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What happens when I convert my Facebook profile to a page?

What happens when I convert my Facebook profile to a page?

Converting your personal Facebook profile to a Facebook Page can be a great way to establish a professional presence on the platform. When you convert your profile, it transforms into a public page that people can Like and Follow without needing to send a friend request. This allows you to easily grow an audience around your brand, business, organization, or as an influencer. However, converting your profile does come with some important changes and considerations.

Why Would You Want to Convert Your Profile to a Page?

Here are some of the key reasons people choose to convert their personal profiles into Facebook Pages:

  • To represent a business, brand, organization, or public figure persona rather than a personal profile
  • To take advantage of features only available to Pages, like access to Facebook Analytics and professional ad options
  • To enable people to easily follow your content without needing to send a friend request
  • To separate personal and professional content into different spaces
  • To build a larger audience and following around a particular interest or niche

In general, having a Facebook Page allows you to establish a more public-facing presence on the platform that is designed for connecting with your target audience, rather than just friends and family. This can benefit content creators, businesses, brands, public figures, and organizations alike.

How the Conversion Process Works

Converting your Facebook profile into a Page is a relatively straightforward process. Here is an overview of how it works:

  1. From your profile, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings and find the option to convert to a Page. You may need to temporarily switch your profile to public to access this setting.
  2. Choose a Page category that fits your needs, such as Brand or Product, Company, Organization or Institution, Artist Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, or Cause or Community.
  3. Enter a name for your new Page.
  4. Agree to Facebook’s Terms for Pages and hit the Convert button.
  5. Your profile will then convert into a Page format, with new admin tools and capabilities.
  6. You can then invite other admins, customize your page design, and start posting!

It’s important to know that once you convert your profile, the process cannot be reversed. Your profile essentially becomes a Page and cannot be changed back into a regular personal profile.

Key Differences Between Profiles and Pages

Once your Facebook profile is converted, there are some key differences in how it functions compared to a regular personal profile:

  • Visibility: Pages are public and visible to anyone by default, rather than just friends and connections.
  • Following: Fans can Like or Follow your Page to see updates, rather than sending friend requests.
  • Name: You can choose any name for your Page rather than being restricted to your personal name.
  • Content: Posts are public by default rather than being customizable per audience.
  • Analytics: Pages have access to Facebook Insights for analytics on reach and engagement.
  • Ads: You can create and manage ads and boost posts from your Page.
  • Messaging: Messaging goes through your Page rather than personal inbox.

Essentially, Pages offer more customization, tools, and capabilities focused on building engagement and reach with a target audience around a particular interest or niche. The tradeoff is that it separates your personal profile and connections from this public presence.

Things to Know Before Converting Your Profile

If you’re considering converting your personal profile to a Facebook Page, here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • It’s permanent: Once you convert, there is no going back to a regular profile.
  • You’ll have a limited profile: Features like friend lists and personal information will no longer be available.
  • Manage expectations: Don’t expect to retain all your profile’s followers. A portion may not engage with your new Page.
  • Divide content: Consider creating a new personal profile for your private connections if you want to maintain both.
  • Promote the change: Let your connections know that you are converting your profile and encourage them to Like your new Page.
  • Claim important links: Claim any username or handles for your Page name to maintain findability.
  • Review settings: Audit your profile’s privacy settings, apps, and content beforehand as a precaution.

Taking these factors into account will help ensure a smoother transition when you convert your profile into a professional Facebook Page.

What Happens to Your Profile Content?

When you convert your Facebook profile to a Page, most of your profile content will be transferred over, but how this content is handled will change:

  • Your profile photos will become your Page’s profile and cover photos.
  • Your posts and photos will remain, but be publicly accessible.
  • Life events and personal information will be removed.
  • Friends become Page likes/follows that you can convert to a custom audience.
  • You’ll keep birthday wishes and memories posted on your profile.
  • Messages will remain in your inbox but can’t be accessed until you revert to a profile.

Essentially, your timeline history and posts will be retained, but not personal info or connections. Close friends will have to Like your Page to see future updates. Custom audiences let you target existing friends with promotions.

What Happens to…?

Here’s a more detailed look at what happens to specific elements of your profile when converting it to a Page:

Profile Element What Happens When Converting to a Page
Friends List Removed. Friends can follow your Page but will no longer show up as connections.
Profile Photos Become your Page’s profile picture and cover photo.
Follower Count Converted to Likes/Follows on your new Page.
Posts & Photos Remain public and visible on your converted Page.
Life Events Removed from public view.
Personal Info Removed from public view.
Memories Remain visible.
Messages Inaccessible but retained in your inbox.
Reviews Converted to Recommendations on your Page.

Pros and Cons of Converting Your Profile

Before deciding to convert your Facebook profile to a Page, weigh the key pros and cons:


  • Establish a professional, public presence
  • Access to Page tools and analytics
  • Grow an audience related to a niche
  • Promote a business, brand, or organization
  • Showcase work and talents as a creator
  • Drive traffic and sales
  • Engage followers without friend requests


  • Can’t reverse conversion back to a profile
  • Limits personal connections and profile features
  • Some friends/followers won’t transition over
  • Managing separate personal and professional presences
  • Public visibility by default

Overall, converting offers more potential benefits for professional uses but does limit personal interactions. Consider your main goals and needs on Facebook before deciding.

Tips for Managing Your Converted Page

Once you’ve converted your personal profile into a Facebook Page, here are some tips for managing it effectively:

  • Complete your Page setup: Add a thorough description, customize URL, upload branded images, create call-to-action buttons, and link other websites/social accounts.
  • Use Facebook Insights: Take advantage of Facebook’s analytics to see how your posts perform and who engages with your content.
  • Promote across channels: Let your existing networks and contacts know about your new Page to drive Likes and Follows.
  • Engage consistently: Post regularly and respond to comments and messages to build rapport with your audience.
  • Run ads: Consider Facebook ads to boost reach and find new potential followers.
  • Analyze competitors: See what other related Pages in your niche do well in terms of content and engagement.

Leveraging best practices for Facebook Pages will help you maximize the benefits of having converted your profile and make the most of your new public presence on the platform.

Can You Convert Back to a Personal Profile?

Once you convert your Facebook profile to a Page, the process cannot be reversed. There is no direct option within Facebook to convert a Page back into a personal profile format. However, there are couple of indirect workarounds:

  1. Create a new personal profile – You can simply make an entirely new profile using your personal account details. You will start fresh without your previous profile content.
  2. Run ads to a personal account – Running a series of Facebook ads pointing to your personal profile can trigger Facebook to convert your Page back to a profile. However, this costs money without guaranteed results.
  3. Buy an old profile via ad account – Services exist that can sell you an old personal profile connected to your ad account, which merges back into your Page and converts it. But this costs money and violates Facebook Terms.

Overall, there aren’t any great options if you change your mind after converting your profile. The only official path is to create a brand new profile and start accumulating friends and content again from scratch.

FAQs About Converting Facebook Profiles to Pages

Some frequently asked questions about converting personal Facebook profiles into Pages:

Can I convert my profile back to personal after switching to a Page?

No, once you convert your profile to a Page there is no way to revert back to a personal profile natively within Facebook. You would have to create an entirely new personal profile instead.

What happens to my profile URL when I convert to a Page?

Your profile URL will remain the same initially after converting, but you can change it to a unique username that matches your Page name from within the Page Settings.

Do all my friends automatically follow my new Page?

No, your friends will not automatically follow your new Page just because they were friends with your former profile. You will start from 0 followers and will have to promote your Page to encourage friends to actively follow it.

Can I temporarily revert my Page back to a profile?

There is no official way to temporarily revert your Facebook Page back into your old personal profile. The conversion can only go in one direction – once it becomes a Page, it cannot go back to being a profile again through official means.

What should I do if I lose followers after converting from a profile?

It’s common to lose some followers when transitioning from a personal profile to a public Page. Focus on creating great content tailored to your target niche and promoting your Page proactively to replace lost followers with new ones over time.


Converting your personal Facebook profile into a professional Page can be a smart move for businesses, brands, content creators, and public figures looking to grow their social media presence. Just be aware that the process is permanent, involves tradeoffs, and will require effort to rebuild part of your audience. Manage your expectations, promote the transition, and take full advantage of the benefits Pages offer compared to standard profiles.