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What happens when you remove someone from your suggested friend on Facebook?

What happens when you remove someone from your suggested friend on Facebook?

Facebook’s “People You May Know” feature suggests new friends for you based on mutual connections, work and education information, location data and more. If someone shows up in your “People You May Know” list that you don’t want to connect with, you have the option to remove them.

What is the “People You May Know” feature?

The “People You May Know” box shows up on the right side of your Facebook News Feed. It suggests new friends for you based on a few factors:

  • Mutual friends – If you and another person have several friends in common, Facebook will suggest you connect.
  • Work networks – If you’ve listed your workplace on your profile, Facebook may suggest co-workers.
  • School networks – If you’ve attended the same school or are in the same class year, you may be suggested.
  • Location – People who live in your area or visit near you may show up.
  • Contacts – If someone in your contacts list is on Facebook, you’ll likely be suggested.
  • Groups – People who are members of the same groups as you may be suggested.
  • Events – If you’ve RSVP’d for the same event, you may be suggested.
  • Pages – Fans of the same Pages you like may show up as suggestions.

In general, the “People You May Know” box helps you find and connect with people you have things in common with but may not already be friends with on Facebook.

Why do people show up in your suggestions that you don’t want to connect with?

There are a few reasons someone you don’t want to be Facebook friends with may show up as a suggestion:

  • You have mutual friends or connections but don’t know the person well yourself.
  • It’s an acquaintance from the past that you don’t stay in touch with anymore.
  • It’s someone you intentionally don’t want to connect with, like an ex or someone you don’t get along with.
  • The algorithm made an inaccurate prediction based on limited data.

Facebook’s algorithm does its best to predict relationships, but it’s not perfect. It connects the dots based on the information it has, which can sometimes result in suggestions that don’t make sense or are unwanted.

How to remove someone from your “People You May Know”

If you see someone show up that you definitely do not want to connect with, you can remove them from your suggestions. Here’s how:

  1. Click the “X” icon next to their name.
  2. Select “Remove” to confirm.

This will remove the person from your “People You May Know” list. They shouldn’t show up again as a recommendation in the future.

What happens when you remove a suggested friend

When you remove someone from your suggested friends list, here is what happens:

  • They are permanently removed from your “People You May Know” recommendations.
  • They will not be notified or aware that you removed them.
  • There is no limit to how many people you can remove.
  • You can add them back later if you change your mind by searching for their name and sending a friend request.

Removing a suggested friend does not block the person from viewing your profile or contacting you. It simply removes them from that one recommendations box. They could still come across your profile through searches or mutual connections.

Other ways to manage “People You May Know”

In addition to removing individual people, there are a couple other ways to manage who shows up in your “People You May Know” suggestions:

  • Restrict your visibility – Adjust your privacy settings so your profile is visible only to friends or more limited groups. This gives Facebook less data to fuel suggestions.
  • Turn it off – You can hide the “People You May Know” box completely by going to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy and deselecting “Show people you may know on Facebook.”

Pros of removing someone from suggested friends

Some pros of taking someone out of your “People You May Know” include:

  • Avoids an unwanted online interaction or awkward social situation
  • Prevents an unnecessary notification or contact
  • Keeps your social media circle curated to people you want
  • Reduces chances of drama or complications in existing relationships

For example, removing an ex could prevent constant reminders of the past relationship popping up on your feed. Or removing a co-worker you don’t get along with prevents stirring up unnecessary trouble at the office.

Cons of removing someone from suggested friends

Some potential cons of removing someone include:

  • The person may notice if you have mutual connections
  • It doesn’t prevent them from finding you through other means
  • They may be offended if they realize you removed them
  • You lose the chance to reconnect if you change your mind later

For instance, an old friend from school may be confused or hurt if they find out you preemptively removed them as a friend suggestion. Or a distant relative may still reach out to you directly even if you removed them.

When should you remove a suggested friend?

There are no definitive rules on when to remove someone from your “People You May Know.” It comes down to your specific circumstances and preferences. Here are some general guidelines on when removing a suggestion may make sense:

  • You don’t actually know the person – Don’t feel pressured to connect with strangers just because Facebook suggests them.
  • Someone you want to avoid – Exes, bullies, toxic people from your past, etc. Use your judgment.
  • Someone you’re no longer close with – An old friend or past coworker you have no ongoing relationship with.
  • Too much of an age gap – Large age differences like a suggestion for your grandparent’s neighbor.
  • Inappropriate relationships – Bosses, subordinates, students, patients – cross any lines you’re uncomfortable with.

On the other hand, don’t go overboard removing every single suggestion. Leaving the door open for old acquaintances to reconnect can be rewarding too.

Should you tell the person you removed them?

In most cases, there is no need to proactively tell someone that you removed them from your suggested friends list. Some exceptions where mentioning it may be appropriate:

  • If the person directly asks you why you didn’t accept their friend request
  • If you have a real life relationship with the person and they will obviously notice the snub
  • If you want to explain your specific reasons and reestablish a boundary

Otherwise, simply removing them without comment is usually the cleanest approach. No need to create embarrassment or confrontation over your social media preferences.

Can someone tell if you’ve removed them from suggestions?

There is no notification sent when you remove someone from the “People You May Know” box. The only way they would find out is:

  • Noticing they are not suggested to you, despite having eligible mutual connections
  • Realizing you did not accept their friend request
  • Asking mutual connections about the situation
  • You directly telling them

So while it is possible for someone to figure out you removed them, it is not obvious or automatically disclosed to them through Facebook.

What to do if someone confronts you about removing them

If someone asks you directly why they weren’t suggested as a friend or why you didn’t accept their request, here are some tips on how to respond:

  • Be honest but polite – explain that you are being selective about friend requests or keeping your social circle limited without making it personal.
  • Suggest connecting in real life instead – this maintains the relationship without the social media expectations.
  • Acknowledge it’s not about them – make it clear your Facebook habits aren’t a judgment on them.
  • Stand your ground – you have the right to accept or deny any friend requests.
  • Unfriend or block if necessary – if the person won’t take no for an answer, don’t hesitate to disconnect.

The right approach depends on your specific relationship and history with the person. Focus on being direct but kind in order to preserve the relationship, if desired.

Mistakes to avoid when removing suggested friends

When making use of the remove feature, be careful about these possible mistakes:

  • Removing too many people – this can isolate you and prevent positive connections.
  • Removing someone impulsively – give it some thought if you have a real relationship.
  • Making it personal – explain your general policy instead of attacking someone’s character.
  • Being dishonest – don’t say you “never got the request” if you removed them.
  • Gossiping about it – respect people’s privacy and don’t announce you removed someone.

In general, be discreet, judicious and mature when handling these sensitive social situations.


Facebook’s friend recommendations aim to connect you with relevant people in your networks and communities. However, the algorithm isn’t flawless. Removing unwanted suggestions is a tool to curate a social media circle that feels comfortable for you.

Be thoughtful and selective when using the remove option. Aim to be appropriate to the specific relationship and judicious rather than reactionary. With care, it can help preserve your social boundaries and prevent unwanted online interactions.