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What if someone hacked my Facebook and changed my email phone number and password?

What if someone hacked my Facebook and changed my email phone number and password?

What are the signs that my Facebook account has been hacked?

There are a few key signs that your Facebook account may have been compromised by a hacker:

  • You are locked out of your account or unable to log in
  • Your profile picture, cover photo, or other account settings have been changed without your knowledge
  • You see posts, messages, or comments on your timeline that you did not create
  • Your friends report seeing strange posts or messages from your account
  • You receive password reset emails for your Facebook account unexpectedly
  • You notice new friend requests have been sent from your account to people you don’t know

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action quickly to secure your account. Hackers who gain access to a Facebook account may change settings, post spam, or access private information.

How can a hacker gain access to my Facebook account?

There are a few common ways hackers can hijack a Facebook account:

  • Guessing or phishing your password: Hackers may guess weak passwords or use phishing scams to trick you into revealing your login credentials.
  • Malware or spyware infection: Downloading infected files or visiting compromised websites can allow hackers to steal passwords or other private data.
  • Data breaches: If your email and password are exposed in a website data breach, hackers may try reusing them to access other accounts like Facebook.
  • Session hijacking: Hackers can intercept or mimic an active login session to gain temporary access, even without your password.

Protecting your login credentials is crucial. But even strong passwords can be compromised, so it’s important to watch for signs of unauthorized access.

What should I do if my Facebook is hacked?

If you believe your Facebook has been hacked, here are some steps to take right away:

  1. Log out of all active Facebook sessions: From your account settings, log out of all browsers and devices. This will kick the hacker out of your account if they’re currently logged in.
  2. Change your password: Set a new, strong password that the hacker won’t be able to guess. Make sure you haven’t reused it anywhere else.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication: Add an extra layer of security by requiring a code from your phone anytime someone logs in.
  4. Check account settings for changes: Look for any modifications to your profile, photos, email, phone number, apps, ads, or security settings.
  5. Remove suspicious posts or messages: Delete any content you didn’t create, especially spam posts your friends may have seen.
  6. Contact Facebook support: Report unauthorized access so Facebook can take action and help secure your account.

Taking these steps quickly can stop the hacker from doing further damage or gaining more of your personal information. Make sure to scan your computer for malware too, in case that’s how they got access initially.

How can I recover or regain access to my hacked Facebook account?

If the hacker changed your password and you can no longer log in, use Facebook’s account recovery options to try regaining access:

  • Request a password reset email sent to your email on file or a backup email you’ve added
  • Enter your phone number to receive a code to confirm your identity
  • Answer your account’s security questions if you set them up
  • Upload a copy of your photo ID to prove your identity
  • Use a recovery code you previously downloaded in case you ever got locked out

If none of those options work because the hacker changed your email, phone, and security settings, you can fill out Facebook’s account recovery form detailing proof of ownership. Provide any info you have about the creation of the account, original emails and passwords used, locations you logged in from, etc.

Facebook’s security team will review your request and try to confirm you are the rightful account owner. The process may take a few days. Keep checking back on the recovery form page for updates on their investigation.

How do I restore my account if the hacker deleted it entirely?

If the hacker doesn’t just change your password but completely deletes your Facebook account, the process to restore it is:

  1. Go to Facebook and click Create New Account
  2. When prompted, click the link saying “No longer have access to these?” under the email/phone fields
  3. Facebook will then guide you through steps to recover and restore your deleted account

You’ll need to confirm it’s your account by providing info only you would know, like previous emails, locations, etc. As long as you can prove ownership, Facebook can reinstate a deleted account as long as it was removed within the last 30 days.

Should I create a new account if my Facebook is hacked beyond recovery?

If you’ve exhausted all account recovery options and Facebook’s security team is unable to restore your compromised account, you may need to create a brand new account and start fresh. Here are a few pros and cons of this approach:


  • You’ll have a clean slate with no leftover spam or changed data
  • You can set new passwords and enable extra security precautions
  • You don’t have to recover or notify all your original friends


  • You’ll lose your network of connections and have to add friends again
  • Your photos, posts, messages, and memories will be gone
  • Your profile URL will change, so you’ll have to notify contacts

Overall, assessing the extent of the account compromise and how much history you stand to lose can determine if starting fresh makes sense. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons based on your specific situation.

What steps can I take to better secure my Facebook account in the future?

Here are some key tips to boost your Facebook account security going forward:

  • Create a strong, unique password using a mix of letters, numbers and symbols
  • Don’t use the same Facebook password anywhere else online
  • Set up two-factor authentication for logins
  • Be cautious of phishing emails, texts and phone calls asking for your login info
  • Limit the personal info you share publicly on your profile
  • Only accept friend requests from people you actually know
  • Check your privacy settings and limit who can see your posts/info
  • Install antivirus software and keep apps/operating systems up to date
  • Turn on login alerts to monitor account access
  • Use Facebook’s security checkup to enable other protections

Applying extra password and security protocols can help safeguard your account. But staying vigilant for any strange activity is also key to identify unauthorized access quickly before greater damage occurs.

What legal recourse do I have if someone hacks my Facebook account?

If your Facebook account is hacked, you may have several legal options to explore, including:

  • Reporting the hacker to Facebook so they can disable the account
  • Filing a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center
  • Reporting identity theft if personal information was stolen from your account
  • Taking the hacker to civil court by filing a lawsuit for damages such as emotional distress
  • Pressing criminal charges if the hacking broke laws like the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Facebook itself will try to disable any account being used for unauthorized or criminal activity. Collecting evidence like screenshots and account access logs will make it easier to build a case against the hacker.

It’s challenging to identify and prosecute individual hackers, but legal action sends a strong message and may offer some remedy for hacked accounts, especially if damages are extensive.

Can Facebook restore or recover my hacked account if the hacker deleted everything?

If a hacker gains access to your Facebook account and deletes everything, including your posts, photos, videos, messages, and friends list, it can be difficult for Facebook to completely restore it to the state it was in before the hack.

Here are a few key points on Facebook’s ability to recover deleted data:

  • Facebook does keep backups of accounts, so they can restore some of your info and settings even if a hacker deletes it
  • However, those backups are not comprehensive, so Facebook may only be able to partially recover your hacked account
  • The more that was deleted, the less Facebook will likely be able to reinstate
  • If your account was compromised more than 90 days ago, the backup data may no longer be available
  • You can try requesting a backup copy of your Facebook data to see what’s retrievable

While Facebook will try to restore what they can, the service does warn that content deleted by a hacker can be impossible to fully recover in some cases. Taking preventative measures like two-factor authentication remains your best protection.

What are the dangers of someone having access to my Facebook account?

A hacker who gains control of your Facebook account can put you and your contacts at risk in various ways:

  • They may post spam, offensive comments, or other reputation-damaging content publicly from your account that appears to come from you
  • They can try to phish your friends by posting links or messages that download malware or extract sensitive info
  • They may access private messages, photos, or posts and use them maliciously
  • They can leverage your account and friends list to spread more attacks across Facebook
  • They may change account settings to lock you out or redirect incoming emails to their own inbox
  • They could gain insight into personal info about you, your job, relationships, location, etc. to use in identity theft or fraud

A hacked Facebook account also creates a major inconvenience until you can recover or recreate it. That’s why it’s critical to watch for unauthorized changes and report strange activity right away. The sooner you shut down a compromised account, the less potential damage can occur.

Should I delete my Facebook account if it gets hacked?

If your Facebook account is hacked, you don’t necessarily need to delete it altogether. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to delete a hacked Facebook account:

Reasons to keep your account:

  • You may be able to regain access by resetting the password or using account recovery options
  • Facebook may be able to disable the hacker’s access while restoring your profile
  • You won’t lose all your posts, photos, connections – you can just remove anything the hacker added or changed

Reasons to delete your account:

  • The hacker has damaged your account beyond repair or changed too much content
  • You have concerns the hacker still has a way to access your account
  • You want to start fresh and create a new profile without any leftover hacker changes

Overall, see if account recovery is feasible first before making the decision to delete. But if the damage is too extensive, deleting may allow you to begin again without worrying about leftover impacts.

What steps should I take if I suspect my account was hacked?

If you have any suspicion that your Facebook account may have been compromised, here are the steps to take right away:

  1. Change your password immediately – use a completely new, complex password
  2. Enable two-factor authentication for enhanced security
  3. Check your account settings for any unauthorized changes
  4. Scan for suspicious posts, messages, or new friend requests
  5. Log out of all active sessions on all devices
  6. Run an antivirus scan to check for any malware infections
  7. Consider reporting the unauthorized access to Facebook
  8. Watch closely for additional signs of suspicious activity

Taking quick action as soon as you detect potential unauthorized access can limit the extent of the breach. Make sure your new password is extremely strong and not reused anywhere else. Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra barrier so hackers need access to your actual phone as well.

Staying vigilant to account changes and reporting anything suspicious right away are your best ways to lock down your account if you suspect any hacking attempts.

What are the best practices for creating a strong Facebook password?

To create a strong, hack-resistant password for your Facebook account, experts recommend:

  • Using at least 8-10 characters
  • Including a mix of lowercase and uppercase letters
  • Adding numbers and symbols
  • Avoiding dictionary words or personal info
  • Not reusing passwords from other sites
  • Storing your password securely in a password manager
  • Updating your password every 90 days

Facebook does allow longer passwords up to 60 characters. The more random and complex you can make it, the better protection you’ll have. Refrain from using familiar dates, names, words, or any sensitive personal information.

Specialized password generator tools can create very strong, randomized passwords for you. Just be sure to copy it somewhere safe so you don’t forget it. Enabling two-factor authentication is also key for any highly important account like Facebook.

How can I delete a Facebook account if I don’t have the password and get locked out?

If you get locked out of your Facebook account from a hacker changing the password and want to delete it, you have a few options:

  • Use Facebook’s account recovery process to regain access so you can delete it
  • Submit photo ID to Facebook to prove your identity and request deletion
  • Have a friend or family member with admin rights on the account submit a deletion request
  • Contact Facebook support directly explaining you’re the rightful account owner but can no longer access it and wish to delete

Without access to the account itself, you’ll have to clearly demonstrate to Facebook that you are the legitimate owner. Providing verification like a photo ID, account creation details, locations you’ve logged in from, etc. can help with the deletion process.

Be persistent following up if the automated options don’t work right away. Explain it’s an urgent unauthorized access issue and you need to permanently delete the account to prevent further misuse or security risks.

What are some other precautions I should take if my Facebook is hacked?

If your Facebook account gets hacked, here are some additional precautions recommended beyond just regaining control of your Facebook profile:

  • Change passwords on any other accounts where you used the same login info
  • Scan all your devices for malware, spyware, or keylogger infections
  • Review all your account settings on Facebook and other online profiles for changes
  • Enable enhanced login protections like two-factor authentication wherever possible
  • Place a fraud alert and check your credit reports for any suspicious activity
  • Be on high alert for additional phishing attempts or scams using your compromised info

A Facebook hack may be part of a broader identity theft attempt. Make sure to check for unauthorized access across your online accounts, update passwords, enable extra security everywhere, and monitor your credit. Taking swift action to lock down all aspects of your digital identity can help prevent or limit the potential risks.


Getting hacked on Facebook can be a stressful and frustrating experience. But acting quickly to report unauthorized access, change your password, enable two-factor authentication, and tighten security can help limit the damage. Checking for any wider impacts like identity theft is also prudent. And being vigilant going forward about suspicious logins and phishing scams is key – our online safety is a never-ending process. Stay calm, follow Facebook’s account recovery steps, and implement good password hygiene across the web. With some dedication to locking things down again, you can recover from a hacked Facebook account.