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What happens when a stranger messages you on Facebook?

What happens when a stranger messages you on Facebook?

Should I respond?

When a stranger sends you a message on Facebook, you have a few options on how to respond:

Ignore the message

One option is to simply ignore the message. If it was just a generic greeting or compliment from someone you don’t know, you don’t have any obligation to respond. Ignoring unwanted messages is often the easiest approach.

Respond politely

If the message seems friendly and harmless, you may want to respond politely, thanking them for the message but making it clear you’re not interested in further conversation. Something like “Thank you for the message, but I don’t typically chat with strangers online.” Just be cautious not to give out too much personal information.

Ask how they know you

Before engaging further, you could also ask the person how they found your profile and why they decided to message you. This might help you determine if the person actually knows you in real life or if they’re just messaging random people, which is often the case.

Delete/block the person

If something about the message seems strange, inappropriate, or makes you uncomfortable, deleting the message and blocking the person is the safest approach. Don’t feel obligated to respond politely to inappropriate messages. Your privacy and safety should be the priority.

Is it safe to message a stranger?

Messaging strangers on Facebook does carry some risks:

  • They may not be who they say they are. It’s easy to pretend to be someone else online.
  • They could send malicious links or attempt to steal your personal information.
  • They may harass you or repeatedly message you if you respond once.
  • If you reject them, they may retaliate with insults or threats.

However, not all messages from strangers are necessarily dangerous. Some people genuinely just want to make new connections. Here are some tips to messaging strangers safely:

  • Look at the person’s profile. See if you have any friends or interests in common.
  • Keep all conversations on Facebook Messenger itself, don’t give out other contact info.
  • Don’t accept files or click unusual links from them.
  • Don’t reveal too much personal information.
  • Stop replying if you feel uncomfortable at any point.

As long as you’re cautious about sharing personal details and watch for red flags, conversing with a friendly stranger can be fine. Just use good internet safety practices.

Should I message strangers first?

There are pros and cons to consider when messaging a stranger first:


  • You control who you reach out to first.
  • It allows you to make new connections and friends.
  • You can satisfy curiosity about someone’s life or career.
  • It’s flattering when someone agrees to chat.


  • The person may not respond or want to talk.
  • They may find it inappropriate or “creepy” to be messaged by a stranger.
  • You have no way to know if you have anything in common.
  • If you message too frequently, you could develop a reputation as a “spammer.”

In general, it’s best to refrain from messaging strangers unless you share common interests or connections. Take the time to find contextual reasons to message someone, rather than randomly reaching out. And don’t take it personally if someone doesn’t respond. Not everyone likes to chat with strangers online.

How can I politely decline a message?

To politely decline engaging further with a Facebook stranger, consider using language like:

  • “Thanks for thinking of me, but I’m not comfortable chatting with people I don’t know.”
  • “I appreciate you taking the time to message me, but I don’t think we’re a good match for a conversation.”
  • “I’m flattered you want to get to know me, but I have to decline chatting right now.”
  • “While you seem nice, I make it a rule not to chat extensively with strangers online.”

The key is to:

  • Thank them for the interest or compliment.
  • Briefly explain your reason for declining.
  • Wish them well or say something polite to end the exchange.

This lets you avoid an awkward or lengthy conversation when you’re just not interested. After declining, you can ignore further messages or block the person if they don’t respect your decision.

When should I report strange messages?

While most messages from strangers are harmless, in some cases you may want to report them to Facebook:

  • They are explicitly sexual, threatening, or harassing.
  • The person seems underage.
  • They ask for financial information or request money.
  • They are sending spam or sketchy links.
  • They keep messaging after you’ve asked them to stop.
  • You suspect the account is fake or fraudulent.

Facebook provides options to report messages, profiles, photos, etc. Reporting inappropriate content helps keep Facebook safer.

Use your best judgment – if a message gives you a weird vibe or just won’t stop, don’t hesitate to block the person and hit that report button. Your comfort on the platform should be the priority.


Interacting online with strangers always carries an element of risk. But not every message from a random person needs to be alarming. With caution, common sense, and Facebook’s privacy tools, you can converse with new people in a reasonably safe manner or simply decline engaging at all. Just be vigilant about protecting your personal information and don’t hesitate to report shady activity to keep unsavory characters off your Friends List.