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What happens when someone invites you to like a page on Facebook?

What happens when someone invites you to like a page on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to invite their friends to like Pages that they have liked themselves. When someone invites you to like a Page on Facebook, you will receive a notification about it.

Receiving the Notification

When someone invites you to like a Page, you will see a notification in your Notifications tab on Facebook. The notification will say “[Friend’s Name] invited you to like [Page Name].” You can click on the notification to go to the Page that your friend invited you to like.

The notification may also appear in your email inbox if you have email notifications enabled for Facebook invites. The email will say “[Friend’s Name] invited you to like [Page Name] on Facebook.” Again, you can click the link in the email to go directly to the Page.

Who Can Invite You

Only your Facebook friends can invite you to like Pages. Pages themselves cannot directly invite you to like them – the invitation must come from a friend who has already liked that Page.

When someone likes a Page, they have the option to invite friends to like it too. They can invite individual friends, or invite all of their friends at once.

Seeing Who Invited You

When you go to the Page you were invited to like, you can see who invited you. There will be a box at the top of the Page that says “[Friend’s Name] invited you to like this.” You can click on their name to go to their profile.

If multiple friends invited you, it will say “[Friend 1], [Friend 2] and [Number] others invited you to like this.” You can click the “and [Number] others” to see the full list of friends who invited you.

Accepting or Ignoring the Invitation

When you receive an invitation to like a Page, you can either accept the invitation and like the Page, or ignore the invitation.

To accept, simply click the “Like” button on the Page after you visit it. This will like the Page and add it to your list of Liked Pages, which will show up on your profile.

If you don’t want to like the Page, you can just ignore the notification. You are under no obligation to like a Page just because a friend invited you. The invitation will just serve as a recommendation, not a requirement.

Does Liking Affect Your News Feed?

Liking a Page does not necessarily mean you will automatically see more posts from that Page in your News Feed. Here is how liking a Page may impact your News Feed:

  • If you engage heavily with the Page’s posts (commenting, sharing, reacting), you may see more of them in your News Feed.
  • Pages you’ve recently liked may show up more frequently in your News Feed at first.
  • Facebook will rank Page posts based on how relevant they think they are to you, not just on whether you’ve liked the Page or not.
  • You can always adjust News Feed preferences to see more or fewer posts from Pages.

Pages You May Like Suggestions

Facebook may start suggesting other Pages for you to like based on your new Page like. This is because Facebook’s algorithm sees your interest in that Page as an indicator of the types of Pages you might enjoy.

For example, if you like a Musician’s Page, Facebook may suggest liking Pages for similar bands and artists. Or if you like a Restaurant’s Page, you may see recommendations for other local restaurants in your area.

You can click on the suggestions to check out those Pages, or ignore them if you’re not interested. They’re just recommendations based on Facebook trying to show you content it thinks you’ll engage with.

Targeting from Liked Pages

Pages you’ve liked may include you in their target audience for ads. That means you may start seeing more ads from those Pages, since advertisers can target people who have already liked their Pages.

For example, if you like a clothing brand’s Page, you may start seeing their ads for sales or new products. Again, you can always adjust ad preferences if you don’t want to see a Page’s ads.

Showing Support for a Page

Liking a Page is a way for you to show support for a brand, business, organization, or personality that you’re a fan of. When friends and followers visit that Page, they’ll see you listed as someone who likes it.

Pages will also show their total number of likes. So your like contributes to showing that Page has a strong following.

Engaging with the Page

After liking a Page, you can continue to engage with it by:

  • Commenting on the Page’s posts
  • Sharing the Page’s posts with your friends
  • Checking for updates from the Page by visiting its profile
  • Turning on notifications so you’re alerted when the Page posts something new

Increased engagement will lead to seeing more of that Page’s content in your News Feed. And your comments and shares can help the Page reach more of your friends.

Unliking a Page

If you want to unlike a Page you previously liked, you can always do so. Just visit the Page profile and click “Unlike” to stop liking that Page. This will remove it from your list of liked Pages.

Unliking a Page means you’ll stop seeing updates from that Page in your News Feed. And the Page will no longer be able to target you with ads specifically as someone who liked their Page.

Potential Downsides of Liking Pages

While liking Pages can be fun and informative, there are a few potential downsides to be aware of:

  • It contributes to Facebook’s ad targeting profile of you and your interests.
  • Too many likes can clutter your News Feed and profile.
  • Pages you like can send you messages even if you’re not friends.
  • Disreputable Pages can potentially spam you or share clickbait content.

That’s why it’s usually best to be selective about which Pages you like. Make sure they are reputable, post quality content, and represent brands or entities you genuinely want to support.

In Summary

Here are some key points to remember about what happens when you like a Facebook Page:

  • You receive a notification that a friend invited you to like a Page.
  • Liking contributes to that Page’s overall like count.
  • The Page may appear more frequently in your News Feed at first.
  • Facebook may use your like to recommend other similar Pages.
  • The Page can target you with ads after you like it.
  • You can engage with and follow the Page’s updates.
  • You can unlike the Page at any time.

So in summary, liking a Page shows your support for and interest in that brand, business, or organization. It provides a channel for you to see updates from Pages you care about. Just be thoughtful about which Pages you engage with to make sure your experience is positive.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of Pages can I like on Facebook?

You can like all sorts of Pages on Facebook, including:

  • Brands and companies
  • Restaurants, bars, and other local businesses
  • Celebrities and public figures
  • Bands, musicians, and artists
  • Athletes and sports teams
  • Nonprofit organizations and charities
  • Community groups and events
  • Websites, bloggers, and publishers
  • Games and apps

Can Pages invite me themselves to like them?

No, Pages cannot directly invite you to like them. The invitation must come directly from one of your Facebook friends who has already liked that Page.

Is my profile visible to Pages I’ve liked?

Yes, when you like a Page, anyone who visits that Page will be able to see you listed as someone who has liked the Page. Your name and profile picture will be visible.

Can I hide the Pages I’ve liked from my profile?

Yes, you can control the visibility of liked Pages on your profile. Go to your profile, click “More” on your intro box, then edit the “Likes” visibility setting. You can make liked Pages private so they don’t show up on your profile.

What happens if I ignore an invitation to like a Page?

Nothing happens if you ignore an invitation. The notification will just disappear after a while. You don’t have to like Pages just because someone invited you. Feel free to ignore invites from Pages you aren’t interested in.

Can Pages I’ve liked see my posts and information?

No, liking a Page does not give that Page access to see your own posts or personal information. As the user, you have control over your privacy settings and what is visible to Pages.

How many Pages can I like? Is there a limit?

There is no limit on the number of Pages you can like. You can like thousands of Pages if you want. However, too many likes can clutter your News Feed and profile, so liking only Pages you truly care about is recommended.


Liking Pages on Facebook can be a great way to discover new content, express your interests, and engage with brands and organizations. But be selective about which Pages you like to ensure a positive experience. Review notifications carefully, as liking Pages does allow them to market to you. Overall, engage thoughtfully with Pages to get value from the ones you genuinely appreciate.