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What has changed on Facebook recently?

What has changed on Facebook recently?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q3 2022. Given its massive userbase, Facebook is constantly evolving with new features and changes to its interface and algorithms. Over the past year alone, Facebook has introduced a number of notable updates that have significantly impacted the user experience. Some of the major changes on Facebook recently include updates to its News Feed algorithm, new features like Reels and Community Chats, UI changes, privacy updates, and much more.

News Feed Algorithm Updates

Facebook’s News Feed, the scrolling content feed you see whenever you log in, is the core feature of the platform. The News Feed aims to show users the most relevant and engaging posts from friends, family, groups, and pages they follow. In order to improve the quality of the News Feed, Facebook periodically tweaks its ranking algorithm. Here are some of the recent notable changes:

  • In April 2022, Facebook updated its algorithm to boost original, authentic content from friends and family. As a result, posts from businesses, creators, and media may be less prominent in the News Feed.
  • In July 2022, Facebook made changes to reduce “problematic content” and show more positive content that brings people joy. This change was likely aimed at reducing the reach of misinformation and clickbait.
  • In September 2022, Facebook introduced updates to make sure top-quality content from creators gets more distribution. This benefits video creators on Facebook.
  • Also in September, Facebook made changes to show more recommended content from groups you have joined or might be interested in joining.

As you can see, Facebook’s recent algorithm changes have focused on surfacing more content from friends and recommended groups, while reducing public content from businesses and media. This aligns with Facebook’s shift towards more community and social interactions.

New Features: Reels, Community Chats, and More

In addition to News Feed changes, Facebook has released several new features and products in 2022. Two major launches are Reels and Community Chats.


Reels are short, entertaining video clips – similar to TikTok. Key facts about Reels:

  • Launched on Facebook globally in February 2022.
  • Videos can be up to 60 seconds long.
  • Reels have special editing tools like audio, effects, and more.
  • Appear both on the News Feed and a dedicated Reels tab.
  • Are gaining popularity, especially among younger audiences.

Reels aim to make video creation easy and accessible to everyone. Given TikTok’s growth, Reels are Facebook’s strategy to compete for short-form, entertaining video.

Community Chats

Community Chats are live spaces for real-time audio conversations around specific interests. Details include:

  • Rolled out in April 2022.
  • Host audio chat rooms around topics with communities and friends.
  • Available in Facebook Groups and Messenger.
  • Users can discover chat rooms based on interests.
  • Enable casual conversations via voice rather than text.

Community Chats represent Facebook’s push into audio and social audio spaces like Clubhouse. The feature taps into the rising demand for more intimate social experiences online.

Besides Reels and Community Chats, Facebook has also launched features like Group Profiles, Custom Link Stickers, and a way to switch between Facebook accounts more easily. It continues to innovate new products to meet emerging user needs.

Major UI Changes

Along with new features, Facebook has refreshed parts of its user interface design in 2022. Some main UI changes include:

  • New Profile Layout: Profiles have an updated two-column layout with more visual emphasis on profile pictures, covers, and highlights.
  • New Navigation: The left sidebar with navigation links has been replaced by a bottom navigation bar on mobile.
  • New Font: Facebook is rolling out a new font family called Meta Serif across the app and website.
  • Updated News Feed Look: The News Feed has slightly rounder borders and a more modern, minimalist look.
  • Dark Mode: Users can now switch to a darker theme for lower brightness.

The refreshed UI provides a cleaner, more immersive experience across Facebook. The changes are aimed at making in-app navigation easier while giving the platform a more contemporary look and feel.

Privacy Updates

Facebook has also introduced various privacy-focused updates in 2022, including:

  • In January, Facebook rolled out Privacy Center, a new hub with tools to manage privacy settings.
  • New data privacy processes were implemented for apps like WhatsApp.
  • Updates gave users more control over who can see their posts and profile information.
  • Teens were given additional options to limit visibility for certain content from their parents/guardians.
  • Notifications were added to inform users when their personal data is accessed.

These changes come in the wake of heightened privacy awareness and regulations like GDPR. They provide users with more transparency and control over their information. However, critics argue Facebook should do much more to protect user data. Privacy remains an ongoing tension for the company.

Changes for Advertisers

For advertisers and businesses, Facebook introduced a few impactful updates in 2022:

  • Businesses now require a connected Facebook Business Manager account to run ads.
  • New conversion metrics like clicks, leads and sales events help optimize ad performance.
  • Automated ads objectives use AI to optimize for results.
  • Improvements to Multi Product ads, Lead Forms and Carousel ads give more marketing options.

In summary, Facebook ads are becoming more powerful and automated, but also require more investment in setting up proper business accounts and integrations. Advertisers will need to adapt to leverage Facebook’s detailed targeting capabilities.

Growing Focus on the Metaverse

As Facebook Inc. pivots towards building the metaverse – an immersive virtual reality version of the internet – Facebook the app is also adding more metaverse-aligned features:

  • Avatars let users create a virtual persona to interact in the metaverse.
  • Spaces are virtual hangout rooms where friends can gather as avatars.
  • Hardware like the Meta Quest allows accessing metaverse experiences.
  • AR filters and effects bring virtual elements into real-world spaces.

While still in early stages, metaverse-related additions suggest Facebook’s ambition to make the app a jumping point into virtual, augmented and mixed reality social interactions.

Changes Aiming to Benefit Creators

Facebook is pushing to build a robust creator ecosystem, with new programs and features aimed at supporting creators on the platform:

  • Subscriptions: Fans can subscribe to creators for exclusive content.
  • Stars: Viewers can send Stars during live videos to support creators.
  • Bonuses: Every month, Facebook pays out $1 million in bonuses to Reels creators.
  • Shops: Creators can set up online shops to easily sell products.

These additions help creators monetize their audiences on Facebook and turn content creation into a business. They are part of Meta’s $1 billion creator fund aimed at attracting and rewarding Reels creators.

Changes to Groups

Facebook Groups continue to see new developments, including:

  • Admins can create subgroups within existing groups.
  • Member requests give admins more control over who joins.
  • Admin Assist helps admins moderate and manage groups.
  • Recommendation algorithms suggest new relevant groups to users.
  • Group profiles provide an overview of each community.

Groups remain a strategic priority, as social interaction within communities inspires user engagement. These new group features help unlock more tailored social experiences.

New Options for Business Messaging

Facebook has added more business messaging capabilities in 2022:

  • Messaging API enables businesses to message customers.
  • Appointment bookings via Messenger allows booking appointments.
  • Messenger default threads for new messaging workflows.
  • Messenger support for Instagram so users can DM businesses.

Businesses have more flexibility to connect with customers on Facebook’s messaging services. Advanced options like appointments integrate messaging with business operations.

Changes Coming in 2023 and Beyond

While 2022 saw significant Facebook changes, more are likely on the horizon in 2023 and beyond. Some potential updates include:

  • Further integration between Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
  • More ecommerce functionality like shoppable live videos.
  • Expanded metaverse integration and VR/AR tools.
  • Deeper investment in AI like generative content models.
  • More options for creators to monetize and build community.

Facebook will likely keep innovating new ways for people to connect, express themselves, and interact in both digital and virtual worlds. More convenience features that blend messaging, shopping, entertainment and business services can be expected.


Facebook in 2022 saw an array of new features, redesigns, and platform shifts that aim to keep it relevant in a competitive social media landscape. Key changes included algorithm updates to show more community content, new formats like Reels and Community Chats, refreshed design and navigation, enhanced privacy controls, more metaverse integrations, and greater monetization and messaging tools for businesses and creators.

Looking ahead, we can expect Facebook to double down on what it sees as the future of social connection – embodied by concepts like the metaverse, AI, VR/AR, content creators, ecommerce, and video. While Facebook remains dominant, rising platforms like TikTok continue to pressure it to evolve. How well Facebook adapts its core app to emerging user habits and technology trends will determine whether it can maintain market leadership over the next decade. But the speed and scale of innovations in 2022 show Facebook is willing to transform itself to stay ahead.