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What happens to your messages when you block someone on Facebook?

What happens to your messages when you block someone on Facebook?

Blocking someone on Facebook is a common way to cut off contact with another user on the platform. When you block someone, they can no longer see things you post on your profile, contact you directly via messaging, invite you to events or groups, start a video call, add you as a friend, or tag you in posts or photos. Blocking prevents the blocked person from interacting with you on Facebook in any way.

What happens to messages when you block someone?

When you block someone on Facebook, any messages you’ve previously exchanged with that person will remain visible in your inbox and their inbox. Blocking does not delete or remove previous messages. However, once you block someone, any new messages sent by either party will not be delivered. Essentially, blocking prevents any new communication from occurring.

Here’s a quick rundown of what happens to messages when you block someone on Facebook:

  • Existing messages remain visible in both parties’ inboxes.
  • New messages sent after blocking will not be delivered to the blocked user.
  • The blocked user will not be notified that they have been blocked.
  • Previous group conversations including the blocked user will remain visible.
  • The blocked user can no longer be added to new group messages.

Blocking only prevents future communication – it does not delete or undo conversations that happened before blocking. Those messages remain intact and visible. This allows you to look back at your messaging history if needed while ensuring no new unwanted messages come through.

What happens to group messages with a blocked person?

If you participate in a group message thread that includes someone you’ve blocked, you and the blocked person will both remain visible in the thread after blocking occurs. Both of you will be able to see the full thread history. However, the blocked person will not be able to tell that you’ve blocked them specifically. You will appear normal in the group thread to them.

Once you block someone in a group message, further restrictions apply:

  • You will not see any new messages posted by the blocked user.
  • The blocked user will not see any new messages you post.
  • Others in the group thread will see all new messages normally.
  • The blocked user can no longer be added to new group threads with you.

So you and the blocked person will both see previous messages in the thread, but any new messages will not be visible to each other after blocking. Your messages will also no longer directly notify the blocked person.

Can a blocked person tell you’ve blocked them?

When you block someone on Facebook, they will not receive any notification that they have been blocked. To the blocked user, it will appear like you have simply unfriended or stopped interacting with them. They will be able to still view your public posts and profile information.

Some signs that may indicate to a blocked person that they have been blocked include:

  • Your profile picture and posts no longer show up in their feed.
  • They can no longer tag you in posts or pictures.
  • They don’t see messages they send you in their sent folder.
  • Calls and video chats they initiate with you do not go through.
  • Any friend requests or messages to you show an error or fail to deliver.

But none of these signs will specifically notify the user that they have been blocked. Facebook simply does not show that information to blocked users. The block happens silently behind the scenes. So while a frequently interacting user might suspect they have been blocked, they cannot know definitively.

What happens when you block someone on Messenger?

The effects of blocking work similarly when blocking someone directly on Facebook Messenger instead of your main Facebook account. Existing message history remains intact, while new messages will not be exchanged after blocking.

Some unique things happen when blocking on Messenger:

  • You will no longer see the blocked user appear as “Active Now” in your Messenger contacts.
  • Typing indicators will no longer be sent to a blocked user during a conversation.
  • The blocked user will be removed from your Messenger contact list.

So blocking via Messenger prevents the user from sending you any new messages, viewing your activity status, or interacting with you through Messenger in any way. It provides the same effect as blocking someone on your Facebook profile.

Can you undo blocking a user?

If you change your mind after blocking someone on Facebook or Messenger, it’s easy to reverse the block. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Block List, accessible under Settings & Privacy -> Blocking.
  2. Locate the user you want to unblock.
  3. Click Unblock next to their name.

This will restore normal communication capabilities with that person. They will once again see your posts, send you messages, and have all normal account access restored.

You can also unblock someone right from their profile page by clicking on the Unblock button that appears next to their name.

Unblocking is instant – once processed, the user will be able to contact you normally without any delay or waiting period. So be certain you really want to restore communication before unblocking.

Can a blocked user create a new account to contact you?

If someone you’ve blocked creates a new Facebook account to get around the block, they will not automatically have access to interact with you. Their new account will have no connection to you, so they will not see your posts or be able to message you unless you specifically friend their new account.

Facebook’s blocking is attached to the user, not the account. So even if they create a new Facebook profile, they will remain blocked across any new accounts they create. The only way they can access you again with a new account is if you voluntarily add them as a friend or otherwise connect with the new profile.

Tips for blocking users effectively

Here are some tips to keep in mind when blocking users on Facebook:

  • Block users, not accounts – Blocking is tied to the user, so blocking multiple accounts they create is unnecessary. Focus on the disruptive user behavior rather than the account.
  • Use preemptive blocking – If you suspect someone may harass you, go ahead and block them preemptively instead of waiting for issues to arise.
  • Notify friends – Let close friends know you’ve blocked someone in case that person attempts to spread misinformation about you.
  • Block all associated accounts – Review friends lists and pages followed to ensure you block any secondary accounts the person may have.
  • Report concerning behavior – If you feel unsafe due to threatening behavior, report the user to Facebook before blocking.

Blocking can help create a safer, more positive experience on Facebook. Do not hesitate to block any users who violate boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.


Blocking someone on Facebook simply prevents further interactions moving forward – it does not delete existing messages or conversations. Any messages exchanged before blocking will remain visible to both parties. After blocking, any new messages sent will not be delivered. Group conversations including a blocked person will remain, but the blocked user’s new messages will not be visible. And a blocked person will not be notified that they have been blocked. The block happens silently. Overall, blocking is an effective way to limit unwanted communication and stop future harassment from a problematic user.