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What if I cant verify my identity with Facebook?

What if I cant verify my identity with Facebook?

Facebook requires users to verify their identity by providing a form of government ID in order to regain access to locked accounts or to confirm account ownership. This verification process is important for security reasons, but it can be frustrating if you don’t have an accepted form of ID or have trouble getting Facebook to recognize your documentation.

Why does Facebook require ID verification?

Facebook asks users to verify their identity for a few key reasons:

  • To secure accounts that may have been compromised or hacked
  • To prevent fake or duplicate accounts
  • To confirm you are the legitimate owner of your account
  • To comply with laws and regulations around account security and privacy

By requiring an official ID, Facebook aims to prevent bad actors from accessing accounts they don’t rightfully own. This helps keep your account and information safe.

What types of IDs does Facebook accept?

Facebook accepts both digital forms of ID as well as physical documentation. Accepted forms of ID include:

  • Driver’s license
  • State or government issued ID card
  • Passport
  • National ID card
  • Residency permit
  • Green card or visa
  • Citizenship document
  • Military ID
  • Tribal card

The ID must be valid, not expired, and clearly show your name, photo, and date of birth. Facebook may ask you to provide a selfie photo to match your ID documentation.

I don’t have an accepted form of ID – what should I do?

If you don’t have one of the accepted ID types, there are a few options:

  • Provide an alternate form of ID – Facebook may accept a passport card, conceal carry permit, school or work badge, or other government issued documentation.
  • Use a friend to verify your identity – Facebook allows a friend to confirm your identity through their own account if they are willing to provide their ID.
  • Mail in paperwork – In some cases, Facebook will provide an address to mail notarized paperwork confirming your identity.
  • Use other identity verification services – You may be able to verify through a third-party partner service.

If none of these options are viable for you, keep trying with Facebook support to find alternative solutions or wait until you obtain an accepted form of ID.

Facebook doesn’t recognize my ID – what do I do?

There are a few troubleshooting tips if Facebook won’t accept your valid ID:

  • Make sure your ID photo and selfie clearly match
  • Check for any glare, blur, or distortions on the ID photo
  • Provide multiple forms of ID for verification
  • Capture your ID straight on, not at an angle
  • Adjust lighting and background – Avoid too much light or shadows
  • Take new, high-quality selfies to match the ID
  • Crop your selfies similar to the proportions on your ID

You can also contact Facebook support for assistance getting your ID verified. Note that there are restrictions on how many times you can try verifying an ID in a certain period, so make your attempts count.

I can’t access my old email or phone number for verification – what can I do?

If Facebook is asking you to verify your identity with an old email or phone number you no longer have access to, try these steps:

  • Select the option to verify your ID instead if available
  • Upload any documentation you have that proves ownership of the old accounts
  • Try account recovery options for retrieving your old accounts
  • Explain the situation fully to Facebook support for help recovering access
  • Use authorized contacts listed on your Facebook account to assist
  • Provide notarized paperwork confirming your identity

Again, keep working with Facebook support to find a solution. But without access to the old credentials, it can be very difficult to regain access.

How can I communicate with Facebook if I’m locked out of my account?

If you get completely locked out of your Facebook account during the identity verification process, you still have a few options to reach Facebook support:

  • Use the Facebook for mobile app – The Android and iOS apps may allow you to access support or live chat options even when logged out of your account.
  • Go to the Facebook Help Community – You don’t need to be logged in to browse questions and contact support.
  • Look for the online request form – There may be a form accessible from the login page to contact support.
  • Find Facebook support email addresses – You can try general Facebook email accounts listed on their help pages.
  • Visit Facebook’s “Whitehat” security page – They have a portal for reporting security issues.
  • Submit a complaint to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) involving Facebook

The main goal is to establish some line of communication with Facebook’s team to explain your verification issues and get help restoring access.

Are there any risks to providing my ID to Facebook?

Yes, there are some privacy risks to keep in mind when providing personal identification to Facebook or any other platform:

  • ID theft – Hackers or security breaches could expose your ID info
  • Tracking – Facebook may use your ID details for advertising profiles or data
  • Misuse – ID info could be used against you outside of Facebook
  • Biometrics – Facial recognition could be used on provided selfies

To mitigate these risks:

  • Obscure details like your physical address on the ID
  • Only share what is required, not extra pages
  • Use privacy settings and ad preferences to limit tracking
  • Delete your ID documentation after verification is complete

There are benefits and risks to providing identification to Facebook or other platforms. Take precautions to protect your personal information.


If you are unable to verify your identity with Facebook using standard methods, don’t panic. Work through all available options, clearly communicate with Facebook support, and be patient. Provide only what is absolutely necessary for verification, and understand there are some risks involved with sharing IDs online. Oftentimes a solution can be found with persistence and creativity in proving your account ownership. Make it clear you are the legitimate account holder, and Facebook will likely help restore your access.

Problem Potential Solutions
Don’t have accepted ID Provide alternate ID, use friend verification, mail paperwork, use third-party verification services
Facebook not recognizing ID Make sure ID/selfie match clearly, check for image issues, provide multiple IDs, capture ID straight on, adjust lighting
No access to old verification credentials Verify with ID instead, provide ownership documentation, recover old accounts, contact support
Locked out of account Use mobile app, Facebook Help Community, request form, email addresses, security portal

Key Takeaways

  • Work closely with Facebook support if you cannot verify your identity through normal means
  • Provide alternative documentation as possible to prove account ownership
  • Communicate through any means accessible if locked out of your account completely
  • Understand the privacy tradeoffs when providing personal information
  • With persistence, there are usually ways to satisfy Facebook’s verification requirements