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What happens when I report a seller on Facebook Marketplace?

What happens when I report a seller on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a convenient way to buy and sell goods locally through Facebook. With millions of active users, it has become one of the most popular platforms for peer-to-peer e-commerce. However, as with any marketplace, you may occasionally encounter issues with sellers. If you have a poor experience or suspect a seller is violating Facebook’s commerce policies, you can report them directly through the Facebook Marketplace platform. But what exactly happens after you report a seller?

Why You Might Report a Seller

There are a few common reasons you may need to report a Facebook Marketplace seller:

  • The seller posts fake or misleading listings
  • The seller fails to ship an item you purchased or sends an item that is markedly different than what was advertised
  • The seller uses abusive language or threats in messages
  • You suspect the seller is running a scam

Facebook wants Marketplace to be a safe and trustworthy environment. Product misrepresentation, shipping issues, and scams can quickly erode buyer confidence. Facebook provides the report process to help identify and take action against bad actors.

How to Report a Facebook Marketplace Seller

Reporting a seller is easy to do right within Facebook:

  1. Go to the seller’s Marketplace listing or Facebook profile
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  3. Select “Report” from the dropdown menu
  4. Choose the issue type from the options provided
  5. Write an explanation of what happened
  6. Submit the report form

You can report sellers for issues like fraud, illegal sales, fake goods, or offensive behavior. Facebook provides a detailed list of options covering most problem scenarios you might encounter.

What Happens After You Report

So what happens after you hit submit on that report? Facebook has an internal process for investigating and addressing policy violations on Marketplace.

Review by Facebook Staff

Once you submit a report, it will be reviewed by a member of Facebook’s Community Operations team. These staff members are specifically trained to investigate Marketplace reports.

The reviewer will look at the report details you provided, review the seller’s account and activity, and determine if further action is warranted. If the issue is clear-cut, they may take action immediately. However, many cases require a deeper investigation.

Contacting the Seller

As part of their investigation, Facebook may reach out to the reported seller. They will notify the seller that a report was filed and allow them to provide their side of the story.

Getting context from both parties helps Facebook make more informed decisions on any violations. Sellers are expected to respond promptly and honestly or else face additional consequences.

Blocking the Seller

During an active investigation, Facebook will temporarily block reported sellers from posting new Marketplace listings. This prevents potentially fraudulent or misleading listings from reaching other users while the case is examined.

Even if no violation is ultimately found, a temporary block gives Facebook time to carefully review the situation.

Removing Listings

If the report involves a specific Marketplace listing, Facebook will promptly remove that listing while investigating. Again, this takes down any questionable or offensive content right away.

Even if the listing itself doesn’t violate policy, Facebook reserves the right to remove it temporarily as a precaution.

Suspending the Seller

If Facebook finds clear evidence that the seller violated Marketplace commerce policies, the typical next step is to suspend them from the platform.

Suspension lengths vary based on the severity and frequency of violations. For example:

  • 1st offense: 3-7 day suspension
  • 2nd offense: 14-30 day suspension
  • 3+ offenses: Extended or permanent ban

Suspended sellers cannot post new listings or complete sales. Facebook displays a prominent notice if you navigate to a suspended seller’s profile.

Repeated violations result in longer suspensions or eventual permanent removal of the seller’s access.

Removing the Seller’s Listings

In addition to suspending the seller, Facebook will generally remove all of their active Marketplace listings. This takes down any additional fraudulent, offensive, or policy-violating content.

Even if some listings are legitimate, Facebook removes all active and pending listings as part of a suspension. Sellers must appeal the suspension and start fresh with new listings after the duration passes.

Refunding Purchase Payments

For reports involving purchase issues, Facebook may process refunds using the payment method for the transaction. For example:

  • Reimbursing the purchase amount to a PayPal account
  • Refunding a Facebook checkout purchase to the original payment card
  • Crediting the purchase value back to a Facebook Pay balance

They have access to payment details and can initiate refunds if scammed buyers paid for goods they never received.

Notifying Other Users

To alert other members of potential issues, Facebook may leave a notice on the seller’s profile that it’s “under review.” They may also directly contact users who recently interacted with the seller.

This helps reduce the chances of the seller victimizing additional buyers as the investigation proceeds. Ongoing scam operations can be quickly shut down this way.

Banning the Seller

For the most serious violations involving scams, overt fraud, counterfeit goods, etc., Facebook may decide to ban the seller outright instead of a finite suspension.

Banned sellers are permanently prohibited from accessing Facebook Marketplace for any reason. Any assets linked to their account, like payment methods, are permanently revoked as well.

Deleting the Seller’s Account

In rare cases involving repeat scammers, Facebook may delete their entire Facebook account. This permanently removes their profile, all content, and any assets.

Account deletion is reserved for the most egregious policy breaches where users are involved in clear criminal deception. It’s the most severe enforcement action Facebook can take.

Involving Law Enforcement

If a Marketplace violation rises to the level of criminal fraud or illegal sales, Facebook will furnish relevant details to law enforcement.

They cooperate with police and officials to provide evidence for building cases against criminal Marketplace activities. Sellers involved in outright illegal schemes may face civil or criminal prosecution.

Time Frame for Reviews

Facebook aims to review all Marketplace reports within 24 hours. However, resolution time frames vary case-by-case:

  • Straightforward policy violations: 24-48 hours
  • Listings with complex issues: 72 hours – 1 week
  • Comprehensive fraud investigations: 1 – 2 weeks
  • Escalated legal cases: 1+ months

The more details you can provide up front, the quicker Facebook can make a ruling. But expect that reports involving detailed buyer-seller conversations, financial transactions, shipping details, etc. may require longer case review.

Appealing Enforcement Actions

If Facebook suspends or bans a seller, the seller can submit an appeal after the duration expires. However, appeals are only considered if:

  • The seller provides persuasive evidence refuting the violation
  • The seller makes provable corrections to avoid repeat offenses

For example, providing fake tracking numbers for items never shipped will cause an appeal to be denied. Facebook upholds enforcement actions unless sellers can clearly prove they were made in error or unfairly applied.

Significance of Reviews and Ratings

Facebook considers seller reviews and ratings as part of their Marketplace oversight process. Low ratings or frequent negative reviews help identify potentially problematic sellers for further investigation.

However, reviews alone don’t determine violation outcomes. Facebook conducts its own examination of the facts to confirm if enforcement actions are warranted. Both positive and negative feedback is considered as part of this process.

Protecting Your Account

To avoid your own account being suspended, make sure to follow all Facebook commerce policies. Never post fake or misleading listings, ship items as described, avoid banned goods, and don’t use harassing language.

Issuing refunds promptly, being responsive to buyers, and maintaining accurate listings helps demonstrate you’re a responsible seller. This protects your ability to keep using Marketplace.

Contacting Facebook Support

If your report doesn’t seem to be resolving in a timely manner or you have additional information to provide, you can contact Facebook support. Use the “Get Support” option on Facebook to reach an agent who can assist with your specific case.

However, keep in mind support agents cannot share details on actions taken against other accounts. You will simply be informed your report is under review and updated on any decisions relevant to your own account.


Reporting suspicious, fraudulent, or policy-violating Facebook Marketplace sellers helps keep the community safe and informed. While Facebook keeps report details confidential, you can expect a thorough process involving investigating the seller, removing inappropriate content, suspending violations, and reimbursing affected buyers.

Taking the step to report bad actors aids Facebook in proactively identifying risks and enforcing commerce policies. If you believe a seller is undermining the integrity of Marketplace through deceptive behavior, don’t hesitate to report them. While the process may take some time, Facebook ultimately aims to remove harmful players and compensate affected users. With your help identifying issues, Marketplace can continue thriving as a trusted community for peer-to-peer e-commerce.