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What if the hacker changed my Facebook email and password?

What if the hacker changed my Facebook email and password?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a scary and frustrating experience. Your private information is at risk, and you could lose access to all your photos, messages, and connections on the platform. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through all the steps you need to take to recover your account and secure it for the future.

How do I know my Facebook account has been hacked?

There are a few key signs that your Facebook account may have been compromised:

  • You are suddenly logged out of Facebook and cannot log back in using your password.
  • Your friends report seeing strange posts, messages, or friend requests sent from your account.
  • You receive alerts about password reset requests you did not initiate.
  • You notice new emails in your Facebook notifications that you did not add.
  • You see charges for purchases through Facebook that you did not make.

If you notice any of these issues, it’s likely your account has been hacked and immediate action is required to regain access.

How did my Facebook get hacked in the first place?

There are a few common ways hackers can gain access to your Facebook account:

  • Weak or reused passwords – If your Facebook password is easy to guess, or you use the same password on multiple sites, hackers can easily steal your credentials through data breaches.
  • Phishing scams – Fake emails or messages can trick you into entering your login details on fake Facebook pages.
  • Malware or viruses – Malicious software downloaded to your device can capture your account info.
  • Suspicious third-party apps – Connecting your Facebook account to questionable apps can expose your data.
  • SIM swapping – Hackers can hijack your phone number and use it to access your accounts.

The best defense is using strong unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, installing antivirus software, and being cautious about third-party apps and links.

I can’t log into my Facebook account – what should I do?

If you find yourself locked out of your Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Try resetting your password – Go to the Facebook login page and click “Forgot Password?” to trigger a reset link.
  2. Check your email address – Make sure you don’t have any notifications from Facebook about suspicious activity.
  3. Use password recovery options – Facebook may prompt you to recover your account by verifying your identity or regaining access to your email or phone number on file.
  4. Submit ID verification – Facebook offers ID verification as a last resort to prove you are the legitimate account owner.
  5. Seek help from Facebook support – If other options fail, file a report with Facebook detailing your case to get help regaining access.

Act quickly, as the longer a hacker has access the more damage they can potentially do to your account. Enabling two-factor authentication after regaining access is highly recommended.

I think the hacker changed my email and password. What now?

If the hacker has gone so far as changing your Facebook email and password associated with your account, recovering your account will be more difficult but is still possible:

  1. Identify your original email and password – Think back to the credentials you initially used to open your Facebook account.
  2. Use the password recovery flow – Even if your email was changed, Facebook may still have your original address on file to recover.
  3. Prove your identity – Submit copies of your photo ID or other details to prove you are the legitimate account owner.
  4. Check previous locations – Provide locations where you previously logged into Facebook from to verify your identity.
  5. Provide account details – Information like your timeline details, friends list, photos, or Facebook groups can help prove the account is yours.
  6. Contact Facebook support – As a last resort, explain your situation to Facebook support for personalized help.

With persistence and patience, there is a good chance you can regain access even with changed credentials. Make sure to enable extra security features once your account is restored.

How do I enable two-factor authentication?

Once your account is recovered, enabling two-factor authentication is highly recommended as an extra layer of security:

  1. Log into Facebook and go to Settings.
  2. Click “Security and Login”.
  3. Select “Use two-factor authentication” and follow the prompts.
  4. Choose to use codes sent to your mobile device or an authentication app to complete login.
  5. Save backup codes in case you ever lose access to your mobile device.

With two-factor authentication enabled, hackers will not be able to access your account even if they have your password. The inconvenience of the extra step is worth it!

How can I check if other accounts are compromised?

Once one account is hacked, it’s wise to check if the breach has extended to other accounts as well:

  • Reset the passwords for your email, bank, and other important accounts.
  • Look for any suspicious activity within the accounts, like new devices or locations.
  • Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible to add an extra layer of security.
  • Run antivirus scans to check for any potential malware or keyloggers.
  • Consider services like HaveIBeenPwned to see if your info appears in known data breaches.

Taking proactive steps across your online accounts can prevent further damage and help identify potential weak points the hacker could exploit.

What steps can I take to further secure my Facebook account?

After regaining access to your compromised Facebook account, taking measures to lock it down can help prevent a repeat hack:

  • Change your password to a strong, unique one you don’t use elsewhere.
  • Remove any connected apps or third-party services you don’t use.
  • Carefully check privacy and security settings.
  • Turn on login alerts to be notified of suspicious activity.
  • Delete old posts or info hackers could leverage in social engineering.
  • Limit past posts visibility and be choosy with friend requests.

A few smart changes can significantly boost your account security and make you a much harder target in the future.

Should I delete my Facebook account after being hacked?

Deciding whether to delete your Facebook account after being hacked comes down to personal preference:

Keep Facebook Account Delete Facebook Account
  • Allows you to reconnect with friends and family
  • Keeps your memories and photos accessible
  • Can enable extra security like two-factor authentication
  • Lets you monitor for any continued suspicious activity
  • Removes risk of repeated hacks or personal data leaks
  • Frees you from stress over account security issues
  • Forces hacker out by eliminating their access completely
  • Allows for a fresh start by opening a new account

There are good reasons for keeping or deleting your account. Consider your personal use, the extent of the breach, and if you still feel comfortable on the platform. You can always export your data for backup first before deleting.

What legal action can I take if my account is hacked?

If your Facebook account is hacked, you may want to explore legal options:

  • Report hacking attempts to the Internet Crime Complaint Center.
  • Contact local law enforcement to file a report if identity theft has occurred.
  • Speak to an attorney about civil litigation options depending on your specific case.
  • Facebook may work with law enforcement and provide data to assist investigation and prosecution.
  • Get documentation from Facebook about the unauthorized access for evidence.

While catching the actual hacker can be unlikely, reporting the issue and involving law enforcement creates an important paper trail. Facebook is often willing to cooperate on criminal cases when accounts are compromised.

How can I avoid being hacked on Facebook in the future?

Some best practices to boost your Facebook security include:

  • Use a unique, complex password and change it regularly.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Be wary of phishing attempts and suspicious links.
  • Avoid connecting third party apps when possible.
  • Check privacy settings and limit profile visibility.
  • Monitor your account for suspicious activity.
  • Keep software and apps up to date.
  • Use password managers and antivirus software.

With good password hygiene, heightened skepticism, and extra security measures, you can significantly reduce your risk of experiencing a Facebook hack.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be stressful, but taking swift action to secure your account and modify settings can help mitigate the damage. While hackers are getting increasingly sophisticated, there are also more tools than ever to lock down your account and prevent unauthorized access.

Use this incident to reevaluate your broader online security practices as well. Applying lessons about using unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and monitoring for suspicious activity can better protect all your critical online accounts.

With vigilance and safer habits, you can regain control of your compromised Facebook account and prevent future hacks across other services. Don’t let the hackers keep you down!