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What happens when you click Congratulations on Facebook?

What happens when you click Congratulations on Facebook?

Clicking the “Congratulations” button on Facebook when someone shares good news is a quick and easy way to show support and positivity. But what exactly happens when you click that button? Here’s an overview of what to expect.

You Send a Generic Congratulations Message

When you click Congratulations on a Facebook post, it sends a generic, pre-written message to the person who made the original post. The message says “Congratulations!” and includes a small congratulatory sticker or emoji.

You don’t get to customize or personalize the message in any way. It’s a one-size-fits-all reaction. So if you want to add a more heartfelt or specific note, you’ll need to write your own comment separately.

The Person Receives a Notification

The person who made the original post will receive a notification that you clicked Congratulations. This notification will show up in the same place as other notifications on Facebook – at the top right of the screen and in the notifications dropdown menu.

So it’s a quick and visible way to let someone know you’ve seen their news and are happy for them!

It’s Added to the Post’s Reactions

In addition to sending a message, clicking Congratulations also adds your reaction to the collection of Likes, Loves, Cares, etc. on that post. You’ll see a little congratulations sticker icon below the post text.

So it becomes a sort of public record of who reacted positively to the news. People can click to see names of friends who congratulated the person.

It May Show Up on Your Profile

When you congratulate someone, it may also get shared on your own Facebook profile as a “story.” Stories are a way for Facebook to show others what you’ve been interacting with on the platform lately.

So don’t be surprised if you see “X congratulated Y” show up in your profile story rotation for a short time. You can always hide stories if you don’t want others seeing that level of detail.

It Doesn’t Have Any Negative Effects

Importantly, there are no negative repercussions to clicking Congratulations on someone’s post. It’s purely a positive reaction and won’t come across as sarcastic or inappropriate if used on genuinely good news.

The only exception would be clicking it on sensitive posts where congratulations wouldn’t be suitable, like a post about a death, job loss, or illness. But in most happy scenarios, it’s almost always a welcome reaction.

You Can Take It Back

If you accidentally click Congratulations or change your mind, it’s easy to undo. Just click the reaction again and it will disappear from the post.

The original poster won’t receive a notification about you undoing it. But it will be removed from the post’s reaction list and will no longer show up on your profile.

It Has No Effect on News Feed Ranking

Congratulating someone doesn’t make their post show up higher or more often in your news feed in the future. Nor does it significantly boost distribution of that post to others.

Facebook’s algorithm ranks and distributes posts based on many factors, primarily engagement. So commenting or sharing a post has much more ranking influence than simply reacting to it.

You Might See “Say Congratulations” Prompts

If you have certain milestones or new jobs added to your own profile, Facebook may proactively prompt your friends to congratulate you. They’ll see a box that says “Say Congratulations” with your news.

This is just Facebook’s way of getting more engagement on positive life updates. But don’t feel obligated to click it – you can always ignore the prompt if you prefer.

It’s a Quick Way to Acknowledge Someone

Overall, clicking the Congratulations reaction is an easy way to quickly acknowledge when someone in your network has good news. It signals you’ve seen their announcement and wish them well.

In most cases, it’s a warm and harmless reaction (as long as used appropriately). It’s not the right choice if you want to leave a long, thoughtful comment. But for a one-click positive reaction, Congratulations hits the right note.

Pros of Clicking Congratulations Cons of Clicking Congratulations
  • Lets someone know you’ve seen their news
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Adds to the post’s reactions
  • No negative effects
  • Message is generic, not customized
  • Doesn’t boost distribution like commenting
  • Can seem insincere if overused

When is Congratulations Appropriate to Use?

Here are some examples of common scenarios where clicking Congratulations would be suitable:

  • When a friend announces a major milestone like an engagement, pregnancy, new home, etc.
  • When a connection shares news of a promotion, new job, graduation, etc.
  • When someone you know accomplished a goal like running a marathon.
  • When a public figure or celebrity you follow shares happy news.
  • When a local business you want to support announces a new location, product launch, etc.

When Should You Avoid Congratulations?

Here are some situations where it may be better to react in a different way, or not react at all:

  • If someone shares sensitive news like a job loss, illness, or death in their family.
  • If you suspect the news may not be entirely true or authentic.
  • If you don’t know the person well enough to congratulate them.
  • If the news is extremely minor or mundane.
  • If congratulations could come across as sarcastic or passive aggressive given your relationship.


Clicking Congratulations on Facebook is a fast and positive way to acknowledge others’ good news on the platform. It signals you’ve seen the post, wish the person well, and want to be supportive. While it has limitations compared to writing a custom comment, it can be a thoughtful reaction when used appropriately.