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What happens when I restrict someone on Facebook?

What happens when I restrict someone on Facebook?

When you restrict someone on Facebook, you can limit their ability to see your posts and interact with you. Restricting is different from unfriending or blocking someone. When you restrict someone, they won’t be notified and they may still see some of your posts and search results about you. Restricting someone can help you control unwanted interactions while maintaining your connection.

Why would I restrict someone on Facebook?

Here are some common reasons you may want to restrict someone on Facebook:

Limit their access to your profile and posts

Restricting someone prevents them from seeing your future posts. They’ll only be able to see your public information and posts you share to a wider audience. This lets you stay connected while limiting what they see in your News Feed.

Avoid unwanted interactions

If someone is repeatedly bothering you with messages, comments, tags or invites, restricting them can make it harder for them to interact with you on Facebook. They won’t be able to start conversations or post on your Timeline.

Take a break from the connection

Restricting someone allows you to take a break from the connection without fully disconnecting. You can easily lift the restriction in the future if you want to interact again. This is useful for temporarily pausing connections with stressful friends or family members.

Keep mutual friends or family connections

Restricting lets you limit interactions with someone your friends are still connected to. You can restrict family members or mutual connections without forcing others to break ties or pick sides.

Manage professional contacts

Restricting a co-worker, client or recruiting connection can maintain the tie on Facebook without cluttering your feed. This keeps the open line of communication without constant updates.

What happens when I restrict someone?

Here’s an overview of what happens when you restrict someone on Facebook:

They won’t see your posts

When restricted, the person will no longer see your posts in their News Feed. The only posts they’ll see are the ones you share to a wider public audience. They also won’t get notifications about your activities.

They can still find public info about you

Restricted people can still access your public profile info and posts. They may see info about you when mutual friends interact with you. Your name may also appear in their search results.

They can’t start conversations or post on your Timeline

Once restricted, a person can’t initiate one-on-one interactions. They can’t message you, invite you to events, start conversations in groups or post on your Timeline.

They won’t be notified about the restriction

When you restrict someone, Facebook won’t let them know. There’s no notification or indicator to them that you’ve restricted their access.

You stay connected as friends

Restricting someone is different than unfriending or blocking them. Your friend connection remains intact even though their access is limited.

Action Friend Connection Can View Profile Can Interact
Restrict Yes Limited No
Unfriend No Public Only No
Block No No No

You can reverse it anytime

Restrictions are reversible. You can choose to lift restrictions and restore normal access if you change your mind. Just go back to their profile and remove the restriction.

How do I restrict someone on Facebook?

Restricting someone on Facebook only takes a few clicks. Here are the steps:

1. Go to their profile

On Facebook desktop, click on the name of the person you want to restrict to access their profile.

On mobile, tap on their name or tap on the three dots next to a post they’re tagged in.

2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner

On desktop and mobile, you’ll see three vertical dots in the upper right corner of their profile. Click or tap on the dots.

3. Select “Restrict”

This opens a dropdown menu. Click or tap on the “Restrict” option.

4. Confirm the restriction

A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you want to restrict the person. Click or tap “Restrict” to complete the process.

The person will now be restricted from interacting with you on Facebook. To undo it, just repeat the steps and select “Unrestrict” instead.

What’s the difference between restricting and blocking?

Restricting and blocking both limit someone on Facebook, but there are some key differences:

You stay friends when restricting

When you restrict someone, your Facebook friendship remains intact. Blocking unfriends and disconnects you from the person completely.

Restricted people can still see some things

Restricted people can still see public info about you and content shared to a wider audience. Blocked people see nothing about you at all.

Restrictions are invisible

You can restrict someone quietly without notifying them. Blocking lets the person know you’ve blocked them.

Blocking is more complete

Blocking fully cuts off all interactions. Restricting just limits their access to your posts and ability to interact.

Restrictions can be reversed

Restricting is temporary – you can easily undo it. Blocking is designed to be more permanent and definitive.

So in summary, restricting limits interactions while maintaining the connection, while blocking severs all ties with someone on Facebook. Choose based on your specific situation.

Can a restricted person tell I’ve restricted them?

When you restrict someone on Facebook, they aren’t notified in any way. There’s no indication to them that you’ve limited their access.

Here are some examples of what the person won’t see if restricted:

– No notification or alert about the restriction
– Your posts don’t show up in their News Feed
– They don’t get notifications about your activities
– They can’t comment on your posts or view new posts on your Timeline
– Their messages to you may show as “Sent” but you won’t receive them

The lack of notifications or access to your new posts may eventually clue them in that something has changed. But they have no definitive way to confirm if they’ve been restricted.

The only way to know for sure is if you tell them or they ask you about it directly. Even then, you’re under no obligation to disclose that you’ve restricted them. Facebook won’t reveal it either. So the restrictions remain private if you want them to.

What posts can a restricted person see?

When you restrict someone on Facebook, their ability to see your posts is limited – but not completely eliminated. Here is what a restricted person can and can’t see:

They CAN see:

– Your public posts shared to a wider audience
– Posts you share publicly with friends of friends
– Posts in groups you’re both members of
– Posts on your Page if you have one
– Comments you leave on mutual friends’ posts
– Your comments in groups you both belong to

They CAN’T see:

– Regular posts shared just with your friends list
– Posts you share in groups that exclude them
– Life events or profile changes
– Posts and stories by others that you’re tagged in
– Your posts in their News Feed

So if you want to completely block a restricted person from seeing anything about you, be cautious about sharing posts publicly. But any normal posts just to friends will be automatically hidden from restricted people.

Can I restrict someone without them knowing?

Yes, you can restrict someone on Facebook without them finding out. When you restrict someone, Facebook does not send any type of notification to them.

Here are some ways you can restrict someone quietly:

Don’t tell them you’ve restricted them

Facebook won’t say anything, so there’s no need to mention it yourself. They’ll figure it out from lack of access over time.

Don’t make a dramatic post about it

A vague post about doing some “Facebook spring cleaning” can lead to questions. Just restrict them discreetly without a public announcement.

Avoid sharing posts they could see

Don’t share posts publicly or to friends of friends. This gives them less opportunity to realize they don’t see your posts anymore.

Answer messages selectively

If they ask why you haven’t responded to a message, feign ignorance or say you’ve been very busy. This maintains the illusion.

So in summary – silence is golden when restricting someone discreetly. Don’t give them any reason to suspect you’ve limited their access. This allows you to restrict them seamlessly without any confrontation or drama.

Should I tell someone I’ve restricted them on Facebook?

Whether to tell someone that you’ve restricted them on Facebook is a personal choice. Here are some things to consider:

Pros of telling them:

– It’s direct and transparent
– Avoids confusion about why they can’t see your posts
– Lets them know their behavior may be inappropriate
– Gives them a chance to modify their actions
– Could strengthen the relationship if issues are resolved

Cons of telling them:

– May cause drama or confrontation
– They could retaliate or escalate the situation
– Removes the discreet aspect of restricting
– Forces you to rehash challenging history

Alternatives to telling them:

– Say you’re taking a general break from Facebook for a while
– If asked directly, say you’ve adjusted privacy settings
– Explain you’ve been very busy and inactive on Facebook

So in summary, telling them gives clarity and a chance for behavior to improve. But it also removes the low-key aspect of restricting. Consider your specific circumstances and relationship to decide what’s best.

What happens if a restricted person tags me in a post?

If someone has restricted you on Facebook, you will still be able to tag them in your own posts. However, the tag will not show up to mutual friends in their News Feeds and will be hidden.

Here is what happens when a restricted person is tagged in a post:

– The post with the tag will appear on your own Timeline as usual.
– The tagged person will not receive a notification about the tag.
– Friends in common will not see the post or tag in their News Feeds.
– The post remains visible on your Timeline, but the tag will not be clickable.
– Typing the restricted person’s name will not autopopulate the tag.
– If the restricted person visits your Timeline, they will be able to see the post and tag.

So in summary, the tag is not deleted, but it is hidden from mutual connections. Restricted people can only see it by directly visiting your Timeline.

If you want to remove the tag completely, you’ll need to manually edit or delete the post. But the tag will be automatically hidden from both the restricted person’s profile and your mutual friends’ feeds.

Can I restrict someone who has already restricted me?

Yes, you can restrict someone on Facebook who has already restricted you. Restricting works both ways.

Here’s what happens when you restrict someone who restricted you first:

– You’ll no longer see each other’s normal friend posts.
– You’ll both be prevented from interacting on Facebook.
– Neither of you will be notified about being restricted.
– Your public posts may still show up in each other’s feeds.
– You’ll stay connected as friends on Facebook.

The main change is that even your public posts will now be hidden after you restrict them back. So you’ll both see very limited info about each other.

Restricting someone who already restricted you is the same process as normal:

1. Go to their profile
2. Click on the three dots at the top
3. Select “Restrict”
4. Confirm the restriction

The main reason to do this is to prevent them from seeing your public posts, not just your friend posts. So restricting back maximizes the privacy from both sides.

Can a restricted person message me on Facebook?

If you restrict someone on Facebook, they will be unable to send you new message requests or messages through Facebook Messenger. However, they may still be able to see prior message history you have.

Here’s a more detailed look at messaging with a restricted Facebook friend:

– They cannot start new message threads with you in Messenger.
– They can see older Messenger threads that you were both previously a part of.
– You will not receive new messages they try to send you.
– They cannot add you to new group message threads.
– You can continue messaging in existing group chats you both are in.
– Calls and video chats will be blocked in new and existing threads.

So in summary, restricting stops all new 1-on-1 communication attempts over Messenger. But prior messaging history and group chats aren’t automatically deleted or removed. You’ll need to block them in Messenger for more complete communication restrictions.

If I restrict someone, do they disappear from my friends list?

No, if you restrict someone on Facebook they will not disappear or be removed from your friends list. Your connection as friends will remain intact.

Here’s what happens to your friends list when you restrict someone:

– Their name will stay in your full list of friends.
– They’ll still show up in any existing friend lists you have.
– You’ll stay connected visibly as friends on both profiles.
– Your mutual friends in common will not change.
– You can still search for them or go to their profile.
– The only change is limiting their access to your posts.

Unfriending someone would remove them fully from your friends list. But with restricting, that connection stays visible, even though their access is limited.

So in summary, when you restrict a Facebook friend, they remain in your friends list for all to see. It just curtails what they see from you in their own feed.

Can I get in trouble for restricting someone on Facebook?

No, you cannot get in trouble or face any penalties for restricting someone on Facebook. Restricting is considered a standard Facebook feature that is available to all users.

Here are some key points on Facebook’s rules about restricting:

– Restricting does not violate any of Facebook’s policies. It is an accepted tool for managing connections.
– Facebook does not monitor or flag restricting activity between users. You can restrict freely.
– The person being restricted has no grounds to report the restriction to Facebook. It cannot be considered harassment.
– Restricting someone discreetly without them knowing also does not qualify as abuse.

Facebook only recommends restricting thoughtfully, not using it to bully or intentionally torment others. As long as you use it appropriately to manage your feed and connections, there are no rules against restricting.

The restricted person may not be happy about it, but there are no negative repercussions from Facebook. It’s fully within your rights to restrict other users as needed on your own account.


Restricting someone on Facebook allows you to limit their access to your profile and posts without fully disconnecting. While they can still see some public info about you, it prevents unwanted interactions. Restricting is better than unfriending or blocking when you want to curtail what someone sees without losing the connection entirely. Use restrictions judiciously when you need more control over a Facebook friendship.