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What happens when you post on Facebook to friends except?

What happens when you post on Facebook to friends except?

When you make a post on Facebook, you have the option to choose your audience for that post. By default, posts go to all your friends. However, Facebook gives you the ability to limit your audience using the “Friends except…” option. This allows you to exclude specific friends or lists of friends from seeing that particular post.

Using the “Friends except” option can be useful in many situations. For example, you may want to post something personal that you don’t want certain friends or family members to see. Or you may want to post something related to work or school that you only want your coworkers or classmates to see.

However, it’s important to understand exactly how the “Friends except” option works and what happens when you use it. Here are some key things to know:

Who can see your “Friends except” post?

When you choose “Friends except” and exclude people, your post will be visible to all your friends on Facebook except those you have specifically excluded. So if you have 500 friends, and you exclude 5 of them, 495 friends will be able to see the post.

Does it notify people they are excluded?

No, Facebook does not notify or indicate to anyone that they have been excluded from seeing a particular post. The people you exclude have no way of knowing you posted something that they can’t see.

Can excluded people see they are excluded?

No, there is no indication to your excluded friends that a post exists that they can’t see. They will not see the post at all, and it will be as if it does not exist to them.

Will excluded people see comments on the post?

If someone who can see the post comments on it, the excluded people will not see the comments or even know a conversation is happening. The entire post and comment thread will be invisible to them.

If someone is tagged, can they see the post?

No, if you exclude someone from the post, they will not be able to see it even if they are tagged in the post or photo. Tagging only helps the post show up in more places if the audience can view it.

Things to Keep in Mind When Using “Friends Except”

Using the “Friends except” option on Facebook comes with some important things to keep in mind:

Excluded people may still hear about the post

While excluded individuals can’t actually see the post, other friends who can view it could potentially mention it or discuss it with the excluded people. So it’s possible they could hear about a post indirectly.

The post may appear in filtered News Feeds

If someone has their News Feed filtered to show “All Posts” instead of just the ones Facebook’s algorithm selects, excluded posts could show up there. But they still won’t be able to open or read the full post.

Facebook’s algorithms may impact reach

Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithms also consider how you’ve used privacy settings on posts. So using “Friends except” could cause a post to have lower reach compared to a post shared with all friends.

You have to remember who you excluded

There’s no built-in way to see who you’ve excluded from certain posts in the past. So you’ll have to try to remember yourself who you left out if you want a future post to have the same audience.

It could cause hurt feelings if discovered

If someone you excluded finds out about a post indirectly and realizes you left them out specifically, it could understandably hurt their feelings or damage your relationship. So use this option cautiously.

Limiting Your Audience with Other Facebook Options

In addition to “Friends except,” Facebook provides other ways to limit your audience for posts. Each has slightly different effects:

Friends lists

You can create lists of specific friends and choose to share only with a certain list. But unlike “Friends except,” anyone can see they are on a list and may be able to tell when you’ve posted to a list they’re excluded from.


You can limit some posts to “Friends except Acquaintances” to exclude newer connections. But this may also exclude close friends you haven’t interacted with much on Facebook.

Individual privacy

For each post, you can click “Custom” and manually choose individuals to exclude or include. This takes more effort but gives you the most control.

The Pros and Cons of Using “Friends Except”

If you’re considering using the “Friends except” option, here are some of the key pros and cons to weigh:


  • Lets you easily exclude specific people from a post
  • Those excluded are unaware they have been left out
  • Allows you to share freely with most of your connections
  • Can be used to avoid tensions or issues with certain connections


  • Excluded people may still hear about the post indirectly
  • Need to remember who you’ve excluded in the past
  • Could damage relationships if discovered
  • Reduces reach of post due to Facebook’s algorithms

Best Practices for Using “Friends Except”

If you do decide to use the “Friends except” option, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use it sparingly – only for sensitive posts where needed
  • Avoid excluding very close friends or family if possible
  • Remember who you’ve excluded from your audience
  • Be prepared to take ownership if an excluded person discovers the post
  • Consider whether a private message may be better than a limited post in some cases

The Ethics of Excluding People from Posts

There are also some ethical issues to consider when excluding specific people from seeing your content:


Is it ethical to share posts that you intentionally hide from certain people, without them knowing? It promotes a lack of transparency.

Golden Rule

If you would feel hurt or offended being excluded from someone’s posts, it’s arguably unethical to do the same to others.


Your Facebook friends likely expect that you share openly with them. So excluding them could violate their trust and the norms of friendship.


We all value some level of privacy. But complete openness can benefit relationships. There’s a balance to strike.

Data Ethics

Facebook has faced criticism for its handling of user data. Excluding friends from posts promotes further “filter bubbles.”

There are reasonable arguments on both sides. In the end, it requires reflecting on your specific relationships and situation.


Here are some key conclusions about using “Friends except” on Facebook posts:

– Excluded individuals will not see the post or know they’ve been excluded

– However, they may still hear about the post indirectly from others

– Be cautious and selective about who you exclude to avoid hurt feelings

– Weigh the pros and cons and ethics before excluding friends

– Consider other methods like lists or custom settings to limit post visibility

– Use “Friends except” sparingly and appropriately based on your relationships

Facebook’s audience selectors like “Friends except” give you more control over who sees your content. But with great power comes great responsibility. Use these features carefully and ethically based on your own personal circumstances.