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What if a Facebook group has no admin?

What if a Facebook group has no admin?

If a Facebook group finds itself without an admin, it can present some challenges for the members. Here are quick answers to common questions about Facebook groups with no admin:

Why would a Facebook group have no admin?

There are a few potential reasons a Facebook group could end up with no admin:

  • The original admin left the group and did not appoint a new admin or admins
  • The original admin deleted their Facebook account without transferring admin rights
  • Facebook removed the admin for violating terms of service
  • A glitch occurred causing the admin role to disappear

What happens when a Facebook group has no admin?

Some key things that happen when a Facebook group has no admin include:

  • Regular members cannot appoint new admins or edit group settings
  • The group stays active but new members cannot be approved or added
  • Post approvals and member requests will pile up with no one to manage them
  • No one has authority to remove inappropriate posts or members
  • Major changes like taking the group private or deleting it cannot be made

Can a member take over a Facebook group with no admin?

Unfortunately regular members cannot take over an admin-less Facebook group. Only an existing admin can appoint new admins. If there are no admins left, there is no one with the authority to add admins.

What do you do if your Facebook group has no admin?

Here are some steps to take if you find yourself in a Facebook group with no admin:

  1. Double check no admins are hidden from view and contact any you find
  2. Post in the group to see if any former admins still have access
  3. Report the issue to Facebook through their help channels
  4. Start a new group and invite members of the old group if Facebook cannot restore admins
  5. Be patient as it may take time for Facebook to investigate and fix the issue

Can an admin be restored to a Facebook group?

In some cases, Facebook may be able to restore an admin to the group if it’s reported. Especially if the loss of admins was due to a glitch or accidental removal. However, if no eligible admins remain in a group, Facebook may not be able to reinstate admin privileges.

Should you stay in a Facebook group with no admins?

It’s a personal decision whether to stay in an admin-less Facebook group. Consider if you are still getting value from the group despite its limited functionality. If no solutions are found, leaving may be the best way forward for some members.

Can a Facebook group survive with no admin?

It’s possible but difficult for a Facebook group to survive long-term with no admin. The group will exist in a locked state unable to evolve. Member engagement may gradually decline without oversight or the ability to add new members. But established communities with strong connections may continue to thrive with just core features.

What’s the maximum number of admins allowed in a Facebook group?

Group Member Count Maximum Admins Allowed
0 – 100 30
101 – 500 60
501 – 2,000 120
2,001 – 5,000 200
5,001 – 10,000 300
10,001 – 30,000 500
30,001+ 600

Facebook limits the maximum number of admins in a group based on the total member count. Larger groups can have more admins, while smaller groups are limited to fewer.

Why does Facebook limit the number of admins?

Facebook limits admin count to prevent groups from being overloaded with admins. Too many admins could make it chaotic to manage the group and utilize admin tools. The limits aim to find a balance for each group size.

What are some key responsibilities of a Facebook group admin?

Some of the most important Facebook group admin responsibilities include:

  • Approving and denying join requests from new members
  • Adding, removing, and banning members as needed
  • Monitoring content and removing inappropriate posts
  • Engaging with members and fostering community
  • Making other members into admins or moderators
  • Changing group settings and information
  • Planning and managing events and content

Why are active admins important for Facebook groups?

Active admins are crucial for Facebook groups to provide oversight, maintain standards, manage growth and engagement, and build community. Without engaged admins guiding the group, quality and activity tends to decline over time.

How do you find the admins for a Facebook group?

There are a couple ways to find the admins for a Facebook group:

  1. Go to the group’s About section on desktop. The list of admins will be on the right side.
  2. On mobile, tap the Members option under the group name and scroll through until you see members with the admin designation.
  3. When making a post in the group, any admins tagged in the post will be designated as “Admin” under their name.

Can a minor or child be a Facebook group admin?

Facebook requires group admins to be at least 13 years old per their Terms of Service. However, group creators can assign other admins who meet the minimum age requirement.

What are the risks of having a minor as a Facebook group admin?

Some potential risks of having a minor admin on a Facebook group include:

  • They may not have the maturity to appropriately manage members and content
  • Adult content in the group could be harmful to them
  • They lack real world experience to make the best judgments
  • Drama among members may be stressful for them to moderate
  • Privacy and safety issues come with a minor managing personal data

What steps can you take to regain admin access to a Facebook group?

If you lost admin access to a group you previously managed, here are some ways to try regaining admin privileges:

  1. Contact any current admins to add you back as an admin
  2. Check if you have any previous admin roles still available in your list of groups
  3. Use Facebook to try resetting passwords on accounts that had admin access
  4. Reach out to Facebook support for help reinstating your admin role
  5. Find any emails you may have from Facebook confirming your admin status

When should you create a new group instead of trying to regain admin access?

If you’ve exhausted all options with no success regaining admin access, it may be better to simply create a new group and notify your members to join the updated group. This avoids wasting too much time on a potentially irresolvable issue.

What should you do if someone made you a Facebook group admin without consent?

If someone adds you as an admin without your agreement, here are some recommended steps:

  1. Politely message the person who added you to remove you from the role
  2. Leave the Facebook group so you are not tied to admin duties
  3. Check your admin roles and use the Leave As Admin button to resign if needed
  4. Adjust your Facebook settings to limit who can add you to groups without approval
  5. Report the issue to Facebook if the person refuses to remove your admin status

Is it a violation of Facebook rules to add someone as admin without their permission?

Yes, Facebook’s policies prohibit adding someone to admin without their consent. Forced admin roles can be reported to Facebook for review and removal.

Can you remove yourself as a Facebook group admin?

Yes, admins can remove their own admin privileges from a Facebook group they no longer wish to manage. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Group Settings and find the Administrators section
  2. Hover over your name and click the X icon that appears
  3. A confirmation box will appear – click Remove to complete removing yourself

You can also remove admin roles from your list of groups in your Facebook profile. This allows you to resign as admin from multiple groups at once.

What happens when an admin leaves a Facebook group?

If an admin leaves a Facebook group they manage, their admin privileges will be fully removed. They will continue to be a regular member unless they choose to leave the group entirely. Remaining admins can assign a new admin to fill the vacant role.

Is it possible to delete or remove a Facebook group completely?

Yes, Facebook groups can be permanently deleted, but only by an admin of the group. To fully remove a group:

  1. Navigate to the group’s settings and look for the Delete Group option
  2. Click Delete Group then confirm you want to delete it completely
  3. The group and all associated data will be permanently removed within 14 days

Individual members cannot delete groups. And once deleted, a group cannot be restored. All admins should agree before deleting a group.

What happens to group content when a Facebook group is deleted?

When a Facebook group is deleted, all the posts, photos, videos, and other content posted to the group will eventually be erased. Members will lose access immediately. Some data may still be visible in searches temporarily until the deletion completes.

Is there a way to report an inactive Facebook group admin?

If a Facebook group has an admin who is inactive and neglecting duties, members have a few options to report them:

  • File an admin complaint through the Facebook group reporting process
  • Report the issue to Facebook support for review
  • Contact any other active admins in the group for assistance
  • Post publicly in the group asking the admin to appoint new admins or step down

Repeated complaints about an inactive admin ignoring their group may prompt Facebook to remove their admin status. But results are not guaranteed.

What are signs of an inactive Facebook group admin?

Some signs of inactive or absentee Facebook group admins include:

  • Membership and post requests piling up untouched
  • Spam and inappropriate posts staying up without removal
  • No admins interacting in the group for extended periods
  • No response when attempting to contact admins
  • Rules violations and complaints going unaddressed

Can you report a private Facebook group to Facebook?

Yes, any Facebook group that violates Facebook’s terms and policies can be reported to Facebook for review, including private groups. To report a private group:

  1. Visit the group’s About section and click Report Group
  2. Select the reason for reporting and provide additional details
  3. Facebook will investigate and take action if violations are found

Violations that can be reported include harassment, hate speech, nudity, dangerous individuals or organizations, and more outlined in Facebook’s guidelines.

What details should you include when reporting a private Facebook group?

To help Facebook effectively review the report, include key details like:

  • Screenshots of objectionable posts and comments
  • IDs of problematic members
  • The name of the group, if known
  • A description of harassing activities
  • Dates and times of violations


Losing the admins of a Facebook group can certainly create complications, but solutions may still arise with effort and creativity. Thriving communities can bond together despite administrative gaps. Remember to enlist Facebook support when needed and focus on providing value to group members however you can. With flexibility and patience, even an admin-less group can find ways forward.