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What happens when you report someone on Marketplace Facebook?

What happens when you report someone on Marketplace Facebook?

Facebook Marketplace is a feature on Facebook that allows users to buy and sell items locally. It provides a convenient way for people to find and purchase used goods within their own communities.

However, as with any online marketplace, you may occasionally encounter problematic sellers or buyers. If someone is behaving inappropriately, you can report them directly on Facebook Marketplace.

Why you may need to report someone on Facebook Marketplace

There are a few common reasons why you may need to report another user on Facebook Marketplace:

  • The user is posting fake or misleading listings
  • The user is rude, harassing, or abusive in messages
  • The user fails to complete a transaction after agreeing to buy/sell an item
  • The user appears to be scamming buyers in some way

Facebook Marketplace relies on user reports to identify and take action against bad actors on the platform. By reporting problematic users, you help make Marketplace safer and more trustworthy for everyone.

How to report a Facebook Marketplace user

If you encounter a user on Marketplace who is violating Facebook’s rules, you can easily report them in just a few steps:

  1. Go to the user’s Marketplace profile or listing page that you want to report.
  2. Click the three dots “…” icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Report” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the option that best describes the issue with this user. For example: “Prohibited sales,” “Fake listing,” “Rude or abusive,” etc.
  5. Write a brief explanation of what the user did and why you’re reporting them.
  6. Click “Submit Report.”

You can also report a user directly from a message thread by clicking the “Report” link at the top of the conversation.

What happens after you report a Facebook Marketplace user

When you submit a report on Facebook Marketplace, here’s a look at what happens behind the scenes:

  1. Facebook reviews the report – Facebook employees will review your report and investigate the issue. They have access to full profiles, messages, and transaction history to look into the situation.
  2. The user may be blocked from Marketplace – If Facebook finds the user violated rules, they may block them from buying, selling or messaging on Marketplace temporarily or permanently.
  3. You may get an update on the report – In some cases, Facebook may send you a notification letting you know action was taken against the user based on your report.
  4. The user won’t know you reported them – Facebook doesn’t reveal who submitted a specific report to protect user privacy and safety.
  5. Repeated violations lead to account restrictions – If a Marketplace user gets multiple reports against them, Facebook may impose restrictions like blocking them from posting new listings.
  6. Serious violations can result in account termination – Egregious or repeated abusive behavior may cause Facebook to ban the user’s account altogether.

So in summary, once you report a Marketplace user, Facebook will investigate and take appropriate action based on their Community Standards and misconduct severity. The user won’t know your identity as the reporter.

What kinds of penalties can Facebook impose?

Here are some examples of penalties Facebook may impose on users who violate Marketplace policies:

Penalty Description
Temporary Marketplace ban The user is blocked from posting new listings or interacting with other users for a set period of time, like 7-30 days.
Permanent Marketplace ban The user’s ability to use Marketplace is revoked permanently, but they can still use Facebook normally.
Listing removals Facebook removes listings that violate policies, like fake goods, prohibited services, price gouging, etc.
Message restrictions Abusive users may have limits placed on their ability to message other Marketplace users.
Account warning A formal warning appears on the user’s Facebook account about their activity violating terms.
Account suspension The entire Facebook account is temporarily suspended for a period of time, like 1 week or 1 month.
Account termination For severe or repeat offenses, Facebook may permanently disable the user’s account altogether.

The specific penalty depends on the nature and severity of the offense. But Facebook aims to limit harm and discourage further policy violations.

What to do if someone retaliates after you report them

Hopefully most users will understand they violated policies and correct their behavior after being reported. But in some cases, a user may attempt to retaliate against the person who reported them.

If a Marketplace user harasses you or causes other issues for you after you report them, here are some things you can do:

  • Report any retaliatory messages or behavior to Facebook so they can take further action against the user.
  • Block the user on Facebook so they can no longer contact you or see your profile and posts.
  • Document any concerning interactions by saving screenshots and messages as evidence.
  • Contact your local law enforcement if you feel physically threatened or unsafe due to the user’s actions.
  • Temporarily deactivate your Facebook account if the user won’t leave you alone.
  • Ask Facebook to remove any personal information like your address if the user threatens to share it.

You should not have to tolerate retaliation or harassment because you properly reported a policy-violating user. Facebook takes these kinds of issues very seriously, so be sure to escalate any concerns about retaliation to them right away.

False or malicious reporting

While the vast majority of Marketplace reports are legitimate, Facebook does take measures to identify and handle false or malicious reporting as well.

If a user repeatedly reports other users unfairly to harass them or sabotage their accounts, Facebook can detect this pattern of behavior and apply penalties to the false reporter instead.

Some steps Facebook may take against those who submit false reports include:

  • Removing the false reporter’s ability to report listings or users
  • Banning them from using Facebook Marketplace altogether
  • Disabling their Facebook account for a period of time
  • Permanently disabling their account for serial false reporting

So malicious users should be aware that unfairly targeting innocent Marketplace users with false reports can backfire on them.

Appealing penalties from false reports

In very rare cases, an innocent user may be penalized by mistake if multiple false reports target them. If this happens to you, all hope is not lost.

Facebook does have an appeals process to dispute Marketplace penalties that were applied incorrectly or unfairly. Here are some tips for successfully appealing a mistake:

  • File your appeal to Facebook right away explaining it was a false report targeting you.
  • Provide any evidence you have to show your innocence, like messaging transcripts, shipment records, etc.
  • Be polite and cooperative in your appeal. Anger or aggression will not help your case.
  • If possible, identify any users who colluded to falsely report you out of retaliation or competition.
  • Suggest alternative penalties for the false reporters as a resolution.
  • Follow up if you do not hear back on your initial appeal.

With evidence of false reporting and a calm, constructive appeal, you stand a good chance of getting unfair Marketplace penalties overturned.


Reporting users who misbehave on Facebook Marketplace helps keep the community safe and welcoming for everyone. Responsible reporting allows Facebook to identify and take action against bad actors violating policies.

Normal users generally have nothing to fear from reporting others or being reported. Facebook aims to respond appropriately to limit harm based on the severity of offenses. Malicious false reporting can also be penalized if detected.

So don’t hesitate to report any concerning Marketplace activities from users. Your reports help Facebook improve the marketplace experience for all users.