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What if you forgot your Facebook password?

What if you forgot your Facebook password?

Forgetting your Facebook password can be a frustrating experience, especially if you rely on the platform to stay connected with friends and family. Luckily, with the right steps, you can easily recover or reset your Facebook password.

Why did you forget your Facebook password?

There are a few common reasons why you may have forgotten your Facebook password:

  • You don’t use Facebook very often. If you only log in every few weeks or months, it’s easy to forget your password.
  • You recently changed your password and forgot the new one. We’ve all been there – you update your password for security reasons but don’t immediately commit the new one to memory.
  • You’re using a very old password. If your Facebook password is the same one you’ve had for years, it can be tough to recall.
  • You have password fatigue. The average person has over 100 online accounts with passwords. It’s impossible to remember all of them.

How to recover your Facebook password if you forgot it

If you’ve forgotten your Facebook password, don’t panic. Here are the steps to easily recover and reset your Facebook password:

  1. Go to and click on the “Forgot Password” link. This is located under the password field on the Facebook login page.
  2. Enter your email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account. This will allow Facebook to send you a password reset link.
  3. Open the password reset email from Facebook. The email will come from [email protected]. Click on the “Reset Password” link in the email.
  4. You’ll be directed to the Facebook password reset page. Here, you can enter a new password for your account. Be sure to choose a strong, new password you’ll remember.
  5. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page. Your password will now be reset to your new one.
  6. Log into Facebook with your new password. You should now be able to access your account again.

The entire Facebook password reset process only takes a few minutes. As long as you have access to the email or phone number on your Facebook account, you can easily regain access.

What if you don’t have your recovery email or phone number?

Things get a bit trickier if you don’t have access to the primary email or phone number associated with your Facebook account. Here are a few options to try:

  • Use your backup email or phone number. Facebook allows you to add secondary contact options to your account in case you lose access to your primary contact.
  • Fill out the Facebook hacked form. This form allows you to report your account was hacked and attempt to recover it.
  • Upload your ID. Facebook may ask you to submit a scan or photo of your government ID to verify account ownership.
  • Answer your security questions. If you set these up, Facebook will prompt you to answer them to prove it’s really you.

Recovering your account without your primary contacts takes more time and effort, but is possible in many cases. Be prepared to wait a few days for Facebook to review your request and reclaim your account.

Tips to avoid forgetting your Facebook password again

Once you reset your Facebook password, you’ll want to make sure you don’t forget it again. Here are some tips:

  • Save your password in a password manager. Tools like LastPass store passwords securely behind one master password.
  • Write your password down on paper and keep it somewhere safe. Old school, but effective.
  • Come up with a clever mnemonic device or phrase to help you remember it.
  • Don’t use a password that’s easy to guess, like your name or birthday.
  • Update your recovery options to use an email and phone number you’ll always have access to.

How to see passwords you’ve used for Facebook before

If you remember an old Facebook password but can’t recall your current one, you may be able to unlock your account with a previous password. Here’s how to view your password history:

  1. Go through the Facebook password reset flow until you reach the page to enter a new password.
  2. Underneath the new password fields, click “Use a past password instead.”
  3. A list will appear showing your 5 most recent old passwords. Click the one you remember.
  4. Enter it to unlock your account. You can then reset your password again to something new.

Facebook keeps your last 5 previous passwords on file in case you forget your current one. This history comes in handy if you vaguely remember an old password but can’t recall the newer one.

The risks of using the same Facebook password elsewhere

Reusing passwords across multiple sites and accounts can be dangerous. If your Facebook password is the same as your password for another popular site like Google or Amazon and it gets leaked in a data breach, hackers can access your other accounts using that same password.

To illustrate the risks, here’s an example scenario:

  • Your Facebook password is the same as your Gmail password – let’s say it’s “password123”
  • One day, the LinkedIn database gets hacked, and due to password reuse, your “password123” password gets leaked.
  • Hackers take your leaked LinkedIn password and try it on other popular sites like Facebook and Gmail.
  • Because you reused “password123” everywhere, the hackers can now access your Facebook account and email.

This demonstrates why using unique passwords everywhere is crucial for security in the digital age. Password managers like 1Password make it easy to generate and store strong, random passwords for all your accounts.


Forgetting a Facebook password is annoying but fixable. Use the Facebook password recovery options, reset your password to something new, and start using a password manager. With stronger security practices, you’ll stop finding yourself locked out of your accounts.