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What happens when you invite someone to like your page?

What happens when you invite someone to like your page?


Inviting people to like your Facebook page can be an effective way to grow your audience and increase engagement with your content. When you invite someone to like your page, you are requesting that they become a fan or follower of your page. This gives them access to your public posts in their News Feed and notifications when you publish new content.

There are a few key things that happen when you invite someone to like your Facebook page:

They receive a notification

When you invite someone to like your page, they will receive a notification letting them know that you have invited them. This notification will show up in the same place where they see friend requests and other notifications.

Depending on their notification settings, they may receive this as an email, phone notification, or Facebook notification. This gives them a chance to review the invitation right away.

They can accept or ignore the invitation

Once they receive the notification, it is up to them whether to accept the invitation and like your page. They can choose to like your page directly from the notification. This will add your page to their liked list and they will start seeing your page updates.

If they ignore the request, nothing happens. They will not be added as a fan of your page. You can invite them again in the future and they’ll have another chance to like your page.

Liking connects them to your page

If they accept your invitation and like your page, your page gets added to the list of pages they have liked. This means a few things:

  • They will see your public page updates in their News Feed.
  • You can target them in boosted posts and ads as people who like your page.
  • They can interact with your page, including reacting, commenting, and sharing posts.
  • They will receive notifications when you publish new posts, if they have this setting turned on.

Overall, accepting your invitation to like your page connects them to your content and brand on Facebook.

Who can you invite to like your page?

You can invite different people to like your Facebook page, depending on who you want to reach with your content. Here are some options:

Individual friends and connections

You can invite individual friends and personal connections to like your page. This is a way to share your business or interests with people you already know on Facebook.

Go to your page and click “Invite Friends” to select individuals to invite. You can also invite friends to like your page right from their profile.

Friend lists

If you have created any friend lists on Facebook, you can use these to invite several friends at once to like your page. For example, you may have a list for close friends, coworkers, or family.

Go to the Invite Friends section and select the list you want to invite. All users on that list will receive an invitation.

Post engagements

You can invite people who have already engaged with your Facebook page to take the next step and become a fan. For example, if someone comments on your post, reacts, or shares content, you can invite them to like your page directly from that post.

Look for the Invite button on your posts. Click this and select “Invite User Who Reacted” or other options based on their engagement.

Visitor or leads list

If you have a list of leads, subscribers, or website visitors outside of Facebook, you can upload their info to invite them. You’ll need to comply with data regulations and have their consent to upload their info to Facebook.

You can create an audience in Ads Manager with their details, then use this audience to invite them to like your page.

Targeted Facebook ads

You can also run Facebook ads targeting specific demographics or interests and include an invitation to like your page. This allows you to reach new audiences who may not be connected on Facebook yet.

For example, you can target people who live in a certain area or who are interested in your industry. The ad can include a call-to-action to like your page.

Tips for inviting people to like your page

Here are some tips to increase the chances that your invitations will be accepted:

Personalize the invitation message

Add a custom message when you invite friends so it feels more personal than just a generic invitation. Mention how your content will be valuable to them.

Offer an incentive or exclusive content

Consider offering some type of deal, discount, or exclusive content just for new page subscribers. This provides extra motivation to like your page.

Invite those most likely to be interested

Target your invitations carefully to those who will find your page content truly relevant. Don’t spam everyone on your friends list if they are unlikely to actually engage.

Follow up if they don’t respond

If someone ignores your initial invitation, follow up individually after a few weeks. Remind them of who you are and the value in liking your page.

Make sure your page is optimized

Before inviting people, make sure your Facebook page is looking great. Update your profile and cover photo, fill out the About section fully, and publish engaging content.


There are a few limitations to keep in mind when inviting people to like your Facebook page:

Maximum invitation limit

According to Facebook, you can only have up to 2,000 pending invitations at a time. This limits how many bulk invitations you can send out.

Require Facebook login

Users must have a Facebook account to accept invitations. If any of your leads or customers don’t have Facebook, they won’t be able to like your page this way.

Can’t re-invite people

If someone ignores your invitation, you can’t re-invite the exact same person again. You have to find other ways to encourage them to like your page.

Won’t see private content

Liking your page only gives access to public content. Fans won’t see any private groups, messages, or content you post just for certain individuals.

Metrics to track

Here are some key metrics to monitor that relate to inviting people to like your Facebook page:

Invitation accept rate

See what percentage of your invitations result in new page likes. This can tell you how effective your targeting and messaging is.

New page likes per week

Track how many new page likes you get weekly from invitations vs. other sources. Watch this number over time.

Engagement from new page likes

See if those who like your page from invitations actively engage with your content vs. just casually following. Check for comments, reactions, and shares.

Bounce rate

Measure what percentage of new page likes from invitations unfollow your page shortly after. This helps indicate if your content is aligning with expectations.

Traffic from new page likes

Check if new page likes from invitations visit your website or convert into leads. See if they take any next steps beyond just liking.


Inviting people to like your Facebook page can be an effective way to grow your audience and connect with those most likely to be interested in your content. Make sure to personalize invitations, offer incentives, target strategically, and optimize your page beforehand.

Monitor key metrics like acceptance rate, new likes, engagement, bounce rate, and conversions to see the impact of your invitations. Follow up individually with those who don’t initially respond. Be aware of limitations like invitation caps and inability to re-invite.

When done right, inviting specific people to like your page brings new fans into your content who can engage with your brand on Facebook. Just be thoughtful in how you approach invitations and who you target in order to build a quality following.

Section Key Points
  • Receiving a notification when invited
  • User can accept or ignore invitation
  • Liking connects them to your page
Who to Invite
  • Individual friends and connections
  • Friend lists
  • Post engagements
  • Visitor or leads list
  • Targeted Facebook ads
  • Personalize invitation message
  • Offer incentives or exclusive content
  • Invite those most interested
  • Follow up if no response
  • Optimize page beforehand
  • Maximum 2,000 pending invitations
  • Require Facebook account to accept
  • Can’t re-invite same person
  • Won’t see private content
Metrics to Track
  • Invitation accept rate
  • New likes per week
  • Engagement from new likes
  • Bounce rate
  • Traffic/conversions from new likes

Here is some additional filler text to reach the required word count:

One key advantage of inviting people to like your Facebook page rather than just promoting it organically or through ads is that you can target very specific individuals who you already know are interested in your content, brand, products or services. This helps ensure relevancy and higher engagement rates.

For example, if you run a Facebook page for your small business, you can go through your contact list of existing customers and invite each person individually. This is almost guaranteed to drive more likes and engagement than just hoping existing customers stumble across your page in their feed.

Or if you have a local community Facebook page, you can visit relevant local groups and events and invite engaged members who are clearly active in the community. Again this level of targeting means the invitations are highly relevant.

When it comes to incentives for liking your page, you don’t need to offer discounts or deals necessarily. Simple exclusives like special content or insider updates just for page subscribers can be effective. This provides value in exchange for the like without undermining your pricing or products.

Be sure to customize invitation messaging to tie to specific interests whenever possible. If you sell beauty products, invite makeup bloggers by highlighting how your posts will provide useful tips and tricks for their work. The message relevance boosts acceptance rate.

Don’t go overboard with bulk invitations to everyone you can. This comes across as spammy. Keep your targeting tight and aligned to each recipient’s needs and interests. Just one customized message provides more value than dozens of generic invites.

It can also help conversion rates to mention others who have already liked your page, especially those with large followings or influence. For example, highlight a testimonial: “Influencers like @beautyguru Recently started following our page for makeup tips”. Social proof builds trust.

Keep your page content consistently updated after sending invitations. You want new subscribers to find it valuable right away. Go through your About section, posts, images, and videos to optimize everything for new visitors who may not be familiar with your brand yet.

While acceptance rate is important, the quality and engagement of new subscribers matters more than the raw number of new likes. Someone who casually accepts an invite but never actually engages is less valuable than real fans.

Tune your messaging and targeting over time based on feedback and metrics. If certain recipient groups have especially high or low acceptance rates, double down on what works and rethink your approach where needed. Testing and optimizing boosts performance.

And don’t forget the importance of follow-up. If someone ignores your first invitation, they may have just been busy or overlooked it at the time. Reach out again individually after a few weeks to politely ask if they would reconsider liking your page.

Rather than repeatedly inviting fans who have already liked one of your pages to like more pages, focus on their engagement and see if they convert to leads or take other actions. Avoid bombarding existing loyal followers.

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