed.
  • Messaging – The account can respond to and initiate private conversations over Messenger with followers.
  • Insights – Page admins can view statistics and demographics about their followers and monitor post engagement.
  • Advertising – Community accounts have access to Facebook’s advertising platform to promote posts and ads.
  • Calls to Action – They can add customizable calls-to-action buttons like “Contact Us” or “Sign Up” to drive followers to take specific actions.

What’s the difference between a Facebook community account and a personal account?

There are some key differences between a community Page and a personal Facebook account:

Community Account Personal Account
Represents a business, brand, organization, etc. Represents an individual person
Has multiple administrators Just one account holder
Publicly visible content Can restrict visibility of content
Analytics about followers/engagement Very limited analytics
Can create ads and boosted posts Cannot advertise
Has Calls-To-Action buttons No call-to-action buttons

In summary, while personal accounts are meant for individual personal use, community accounts are tailored for organizations, brands, businesses, and public figures to manage their public presence on Facebook.

What are the steps to create a Facebook community account?

Following these steps will allow you to set up a community account on Facebook:

  1. Go to and click “Create New Account”
  2. Choose “Business or Brand” when prompted for account type
  3. Enter your business name, contact info, and category
  4. Add a profile picture and cover photo
  5. Select an appropriate username or have Facebook create one
  6. Choose privacy and tagging abilities
  7. Confirm account details and agree to Facebook’s terms
  8. Verify account via mobile number confirmation
  9. Once verified, the Page will be live and admins can begin posting content
  10. Admins can add other managers by going into Settings > Page Roles

It’s important to fill out key details accurately when setting up the Page, such as: category, contact info, hours, location, etc. This helps users find and engage with the community account.

How do you manage a Facebook community account?

To properly manage a community account, admins should:

  • Regularly post engaging content (text, images, video) that follows Facebook’s policies
  • Actively respond to users who comment or message the Page
  • Analyze Facebook Insights to see top posts, user demographics, when followers are online, etc.
  • Use Ads Manager to create targeted ad campaigns that promote the account
  • Add new administrators as needed to help manage messaging, content creation, and moderation
  • Set up an online content calendar to schedule posts in advance
  • Engage followers by asking questions, running polls and contests, going Live, etc.
  • Carefully monitor notifications and messages to address user inquiries or complaints

Properly managing a community account requires regularly monitoring the Page, posting engaging content, responding to users, analyzing insights, creating ads, and collaborating with other admins.

What are the different types of Facebook community accounts?

Facebook offers several different types of Pages tailored for specific community needs:

Business Pages

For companies, brands, stores, restaurants, or service providers to promote themselves and engage with customers.

Artist, Band, or Public Figure Pages

For musicians, artists, actors, influencers, speakers, and other public personalities to connect with fans.

Entertainment Pages

For TV shows, movies, games, podcasts, books, or other entertainment properties to build dedicated fan communities.

Company, Organization, or Institution Pages

For companies, non-profits, religious organizations, universities, or government institutions to share information publicly.

Community or Group Pages

For communities, neighborhoods, fan groups, or niche interest groups to discuss shared topics.

Pet Pages

For pets, animal non-profits, or veterinary services to share pet-related content.

So in summary, Facebook offers specially designed Pages for businesses, public figures, entertainment properties, organizations, communities, and even pets. Brands choose the type that best represents their entity.

What are some best practices for effectively using a Facebook community account?

Here are some top tips for using a Facebook community account effectively:

  • Post consistently – Don’t let the account go dormant. Post daily if possible.
  • Go Live occasionally – Stream videos to engage your audience in real time.
  • Respond to all user inquiries – Don’t ignore comments or messages.
  • Use high-quality visuals – Images and video boost engagement.
  • Leverage insights – Analyze data on your followers and posts to optimize content.
  • Run occasional contests/giveaways – Offer prizes to increase engagement and followers.
  • Promote account widely – Share Page link on website, other channels, etc.
  • Use ads – Run targeted ad campaigns to reach more potential followers.
  • Tag location – Geotag posts if representing a local business.
  • Add Contact info – Make it easy for people to get in touch.

Following Facebook best practices takes some work, but leads to greater visibility, higher engagement, and more followers over time.

What are some common mistakes to avoid with community accounts?

When managing a Facebook community account, admins should avoid:

  • Not having a profile/cover image – This makes accounts seem incomplete.
  • Posting infrequently – Pages become irrelevant without fresh, regular content.
  • Poor community management – Ignoring users or not monitoring notifications causes problems.
  • Spam posting – avoid sharing low-quality posts repeatedly.
  • Hard-selling constantly – Avoid overly promotional messages.
  • Violating Facebook policies – Carefully review Facebook’s terms to avoid bans.
  • Impersonating others – Don’t pretend to be someone else.
  • Sharing misinformation – Always fact-check before posting.

Avoiding these common pitfalls helps ensure that community accounts remain active, engaging, compliant, and useful for connecting with target audiences in a positive way.

What are some popular community account examples on Facebook?

Some of the largest and most engaging community accounts on Facebook include:

  • Coca-Cola – 106 million followers
  • Facebook – 103 million followers
  • YouTube – 98 million followers
  • Samsung Mobile – 85 million followers
  • ESPN – 38 million followers
  • NASA – 33 million followers
  • Netflix – 35 million followers
  • GoPro – 18 million followers

These examples showcase major consumer brands, media companies, public entities, and other organizations using Facebook community accounts to share content, engage audiences, and grow their visibility.


Facebook community accounts provide a powerful platform for organizations, businesses, brands, public figures, communities, and other entities to establish an official presence on Facebook. By allowing multiple administrators, custom branding, posting abilities, advertising options, and Insights analytics, community accounts help organizations manage and develop their public identity on the world’s largest social network.

Setting up and properly managing a Facebook community account does require commitment and strategic effort. Still, organizations that invest time into creating content, engaging with followers, analyzing data, and running ads can build vibrant online communities that connect with target audiences and achieve marketing objectives.