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What happens when you comment @highlight on Facebook?

What happens when you comment @highlight on Facebook?

When you add @[name] in a comment on Facebook, it will notify that person and highlight your comment for them. This is a way to directly tag another user in a comment thread and draw their attention to what you said.

The @highlight feature allows you to have public conversations and direct messages between users on Facebook posts and comments. It helps keep discussions organized by linking comments together through mentions.

Here are some key things to know about how @highlighting works on Facebook:

Notifying the User

– When you type @ and the person’s name, it will trigger a notification for them.

– This notification will alert the user that they have been mentioned in a comment.

– It will take them directly to that comment thread when they click on the notification.

Highlighting the Comment

– In addition to notifying the user, your comment will be highlighted for them.

– Their name will appear bold and blue in the comment.

– This makes it easy for them to spot which comment contains the mention.

Public Interactions

– The @mention creates a public interaction between users.

– All other users who can view the post will also see the highlighted comment.

– It allows you to have conversations within comment threads.

Tagging Ability

– You can only tag users who are connected to you or the original poster.

– Attempting to tag non-connected users will not trigger a notification.

– The tag needs to match the user’s exact profile name for it to work.

When Would You Use @highlight?

Here are some common situations where mentioning someone in a Facebook comment with @[name] can be useful:

Replying to Someone’s Comment

– If another user has already commented, you can tag them in your reply so they see it.

– This keeps the conversation connected by notifying them of your response.

Tagging Friends in Posts

– In a post from a friend, you may tag them to point out something specific you want to say to them.

– You can also tag friends who are relevant to the post topic to get their input.

Group Conversations

– When having a discussion with multiple friends in one comment thread, use tags to direct replies.

– This keeps the conversation organized by linking related comments.

Sharing Posts

– If you want to share a post with a friend, you can tag them in your comment to recommend it to them.

– This feature works for sharing posts both publicly or privately.

Tagging Brand Pages

– If you have feedback for a company, you can tag their branded Facebook page in a comment on their post.

– This will notify them of your comment so they can respond.

How to Use @highlight in Facebook Comments

Mentioning someone in a Facebook comment only takes a couple quick steps:

1. Type ‘@’ Symbol

– Go to the comment box and type the @ symbol.

– Make sure there is no space between it and the next word.

2. Type the Person’s Name

– Right after the @, start typing out the full name of the person you want to tag.

– A dropdown will appear with name suggestions to select the right person.

3. Send Your Comment

– After selecting the name from the dropdown, finish your comment as normal.

– When you send it, the tag will trigger a notification and highlight your mention.

4. Repeat for Multiple Tags

– You can include several @mentions in one comment by repeating the steps above.

– This allows you to tag multiple people to get their attention.

Tips for Using @[name] Successfully

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of mentioning people in Facebook comments:

Tag Thoughtfully

– Be selective about when you use tags to avoid spamming people with unnecessary notifications.

– Make sure your mention is relevant.

Check Profiles and Privacy

– Look at a user’s profile to see if tagging is enabled before mentioning them.

– Respect friends’ privacy settings.

Reply Below the Comment

– If replying to a specific comment, tag the person in a new comment below theirs in the thread.

– This keeps the back-and-forth conversation organized.

Correct Name is Critical

– Use the exact written name on the person’s profile for the tag to work properly.

– Minor spelling differences will make the tag not go through.

One Tag Per Comment

– You’ll get the best results by only tagging one person per individual comment.

– Multiple tags can get confusing.

Common Questions About @[name] Tagging

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about using the @highlight feature in Facebook comments:

Can You Remove a Tag?

Yes, if you decide you want to remove a tag from a comment you can delete just the name mention. This removes their notification and comment highlight.

Does a Tag Notify on Private Posts?

No, tagging only works to notify users who can already see the post content. Private posts or limiting the audience will prevent notifications.

Can I Tag Someone Not Friends With?

No, you can only tag users who are friends with either you or the original poster due to privacy restrictions. Attempted tags may not go through.

Do Tags Work in Facebook Groups?

Yes, you can tag group members in comments within your Facebook groups. This can be helpful for group discussions.

Is There a Limit on Tags in One Comment?

There is no defined limit, but it’s best to keep it to just 1-2 name mentions per comment. Too many tags becomes chaotic and less useful.

The Benefits of Using @[name] in Facebook Comments

Using the @highlight feature in Facebook comments can make conversations more efficient and engaging:

Improved Communication

– Directly connecting comments together through mentions makes ongoing discussions easier to follow.

Increased Engagement

– Notifying users and highlighting relevant comments encourages more users to get involved in threads.

Stay Organized

– Tags make long comment strings less confusing by linking related comments through callouts.

Faster Responses

– Users receive immediate notifications of tags so they see and respond to comments faster.

Enhanced Customer Service

– Businesses can use tags to provide personalized customer service by being alerted when their page or products are mentioned.

Potential Issues to Keep in Mind

While the @highlight tool is very useful on Facebook, there are a couple issues to keep in mind:

Notification Spam

– Excessively tagging the same users can come across as spammy and irritating. Use tags thoughtfully.

Security Concerns

– Tagging in private or inappropriate contexts could raise security issues or miscommunications.

Difficulty Untagging

– Unlike some platforms, you can’t remove tags in bulk. Each one has to be untagged individually.

Misleading Names

– Similar profile names can lead to tagging the wrong person if you select from the dropdown too quickly.

Not Everyone Likes Tags

– Some users find tags annoying or intrusive. Consider if someone welcomes tags before mentioning them.

Best Practices for Using @[name] Successfully

To get the most benefit from the @highlight tool, keep these best practices in mind:

Use It Thoughtfully

– Only tag when you have something substantive and relevant to say to the user. Don’t spam people.

Keep It Short

– Long tag-filled rants are confusing. Keep mentions brief and to the point.

Check Preferences First

– Some users have notifications off or don’t like tags. Verify preferences before tagging.

Reply Below the Original Comment

– Tag people in new comments below their original one to maintain a logical order.

Limit One Tag Per Comment

– Multiple name mentions in one comment gets chaotic. Keep it to one tag per comment where possible.

Match Names Exactly

– Double check you have the precise written name from their profile for the tag to work.


The @highlight feature allows for direct communication between users on Facebook posts and comments. When used appropriately, tagging someone by their name can notify them, highlight your message, and simplify conversations. Follow best practices, like thoughtful tagging and name accuracy, to effectively connect with friends and contacts. Moderation is key to avoiding tag spam and miscommunication. Overall, the mention tool enables more engaging discussions when applied strategically.

Benefits Potential Issues
  • Improves communication flow
  • Increases user engagement
  • Keeps comment threads organized
  • Allows faster response times
  • Can cause notification spam
  • Raises some security concerns
  • Hard to edit or remove tags after posting
  • Mixing up similar profile names
Best Practices
  • Use tags thoughtfully and selectively
  • Keep tag mentions brief and relevant
  • Check user preferences before tagging
  • Reply below original comments
  • Only tag one person per comment
  • Match profile names exactly