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What happens when a Facebook account is memorialised?

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialised?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialised. This allows the account to be preserved while preventing anyone from logging into it. Memorialised accounts have some key differences compared to normal Facebook accounts. In this article, we’ll explore exactly what memorialisation does, how accounts can be memorialised, and what features are available on memorialised profiles.

What is a memorialised Facebook account?

A memorialised Facebook account is one that has been locked to preserve the memory of someone who has passed away. Memorialisation prevents anyone from logging into the deceased user’s account. The word “Remembering” will appear next to the person’s name to indicate the account has been memorialised.

Some key facts about memorialised accounts:

  • No one can log into a memorialised account
  • The profile and timeline remain visible to the friends and family who were connected to the deceased user
  • Memorialised accounts are a place for friends and family to save and share memories
  • “Remembering” appears next to the name to indicate the account is memorialised

Facebook aims to memorialise accounts quickly after receiving proof of death. This helps protect the privacy of the deceased while still allowing their memory to live on via their profile.

How does an account get memorialised?

For a Facebook account to be memorialised, Facebook requires proof that the user has passed away. This is to prevent accounts being incorrectly memorialised when the user is still alive.

There are two ways for an account to be memorialised:

Memorialisation request from immediate family

The immediate family of the deceased can submit a special request to have the account memorialised. This requires providing Facebook with documentation confirming the person’s passing, such as:

  • Obituary
  • Death certificate
  • Proof of authority under local law

The request can be submitted through this Facebook form. Once approved, the account will be memorialised.

Notification of death from other Facebook users

If someone sees that a Facebook friend has passed away, they can also report this to Facebook. On the deceased user’s profile there is an option to “Report profile”. Here you can select “Account owner passed away” and submit the request.

Facebook still requires confirmation of death before memorialising an account reported in this way. They may reach out to mutual friends or publicly available records to verify the notification is valid.

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialised?

When a Facebook account is memorialised, a number of changes take place:

Logging in is disabled

Once an account is memorialised, no one can log into it again. The account remains visible, but is locked from any access. This prevents unauthorized changes or new posts from being made after the user has passed away.

“Remembering” name displayed

On a memorialised profile, the word “Remembering” will now appear next to the person’s name. This indicates that the account is now in memorialised status. For example, “Remembering John Smith”.

Limited profile editing

While no one can log into a memorialised account, some profile editing is still possible. Friends and family of the deceased can still:

  • Change profile pictures to commemorate anniversaries or honour the person’s legacy
  • Share profile photos on their own accounts or in Groups to celebrate memories
  • Accept friend requests that the person received while still alive

However, things like relationship status, cover photos, adding new friends, etc cannot be updated after the account is memorialised.

Timeline remains visible

The deceased user’s timeline remains visible to all of the friends and family they were connected with. Subject to their existing privacy settings, people can still view posts, photos, and memories that were shared by the deceased while they were alive.

This allows loved ones to save photos or posts that may have special meaning as they process their grief. The timeline serves as a public memorial of the deceased’s life.

New posts to timeline disabled

While existing posts remain visible, new posts cannot be added to a memorialised timeline. Friends and family cannot post their own updates to the memorialised profile. Only content the deceased user posted themselves while alive will be displayed.

The one exception is that friends can still leave posts as comments on existing posts by the deceased user. This allows loved ones to share memories and sentiments on relevant life events.

Friends can still post on own timelines

While new posts can’t be added directly to a memorialised timeline, the deceased user’s friends can still create their own posts about the person. These would appear on the posting friend’s own timeline as usual.

Friends can tag the memorialised account in these new posts. This shares the post with followers of the deceased and links to the memorialised profile.

No new friend requests

Once an account is memorialised, no new friend requests can be sent or received. The list of friends is frozen at the time of memorialisation.

However, any open friend requests that were already sent to the deceased user can still be accepted after memorialisation. This allows pending connections from while the person was alive to complete.

Privacy settings remain

The deceased user’s previous privacy settings for content and friend lists are still enforced after the account is memorialised. Content that was only visible to certain friend lists will remain hidden from anyone not included in those lists.

However, memorialised accounts are not searchable on Facebook. Only existing friends will have access – the account will not show up in public searches or People You May Know after being memorialised.

Special memoralisation features

Facebook provides additional features and settings specifically aimed at memorialised profiles. These help manage and customize the account as an ongoing tribute to the deceased.

Legacy contacts

Facebook allows users to assign a legacy contact for their account. This is a trusted person who can manage certain aspects of your profile if it gets memorialised in future. Legacy contacts have a few options:

  • Pin a post to the top of the memorialised timeline as a featured tribute
  • Respond to new friend requests on behalf of the deceased
  • Update profile info like workplace, location, relationship status if they were incorrect or expired

Assigning a legacy contact makes sure someone you approve of can continue sharing memories and marking special events even after the account is memorialised.

Memorialisation splash screen

When people visit the memorialised profile of a close friend or family member, they will initially see a special memorialisation splash screen. This includes a personalized message honoring the deceased individual.

Up to four managers can customize this memorialisation splash screen by selecting:

  • A special header image
  • A unique life event (e.g. 1968-2017)
  • A short description or inspirational message

This allows close loved ones to personalize the memorialised account with a tribute specific to the deceased user.

Tributes section

Memorialised profiles show a special tributes section. Here friends and family can post stories, memories, photos, and life events to remember the deceased user.

Tributes don’t appear directly on the user’s main timeline alongside their own posts from when they were alive. But visitors can click into this dedicated memorial section to see the memories, condolences, and celebrations shared by network after the user passed away.

Visible to entire friends list

By default, the main timeline of a memorialised account is only visible to friends who were connected to the user before memorialisation. However, memorial managers can choose to expand visibility of posts to the user’s full friends list.

This allows even new friends who may have only connected with the deceased later in life to see photos and stories from throughout their lifetime. Managers can toggle this expanded visibility setting on memorialised profiles.

How long do memorialised Facebook accounts last?

There is no time limit on memorialised Facebook accounts. The profile and timeline will remain online permanently as a tribute to the deceased user.

Facebook does not delete or disable memorialised accounts even after many years of inactivity. As long as Facebook remains in operation, memorialised accounts will stay available for friends and family to access memories.

Of course, Facebook users can choose to remove or unlike a memorialised profile if they wish. And Facebook may remove content from memorialised accounts that violates their community standards around prohibited content. But otherwise, there is no default expiration set for memorialised accounts. They are designed to last indefinitely as a legacy.

Facebook Page conversion

For public figures, Facebook offers the ability to convert a memorialised profile into a Facebook Page. Contacting Facebook Support, verified immediate family members can request the memorialised profile be converted to an official Facebook Page representing the public figure.

This allows for a more permanent and managed presence that is not tied to an individual Facebook account. The Page can be handed down to estate managers, foundations, or other heirs. Memorialised profiles can ensure that famous people continue having an official Facebook presence that represents their legacy for many years to come.

Facebook manages memorialised accounts

Memorialised accounts remain under Facebook’s ongoing management and protection. Facebook will still apply security measures against hacking or unauthorized access. If memorialised profiles are reported or found to violate Facebook policies, they may still be subject to penalties or removal like any standard account.

Overall, Facebook remains committed to properly securing and representing memorialised accounts. While they grant special provisions for memorialisation, these accounts do not exist entirely outside of Facebook’s governance of their platform policies and rules.


Memorialising a Facebook account allows it to be both protected and preserved after the owner passes away. Key privacy settings are maintained while still allowing friends and family to view memories, photos, and tributes. Special features help customize memorialised profiles into an ongoing tribute to someone’s life and connections.

Although memorialised accounts are locked from any new logins or posts, they can still function as an interactive legacy. Loved ones can share memories, life events, and photos in dedicated memorial areas while still looking back on the deceased user’s own timeline. Memorialisation helps ensure Facebook accounts can remain online indefinitely as a virtual gravestone commemorating someone’s enduring life and relationships.