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What happens when you turn on notifications on Facebook?

What happens when you turn on notifications on Facebook?

Turning on notifications for Facebook allows you to stay up-to-date on activity happening on the platform. When you enable notifications, Facebook will send alerts to your device to let you know when certain events occur. This can include when someone comments on your post, tags you in a photo or video, sends you a message, or invites you to events, groups, or pages. Notifications can help you stay connected and engaged with friends, family, Groups, and Pages on Facebook.

What types of notifications can you get from Facebook?

There are several categories of notifications that Facebook may send when you turn them on:

  • Notifications about your friends’ activity: Get notified when friends post on your Timeline, comment or react to your posts, tag you in posts, go live, add new photos/videos, change their relationship status, have a birthday, and more.
  • Notifications about messages: Get alerts when you receive new messages, including private messages, group conversations, and chat messages.
  • Notifications about events and groups: Get updates when you are invited to events or groups, when events are updated, and when there is new activity in your groups.
  • Notifications about Pages: Get alerts when Pages you follow post updates, go live, share photos, or prompt you to take action.
  • Notifications about Facebook features: Get notified about Facebook recommendations, memories, fundraisers, Watch Party reminders, and other Facebook features.

Within each notification category, you can further customize what types of alerts you want to receive in your Settings. This allows you to fine-tune notifications to your preferences.

How do Facebook notifications appear on your device?

Facebook notifications will appear in a few different places when turned on:

  • Mobile app: On iOS and Android devices, a red badge will appear on the Facebook app icon showing the number of unread notifications. Opening the app will display the notifications in a feed.
  • Desktop site: When logged into Facebook on a desktop browser, a red alert icon will show at the top toolbar if you have unread notifications. Clicking it will display a drop-down list of notifications.
  • Email: Depending on your email notification settings, Facebook may also send notification emails about certain activity.
  • Push notifications: If enabled, Facebook will send push notifications directly to your mobile device’s notification tray when certain events occur.

So notifications will largely appear within the Facebook app/site itself, but can also be delivered via email or mobile push alerts based on your configuration.

How often does Facebook send notifications?

The frequency of Facebook notifications you receive depends on:

  • How much activity is happening from your friends, Groups, and Pages
  • Your notification settings
  • How often you interact with Facebook

Facebook says they aim to send notifications that are timely, relevant, and interesting. But you can expect more notifications during busy times with lots of interaction, and fewer when activity cools down.

The notification settings allow you to specify how often Facebook contacts you about certain activities. For example, you can get notifications about new comments on your posts “Immediately”, “Hourly”, or “Off.” The more types of notifications you enable and the higher frequency you select, the more notifications you’ll likely get.

How to manage your Facebook notification settings

You have granular control over Facebook notifications in Settings. On desktop go to the toolbar and click Settings & Privacy > Settings > Notifications. On mobile, go to More Options > Settings & Privacy > Notifications.

From here you can toggle notifications on or off for various activities, as well as configure the frequency of certain notification types. Key sections include:

  • Notifications: Control notifications around posts, comments, shares, likes, videos, events, groups, and more.
  • Messages: Manage notifications for private messages, group threads, and chat messages.
  • Email: Choose if and when to get email notifications from Facebook.
  • Push Notifications: Opt into push notifications sent directly to your mobile device.

Review each section and notification type carefully to enable or disable specific alerts as desired. Remember to click “Save Changes” at the bottom when finished.

How to temporarily mute Facebook notifications

If you don’t want to turn off notifications completely but need a break, there are ways to temporarily mute Facebook alerts:

  • On desktop, click the arrow next to Notifications in the toolbar and select “Mute Notifications.”
  • On mobile, swipe left on a notification and click “Mute for…” to mute for 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours or indefintely.
  • Turn off push notifications for the Facebook app in your device settings outside of Facebook.

Muting notifications gives you a silent break without changing your settings. Just remember to unmute when ready!

Pros of enabling Facebook notifications

Potential benefits of turning on Facebook notifications include:

  • Staying connected: Get real-time updates on friends and community.
  • Not missing activity: See important posts, messages, events, etc. right away.
  • Feeling involved: Ability to quickly like, comment on, or join friends’ activity.
  • Following Pages: Get updates from favorite brands, influencers, news sites.
  • Responding quickly: Be notified when someone directly reaches out to you.
  • Engagement: Increased likes, comments and sharing of your own content.

Notifications can lead to more meaningful connections and participation if you want to stay immersed in Facebook activity.

Cons of turning on Facebook notifications

Potential downsides of enabling Facebook notifications include:

  • Distraction: Frequent interruptions can impede productivity and focus.
  • Information overload: Difficult to process high notification volumes.
  • Urge to check: Notifications may trigger compulsive Facebook checking.
  • Less privacy: People know you’ve seen their messages/posts right away.
  • Disruption: Alerts can disrupt sleep if they come in overnight.
  • Raised anxiety/FOMO: Fear of missing out on activity.

Too many notifications could have negative impacts for people wanting more focus or minimal social media engagement.

Tips for managing Facebook notifications

Here are some tips to manage notifications effectively if you turn them on:

  • Set specific “quiet hours” when you won’t get notifications.
  • Choose the minimum frequency necessary for each notification type.
  • Disable push notifications and just check in-app alerts.
  • Mute temporary during focused work or family time.
  • Turn off email notifications and stick to in-app alerts.
  • Disable notifications from people or groups you can tune out.
  • Check notifications on a schedule rather than constantly.
  • Turn off red badge app icons if they tempt you to check.

Staying intentional about when/how you check notifications can prevent you from becoming distracted or overwhelmed.


Facebook notifications can help you stay up-to-date with friends, discover new content, and participate in timely conversations. But enabling notifications also delivers information constantly, which could disrupt focus. Find the right balance for your preferences by customizing notification settings. Tailor alerts to the interactions that matter most and use muting or scheduling techniques as needed. Notifications are a useful Facebook feature as long as you control them rather than letting them control you.