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What is 1200 x 628 pixels on Facebook?

What is 1200 x 628 pixels on Facebook?

When creating images and videos for Facebook, it’s important to understand Facebook’s requirements for image and video dimensions. Knowing the optimal sizes will ensure your visual content looks great on desktop and mobile.

One common image size used on Facebook is 1200 x 628 pixels. But what exactly does this size mean and when should you use it? In this article, we’ll break down the meaning of 1200 x 628 pixels and when to use this Facebook image size for best results.

What Does 1200 x 628 Pixels Mean?

To understand what 1200 x 628 pixels means, let’s first look at what image resolution and dimensions refer to:

– Resolution refers to the total number of pixels that make up an image. Resolution is displayed as two numbers, such as 1200 x 628.

– The first number refers to the width of the image in pixels. So for 1200 x 628, the width would be 1200 pixels.

– The second number refers to the height of the image in pixels. For 1200 x 628, the height would be 628 pixels.

So an image size of 1200 x 628 means the image would be:

– 1200 pixels wide
– 628 pixels tall
– Total resolution of 1200 x 628 = 753,600 pixels

PPI and Image Quality

Resolution also relates to an image’s pixels per inch (PPI). PPI refers to the density of pixels contained within a square inch of an image.

Higher pixel density results in clearer, higher quality images. For images viewed online, a PPI of 72 or greater is recommended.

At 1200 pixels wide and a standard 72 PPI, this would mean the 1200 x 628 image would display at roughly 16.5 inches wide.

But when uploaded to Facebook, images are resized to fit different layouts. So the full 1200 pixel width may not be maintained.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio of an image refers to the proportional relationship between its width and height.

It’s calculated by dividing the width by the height.

For a 1200 x 628 image, the aspect ratio is:

1200 (width) / 628 (height) = 1.91

So this image would have an aspect ratio of around 1.91:1.

Knowing the aspect ratio helps design images that fit the proper orientations for different contexts.

When to Use 1200 x 628

So when should you use the 1200 x 628 pixel size? Here are some common ways this image size works well on Facebook:

Facebook Link Posts

When you upload an image to share as a link post on Facebook, 1200 x 628 is an optimal size.

For example:

Image Width 1200 pixels
Image Height 628 pixels

At this size, the image will display nicely in Facebook’s news feed on both desktop and mobile.

1200 pixels wide fills most of the available space in the link post layout. And 628 pixels high falls within the ideal height range.

Facebook Event Cover Images

For Facebook Event cover images, 1200 x 628 is also a recommended size.

The Event cover photo appears at the top of the Facebook Event page to showcase the event.

Here are the ideal Event cover image dimensions:

Width 1200 pixels
Height 628 pixels

At 1200×628 pixels, the cover image will look great on desktop and mobile layouts.

Facebook Ads

For Facebook ad images, 1200 x 628 is one of the recommended image sizes.

According to Facebook’s current image guidelines, 1200 x 628 is the ideal size for single image Facebook ads.

Ad Type Dimensions
Single Image 1200 x 628

This size ensures the image will display properly across placement types and devices.

Facebook Open Graph Images

1200 x 628 is also one of the recommended image sizes for Facebook Open Graph images.

Open Graph metadata allows you to control what images, titles, and descriptions display when your webpage is shared on Facebook.

For the Open Graph images, Facebook recommends:

Image Type Dimensions
Open Graph image 1200 x 628

So 1200 x 628 pixels is considered an optimal Open Graph image size for Facebook shares.

Other Ideal Facebook Image Sizes

While 1200 x 628 is a common Facebook image size, there are a few other dimensions that work well too:

Profile Images

For personal Facebook profile pictures, a minimum size of 170 x 170 pixels is recommended. Square images at 320 x 320 and 1080 x 1080 pixels also display well.

Shared Link Thumbnails

When adding a link post, Facebook auto-generates a preview thumbnail from the page’s images. For ideal results, Facebook recommends thumbnail images be 1200 x 630 pixels.

Facebook Page Cover Images

Facebook Page cover images appear at 820 pixels wide on desktop. For best results, Page cover images should be 820 x 312 pixels.

Image Size Requirements in 2022

As we move into 2022, it’s expected Facebook will continue requiring the following image sizes:

Image Type Recommended Size
Shared Link Image 1200 x 628
Open Graph Image 1200 x 628
Ad Image 1200 x 628
Profile Picture 320 x 320
Page Cover Image 820 x 312

These standard sizes ensure images continue to display properly across different views and devices.

It’s likely Facebook will make small adjustments to recommendations as needed. But these core sizes provide a reliable starting point when designing Facebook content.

Tools for Resizing Images

To meet Facebook’s image requirements, you’ll need to resize and crop images to the optimal dimensions.

Here are some helpful tools for resizing:


Canva provides pre-sized Facebook templates for posts, covers, ads, and more. Just design right within the template or easily drag and resize images.


PicMonkey is an online photo editor with many templates sized specifically for Facebook. It has automated resizing tools to quickly adjust images.

Adobe Photoshop

Industry leader Photoshop offers precise image resizing capabilities. Use the crop and resize tools to input exact dimensions and ratios.


GIMP is a free photo editing program with crop, scale, and resize options. You can numerically set width, height, resolution, and aspect ratio.


This free web app compresses images and resizes to exact pixels. Just upload, enter dimensions, and download optimized files.

How to Find an Image’s Size

To check if an existing image meets Facebook’s size requirements, you’ll need to confirm its dimensions and resolution.

Here are a few ways to find out an image’s size:

On Windows

Right click the image file, select Properties, and look at the Details tab. This will show width, height, and other specs.

On Mac

Select the image, press Command + I, then look for Dimensions to see pixel width and height.

In Photo Editors

Most editing apps like Photoshop display the image size near the top or in image metadata.

Using Paint

Open the image in Paint, click the Page Setup link, and look for image dimensions.

Online Viewers

Sites like Pic2Map let you upload an image to view its size, resolution, and other info.

Ideal Image Formats for Facebook

In addition to proper sizing, you’ll want to save images in formats optimized for web:

Format Benefits
JPG Smaller file size, displays millions of colors
PNG Supports transparency, lossless quality
GIF Animated images, simple graphics

Avoid overly large files like RAW photos. Stick to standard web formats for best results on Facebook.

Video Dimensions for Facebook

Along with images, video is an important visual medium on Facebook. Videos should be formatted with these ideal dimensions:

Video Type Dimensions
Square Video 1080 x 1080 pixels
Vertical Video 1080 x 1920 pixels
Landscape Video 1920 x 1080 pixels
Facebook Ad 1920 x 1080 pixels

Similar to images, these sizes ensure videos display properly across Facebook feeds, pages, and devices.


To recap, 1200 x 628 pixels is a highly recommended image size for Facebook. This versatile dimensions works nicely for:

– Link posts
– Event covers
– Ads
– Open Graph images

Combined with proper image formats and quality, 1200 x 628 pixels will display beautifully on Facebook.

Knowing the ideal image and video sizes is an important part of creating engaging visual content. With this guide, you have the key Facebook dimensions to design and resize eye-catching images and videos.