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What happens with Facebook if you have been hacked?

What happens with Facebook if you have been hacked?

What are the signs that your Facebook account has been hacked?

There are several signs that may indicate your Facebook account has been compromised by a hacker:

  • You can’t log in – If your password suddenly stops working and you get error messages when trying to log in, it’s a red flag.
  • The primary email was changed – Hackers will often change the email on your account so they get the reset password emails.
  • Unknown posts or messages – Strange posts, comments or messages being sent from your account is a clear sign of trouble.
  • New friend requests – A sudden influx of new friend requests, especially for people you don’t know, may mean your account is hacked.
  • Profile information changed – If your profile picture, cover photo, bio or other personal info has been altered without your doing, your account may be hacked.
  • Two-factor authentication was disabled – If this security feature was turned off without your doing, it’s a strong sign your account is compromised.
  • You’re locked out of other accounts – If you’re suddenly locked out of associated accounts like Instagram that use Facebook login, your Facebook could be hacked.

Being vigilant about these warning signs and reporting any suspicious activity right away is important for recovering and securing your account after being hacked. Don’t dismiss small changes to your account – investigate them.

How do hackers get access to your Facebook account?

Hackers use a variety of illicit methods to try and gain access to people’s Facebook accounts, including:

  • Phishing – Fake login pages are created to steal your username and password when you try to log in. Phishing links are often sent by email or SMS text message.
  • Malware – Malicious software is installed on your device to record your keystrokes and steal login credentials that way.
  • Password guessing – Automated programs run lists of common passwords to try and crack your account password through force.
  • Social engineering – Manipulating or tricking you into revealing your login credentials yourself via messaging.
  • Data breaches – Login credentials from other hacked sites are tried on Facebook in hopes they’re reused.
  • Session hijacking – Intercepting the active logged-in session between your device and Facebook servers.

The most common tactic is phishing. Hackers send official-looking emails or texts pretending to be from Facebook asking you to login. Always login directly through the Facebook website or app to avoid phishing.

What happens when your Facebook gets hacked?

Once hackers gain access to your Facebook account, a number of bad things can happen:

  • Profile info changed – Hackers commonly change personal info in your profile like email address, location, bio, etc.
  • Posts made on your behalf – Inappropriate, offensive or spam posts are made on your timeline or page as if they’re from you.
  • Private messages sent – Hackers can message your friends trying to phish them or spread malware.
  • Ads purchased – Scam ads can be bought using your saved payment methods, costing you money.
  • Account access revoked – You can be locked out by hackers changing your password and email.
  • Friends hacked – Your account can be used to phish and hack people in your friends list.
  • Page access revoked – If you admin a Facebook page, you could lose all control and ability to manage it.

In general, a hacked Facebook account can be used however the hacker sees fit since they now control it. This could mean spamming your friends with unwanted content, spreading malicious links, or stealing your info and photos.

How to recover your hacked Facebook account

If you believe your Facebook account has been hacked, taking the following steps can help you regain control of it:

  1. Log out of all active sessions – In account settings under Security, log out of all sessions which logs any hackers out too.
  2. Change your password – Set a new strong password that hasn’t been used anywhere else before.
  3. Remove suspicious emails – Delete any unfamiliar emails from your account’s verified addresses.
  4. Recover your account via email – Request a login link sent to your primary personal email to regain access.
  5. Turn on 2FA – Enable two-factor authentication for increased security going forward.
  6. Check filtered messages – Review your message filter for signs of hackers contacting others.
  7. Remove unfamiliar devices – Delete any unknown devices and logins under Security.
  8. Report hacked account to Facebook – File a report via Facebook’s reporting form so they can investigate.

Moving quickly to complete these steps can help you regain control of your account before too much damage is done. You may also need to damage control by explaining to friends that your account was hacked.

How to further secure and prevent future hacks

Once you’ve recovered your hacked Facebook account, additional precautions should be taken to improve security and prevent it from happening again:

  • Enable two-factor authentication – This adds a 2nd step to logging in via a code sent to your phone.
  • Change passwords regularly – Don’t reuse old passwords and update them every few months.
  • Be wary of shady links – Don’t click links in messages that look suspicious or unfamiliar.
  • Review privacy settings – Lock down your security and profile settings.
  • Check login locations – Review locations in Security settings for unfamiliar logins.
  • Clean your computer – Run antivirus scans to check for keylogging malware.
  • Use login approvals – Require an approval code to login from new devices.
  • Limit app permissions – Don’t give apps more access to your data than needed.

Making your Facebook account more secure makes it much harder for hackers to try and gain access. Enable every security feature Facebook provides and be cautious sharing any account information or clicking questionable links going forward.

Can you tell if someone is logged into your Facebook account?

It is possible to see if and when someone else logs into your Facebook account in a few ways:

  • Login approvals – This sends a code to your phone that must be entered when logging in from unrecognized devices.
  • Login notifications – Facebook can send you notifications whenever your account is accessed.
  • Login locations – The Security section lists details on the dates, times and locations of recent logins.
  • Active sessions – You can view all currently active logged-in sessions and log them out.

Enabling login approvals and notifications is the easiest way to monitor Facebook logins in real time. Frequently checking login locations can also highlight any unknown accesses.

Should you delete or deactivate your Facebook account if hacked?

If your Facebook account gets hacked, is it better to delete the account entirely or temporarily deactivate it? Here are some key considerations:

Deleting your account:

  • Permanently removes all your data
  • Lets you start fresh with a new account
  • All your photos, posts, messages etc. will be gone forever
  • You lose access to any apps or sites using Facebook Login

Deactivating your account:

  • Pauses your account without deleting data
  • Prevents hackers from continuing to misuse it
  • You retain all your information with option to reactivate
  • Can be restored once you regain control

In most cases, temporarily deactivating your account is the best option if it gets hacked. This locks the account down while giving you time to recover it fully. Only delete your account permanently if the hacking was extreme and you want to start 100% fresh.

Should you report a hacked Facebook account to the police?

If your Facebook account gets hacked, is it advisable to also file a police report about the crime in addition to recovering the account yourself? Here are some pros and cons:

Pros of filing a police report:

  • It creates an official record of the crime
  • Police may be able to trace the hacker’s location or identity
  • May be required for financial compensation if money was stolen
  • Police report can be sent to Facebook as proof of hacking

Cons of filing a police report:

  • Police may not investigate or pursue low-level hacking crimes
  • Can be time consuming to physically file the report
  • No guarantee of police locating or charging the hacker
  • Reporting won’t expedite recovering your Facebook account

In summary, filing a police report creates a record trail but doesn’t guarantee or expedite getting your account back. It’s up to your discretion, but recommended for severe hacks involving stolen financial data or persistent harassment.

What legal action can you take if your Facebook is hacked?

If your Facebook account gets hacked, you may want to explore legal action options against the perpetrator. Here are some of the legal remedies potentially available:

  • File a civil lawsuit – You can sue the hacker for damages like emotional distress or lost wages.
  • Press criminal charges – Hacking accounts is illegal. Police can file criminal charges.
  • File a restraining order – You can prohibit the hacker from contacting you again.
  • Report them to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
  • Submit a complaint with the State Attorney General
  • Report the hacker’s account to Facebook – They can terminate the account.

To prevail in court against a hacker, you would need to prove they accessed your account without authorization and identify them. Legal action is most viable in cases of significant financial fraud or when the hacker’s identity is already known.

What should you do about hacked or compromised data?

If your Facebook account is hacked, here are some steps to take regarding your data security:

  1. Change passwords on all associated accounts, don’t reuse passwords
  2. Remove payment methods saved on Facebook to prevent fraudulent charges
  3. Review all recent private messages for signs of phishing or malicious links
  4. Delete messages the hacker sent while in control of your account
  5. Enable login approvals for additional security on any compromised accounts
  6. Check credit reports for any signs of identity theft
  7. Deactivate your Facebook account until you regain control of it

Essentially, assume any personal data accessed by the hacker is compromised. Take preventative steps across all your accounts to limit the fallout. Enable all security features on social media and bank accounts in case your credentials or info is now available to criminals.

Can Facebook restore or recover hacked accounts?

Facebook has a process that allows users to try and recover a hacked or compromised Facebook account if they can no longer access it. Here are the steps Facebook provides to restore access to your hacked account:

  1. Request a login code be emailed to your account’s verified email address. This can help you regain access.
  2. Upload a photo ID to prove your identity and ownership of the account via the photo verification tool.
  3. Facebook will review your request and may email a link to reset your password and reactivate your account.
  4. If Facebook is unable to recover your specific account, they may allow you to create a new account.

The key is being able to verify that you are the legitimate owner of the hacked Facebook account in question. Having access to the originally registered email and a photo ID helps prove you are the rightful account owner in Facebook’s review process.

Should you click on any links that are sent to you after being hacked?

No, you should not click on any links that are emailed, messaged or texted to after you’ve been hacked. Since your account’s security has already been compromised:

  • Links could be phishing attempts to steal your data.
  • They may download malware onto your device.
  • Any correspondence is suspect and risky.
  • Ignore unrecognized messages to your account completely.

Only use official channels like Facebook’s account recovery form to regain account access. Legitimate companies will never send surprise password reset links – these are traps. Avoid clicking anything sent to you unexpectedly after being hacked.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be a stressful experience, but there are steps you can take to recover it and bolster security going forward. Being vigilant for warning signs, using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and avoiding shady links are all key to keeping hackers out for good. Report any hacking to Facebook so they can take action too. With proper precautions, you can protect your account’s security in the future.