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What happens when you turn a Facebook page into a memorial page?

What happens when you turn a Facebook page into a memorial page?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized to keep their profile and memories alive. Memorialized accounts have some key differences compared to normal Facebook profiles. Here’s an overview of what happens when a Facebook page is turned into a memorial page:

Who Can Memorialize a Facebook Account?

Only certain people can submit requests to memorialize a Facebook profile:

  • Immediate family members
  • Friends
  • Legacy contacts appointed by the deceased user (if designated before passing)

Facebook reviews all memorialization requests to confirm the person has passed away. Valid proof of death such as an obituary is required.

Memorial Page Features

Once memorialized, the word “Remembering” appears next to the person’s name at the top of their profile:

Remembering [Person’s Name]

The memorialized account and profile remain intact, with the following changes:

  • No one can log into the account anymore
  • Profile picture stays the same but is slightly grayed out
  • Cover photos are removed and a special Facebook memorial cover is added
  • All incoming friend requests are ignored
  • New people cannot be tagged or mentioned in posts
  • Notifications are no longer sent for interactions with the profile
  • Profile cannot appear in “Suggested Friends” or ads
  • Closed groups become open to allow people to post tributes
  • New sections are added for tributes and memorial posts/photos from friends

Who Can See the Memorial Page?

The memorialized profile can only be seen by the deceased user’s confirmed friends. This includes:

  • Friends added while the user was still alive
  • Friends who were tagged or mentioned in posts by the deceased

Memorial pages also remain visible to the people chosen as legacy contacts. If there is no designated legacy contact, immediate family can request access.

Posting on Memorial Pages

Friends can continue to post on the memorialized Timeline to share memories, photos, and tributes. But there are some limitations:

  • Only confirmed friends see new posts/interactions
  • Friends of friends or public cannot see new posts
  • New posts do not appear in News Feeds
  • Notifications are not sent for new interactions

Friends can still wish the deceased user “Happy Birthday” on their birthday by posting on the Timeline or sharing memories. Memories also appear each year on the anniversary of their passing.

Removing Memorial Status

Once memorialized, accounts remain permanent memorial pages. However, in certain circumstances Facebook may consider removing the memorial status, such as:

  • Evidence is provided showing the memorialized user is still alive
  • Immediate family contacts Facebook to remove the memorialization
  • A court order or legal request is issued to remove memorial status

The account can then be restored and used normally again. But the memorial page and its content remain visible to friends as a historic timeline.

Downloading Data from a Memorial Page

Facebook allows legacy contacts to download an archive of the deceased user’s profile data. This can include photos, posts, videos, and messages. To do so:

  1. Legacy contact logs into their own Facebook account
  2. Goes to General Account Settings and selects “Request account data”
  3. Enters the memorialized user’s email/password to verify identity
  4. Requests a download of the deceased user’s data archive

Facebook will compile all the data from the memorial account and email a download link to retrieve it.

Deleting a Memorialized Account

While Facebook prefers preserving memorial accounts, they can be permanently deleted under certain circumstances:

  • Immediate family member contacts Facebook to request deletion
  • There is legal requirement to delete the data (e.g. GDPR request)
  • Account is inactive and has no legacy contact after a certain time period

Deleted memorial profiles are completely removed from Facebook and cannot be restored. Friends are also no longer able to post tributes.

Comparison of Normal, Memorialized, and Deleted Accounts

Here is a table summarizing some of the key differences between standard, memorialized, and deleted Facebook accounts:

Normal Account Memorialized Account Deleted Account
Profile Access Public or limited based on user privacy settings Only confirmed friends can see profile and posts Profile completely deleted and inaccessible
Log In Ability User can log in normally No one can log into account Account deleted so log in not possible
New Posts Allowed from user and friends Only confirmed friends can post tributes on Timeline No new posts possible after deletion
Profile Photo Normal Grayed out version of original photo Removed
Cover Photo User’s chosen cover photo Standard Facebook memorial cover Removed
Friends/Follows Allowed No new friends or follows Friends list deleted
Tagging Ability User can be tagged normally Can no longer be tagged in posts Unable to tag in any new posts
Search Visibility Profile appears in search results Does not appear in searches Removed from search results after deletion

Reasons to Memorialize an Account

There are a few key reasons why memorializing a deceased user’s Facebook account is beneficial:

  • Preserves memories and allows friends to grieve/pay tribute – Friends can post memories, photos, stories, and more on the memorialized Timeline.
  • Provides some account access for family – Immediate family members can request access to the memorial account if there is no legacy contact.
  • Lets the account age naturally – The memorial page remains visible, allowing the deceased user’s memories to live on longer versus deleting the account entirely.
  • Avoids awkward birthday reminders – Facebook’s algorithms will not show birthday reminders for a memorialized account each year.
  • Shows respect for the deceased – Memorialization indicates the user has passed away, avoiding potential impersonation issues if the account remained unchanged.


Memorializing a Facebook profile allows friends and family to continue honoring a loved one’s memory while protecting their privacy. The account transforms into a controlled memorial page, rather than being deleted entirely. With features like the tributes section and timeline preservation, memorialization provides a respectful compromise for remembering someone who has passed away.