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What happens when you reach 10k followers on Facebook?

What happens when you reach 10k followers on Facebook?

Reaching 10,000 followers on Facebook is a major milestone for any page or profile. For businesses, influencers, artists, and public figures, hitting this follower count means gaining greater reach, engagement, and authority on the platform.

But what exactly happens when you reach 10k followers on Facebook? Getting to this landmark follower count unlocks some key features and benefits on Facebook.

You Get a Swipe Up Link for Stories

One of the first things that happens when you reach 10k followers on Facebook is you gain the ability to add “swipe up” links to your Facebook Stories.

The swipe up link allows viewers of your Story to swipe up to visit an external website or link. This provides a seamless way to drive traffic and sales from your Stories.

Pages with over 10k followers can add a swipe up link to their Stories, enabling direct connections to online content. Use this to drive traffic to your website, blog, or online store.

You Can Use Facebook Live

Once your page hits 10,000 followers, you unlock the ability to go Live on Facebook using Facebook Live video.

Facebook Live is an incredibly powerful marketing tool – it allows you to stream video in real-time to your followers. This helps you engage your audience in an authentic, raw way.

The interactive nature of Facebook Live helps build connections with your followers. And it provides a platform to announce news, host Q&As, share behind-the-scenes footage, and much more.

So reaching 10k followers lets you start using Live to strengthen relationships with your audience. Take advantage of this highly engaging video tool.

You Gain Access to Facebook Stars

Passing the 10k followers mark grants you access to Facebook Stars on your page.

Facebook Stars allow your followers to financially support your page or profile by purchasing and sending Stars during Live videos.

Fans can purchase Stars packs on Facebook, then send Stars to their favorite creators during Live broadcasts as a way to show support and appreciation.

As a page owner, you can then withdraw your earned Stars as cash. So gaining over 10k followers allows you to generate revenue directly from your audience.

You Can Add More Admins

Once your Facebook page crosses 10,000 followers, you’re able to add more administrators.

Pages with under 10k followers are limited to just 5 admins. But after hitting 10k followers, you can have an unlimited number of page admins.

This allows you to bring on more team members to help manage your growing community. Multiple admins help share the workload and provide coverage in managing your page.

More admins also provide redundancy in case a page admin leaves your team. The ability to add more admins helps set up your page for continued growth.

You Gain Access to Facebook’s Subscription Offerings

At 10,000 followers, Facebook opens up subscription offerings for your page. This includes access to Facebook Subscriptions and Facebook Stars Subscriptions.

Facebook Subscriptions allow page owners to offer exclusive, paid content and experiences to their most engaged followers. Fans can pay a monthly fee to access member-only content.

Stars Subscriptions take this a step further – subscribers pay a monthly fee and in return they get a regular allotment of Stars to use during your Live videos.

Both subscription options help you monetize your most loyal supporters. And they provide recurring revenue based on a predictable, monthly model.

You Can Use Facebook Pay

Reaching 10k unlocks the ability to use Facebook Pay on your page or profile.

Facebook Pay allows you to receive payments directly through Facebook. This makes it easy for your followers to purchase products, donate, or pay for exclusive content.

Pages can process transactions and payments seamlessly via Facebook Pay. As a seller, you can get paid without buyers ever needing to leave the Facebook app.

Given Facebook’s tremendous reach, enabling Facebook Pay opens up major ecommerce potential on the heels of hitting 10k followers.

You Gain Access to the Subscription Messaging API

Pages with over 10k followers can take advantage of the Subscription Messaging API.

This advanced API integration allows you to build custom subscription services on top of Messenger. You can create exclusive, “VIP-only” messaging experiences for your subscribers.

Using the Subscription Messaging API, subscribers can pay for premium one-on-one chats, exclusive content deliveries via Messenger, personalized updates, and more.

The ability to provide paid messaging access helps you increase fan loyalty and satisfaction. And it provides yet another way to generate revenue from your most dedicated supporters.

You Unlock Additional Profile Customization Options

Once you’ve accumulated 10,000 followers, Facebook grants your page access to advanced profile customization settings.

Page owners can upload custom profile photos and change the profile’s overall aesthetic and layout. You have more options to brand your profile and tailor its look.

Design upgrades like colorful backgrounds, stacked profile photos, and prominence tags help your profile stand out. Take advantage of these advanced profile options at 10k followers.

You Gain Authority and Influence

From Facebook’s perspective, pages with over 10,000 followers have demonstrated enough relevance and engagement to be considered authoritative and influential.

Hitting this milestone follower count earns your page a degree of authority in the eyes of Facebook’s algorithm. This authority can lead to increased distribution and reach for your content.

Your page also becomes more influential with brands, publishers, and public figures. Cross-promotion and partnership opportunities expand thanks to your page’s new 10k follower status.

Overall, surpassing 10,000 followers marks your transition into an established, influential presence on Facebook. Your growth empowers you to make a greater impact on the platform.

You Can Join the 10k Followers Club

Welcome to the club! When your page crosses the 10k followers threshold, you gain access to the exclusive 10k Followers Club on Facebook.

This unofficial club is made up of pages from all niches that have achieved the milestone 10k follower count. Member pages range from small businesses and creators to global mega-brands.

Joining the 10k Followers Club puts you in the company of other successful, high-engagement pages on Facebook. You can connect with these peers and learn from their experience growing a loyal audience.

And you may find opportunities for cross-collaboration and promotion with other pages in this club. Share your 10k follower achievement with this elite group!

You Gain Access to the Next Level of Facebook Insights

Facebook offers in-depth Insights analytics and metrics to help page owners track performance and engagement.

When your page crosses 10,000 followers, you gain access to the next level of Facebook Insights featuring more advanced analytics.

These include metrics on top referral sites and sources, exported data reports, and additional demographic data on your followers.

The additional analytics help you make data-driven decisions about your content strategy and Facebook marketing. Capitalize on the expanded Insights at 10k followers.

You Can Grow Even Faster

Now that you’ve made it to 10,000 followers, you have momentum on your side to grow your page even bigger.

You’ve proven your value and established your brand on Facebook. Use your current audience base as a springboard for taking your page to the next level.

Amplify your reach and engagement through Facebook ads. Leverage influencer partnerships and collaborations. Go broader with multi-channel promotions across Instagram, email, and more.

Your 10k milestone gives you credibility to keep expanding your audience. Growth breeds more growth, so keep your foot on the accelerator beyond 10k. The sky’s the limit!

You’ve Come a Long Way!

Earning 10,000 followers represents a major achievement. Take a moment to celebrate how far you’ve come!

You likely started from scratch, slowly nurturing your community with valuable content and engagement. Now all that effort has compounded into an audience of 10k strong supporters.

Building a massive following takes time, commitment, and patience. But you put in the work. You connected with real people who find genuine value in your content.

Whatever your niche or focus area, remember that your followers represent 10,000 lives touched and enriched by your work. Congratulations on making a difference at scale on Facebook!

You Can Give Back More Value

With scale comes opportunity. Now that you have a sizable following, you’re empowered to have an even bigger positive impact.

Look for ways to give back as your audience grows. Use contests, Live events, and new content formats to nourish your community.

Create change and spread good in the world thanks to your expanded reach. Find win-win ways to provide exponential value to your followers even as you grow.

Stay focused on serving your audience – after all, you wouldn’t have 10,000 followers without them! Let this milestone remind you of the trust they’ve placed in you.

Bigger Goals Lie Ahead

Getting over 10k followers is worth celebrating. But even more opportunity lies ahead on your Facebook journey.

Set your sights on the next growth milestones like 50k, 100k, and 1 million followers. Dream big and don’t limit your potential impact and influence.

Continue learning and improving your Facebook marketing skills. Find ways to stand out in the crowd and build an unforgettable brand.

You have powerful creator tools at your fingertips plus a thriving community to fuel your growth. This is just the beginning!

You’ve Leveled Up as a Creator

Hitting 10k validates your skills and value as a content creator or marketer. It’s no small feat!

This milestone proves you know how to connect with an audience and consistently deliver engaging content. Consider it a level up for your creator abilities.

Celebrate developing sought-after marketing skills like copywriting, visual storytelling, community management, and more.

Let this benchmarks remind you of how far you’ve come as a creator. Then get excited about how much more you have to learn on the journey ahead!

The Responsibility of Influence

With a large following comes increased responsibility. As your platform grows, you have a greater ability to influence others, for better or worse.

Consider the impact your page and brand has on your audience. Uphold your values through the content you share – your followers are listening.

Be thoughtful about the causes and messages you promote. Be judicious about the types of partnerships you accept. Your voiced opinion carries weight.

Remember that leading by example is the most powerful form of leadership. Let your growing influence inspire others toward good.

You Can Build Something Bigger

Reaching 10k followers means you’ve built a strong foundation. Now it’s time to take things to the next level.

Rally your audience around a shared mission that goes beyond your personal brand. Unite people toward a purpose.

Use your foothold to create something bigger than yourself – launch a movement, champion a cause, build a thriving community.

Your followers are energized and ready to be activated. Guide them toward leaving a positive mark on the world. The biggest impact is yet to come!

Stay True to Your Roots

As your following grows, it’s important not to lose sight of what matters most.

Why did you start creating content in the first place? What unique value do you provide? What makes your perspective special?

Keep your core purpose and passion top of mind moving forward. Don’t lose your authenticity as you scale.

Remain true to your roots and the loyal supporters who have been with you from the start. After all, an audience can sense when you’re not being real.

Success is hollow without integrity. Build upon your foundations while evolving your brand.

Rinse and Repeat

Achieving 10,000 followers is a great start. But growth requires consistency and persistence.

Don’t stop once you cross this milestone. Avoid complacency and continue leveling up.

Rinse and repeat what led to your initial success – only make it bigger and better. Find ways to improve with each piece of content you create.

Let your 10k achievement energize and motivate you rather than satisfy you. Consistency compounds results over time. Keep going!

Enjoy Your Moment in the Sun!

Most importantly, be sure to enjoy this exciting achievement!

Gaining a following of 10,000 people is a testament to the value you provide through your content. Not every Facebook page makes it this far.

Soak up this moment. You’ve earned it. Share your excitement and gratitude with your loyal supporters.

Then get ready to celebrate even bigger milestones ahead! Onward.


Reaching 10,000 Facebook followers ushers in new opportunities through unlocked features like swipe up links, Facebook Stars, the Subscription API, and more. It also increases your authority and influence.

This major milestone empowers you to have an even greater impact thanks to your expanded reach. Stay focused on delivering value as you continue growing your audience.

Celebrate and thank your followers – after all, you wouldn’t have made it this far without them. Enjoy this achievement, then set your sights on making an even bigger difference in the world. The journey has just begun!