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What happens to my relationship status when I deactivate Facebook?

What happens to my relationship status when I deactivate Facebook?

Many people choose to take a break from Facebook by deactivating their account. This can be a healthy way to unplug from social media and take time away from the constant notifications and feeds. However, one thing that often comes up is what happens to your relationship status display when you deactivate Facebook. Your relationship status is an important part of your profile that conveys your current romantic situation to friends and family. So what does happen when you deactivate? Here’s a quick overview of how relationship status works when deactivating Facebook.

Your Relationship Status Will Be Hidden

The main thing to know is that when you deactivate Facebook, your relationship status will be hidden from your profile until you reactivate it. It does not get deleted, but rather just becomes invisible to other users while your account is deactivated.

Some key things to note:

  • Your relationship status will not display on your profile at all during the deactivation period.
  • If you are listed as “In a Relationship” with someone, this will be hidden.
  • If you are listed as “Married”, “Engaged”, or any other status, this will also be hidden.
  • No relationship information will be visible on your deactivated profile.

So in summary, any relationship status you have set will disappear from view but will not be erased.

Your Status Will Reappear When You Reactivate

The good news is that your relationship status is not gone forever. When you are ready to come back to Facebook and reactivate your account, your relationship status will reappear exactly as you had set it before deactivating.

  • When you reactivate your account, your relationship status will automatically be visible again.
  • You do not need to re-set or update your status again. It will resume displaying.
  • Even if you were “In a Relationship” the whole time you were deactivated, your status will still be accurate when you return.

So you can rest assured that your relationship information will still be there when you come back to Facebook again after deactivating.

Only You Can See Your Hidden Status

While your relationship status is hidden from your profile during deactivation, you can still see it when logged into your account.

  • In your account settings, you will still see your status set as usual.
  • You are the only one able to view this info while deactivated.
  • No one else can see your relationship status until reactivation.

This allows you to keep track of your own status for your records. But remember it will not be public until you reactivate your Facebook again.

Your Status Will Not Update While Deactivated

Since others cannot see your profile while deactivated, your relationship status also will not automatically update during that time if your situation changes.

  • If you enter a new relationship, it will not change on Facebook.
  • Any relationship changes will need to be updated manually after reactivation.
  • Facebook will not know to update your status until you reactivate.

So if you do have relationship changes while deactivated, be sure to come back to Facebook when ready and update your status accordingly.

What If You’re Listed As “In a Relationship”?

If you have your status listed as “In a Relationship” with someone else, what happens to this when you deactivate?

  • The listing naming your partner will be hidden too.
  • Your partner’s profile will no longer list you as their partner while you are deactivated.
  • The relationship listing will only become visible again after reactivation.

So your partner will no longer show that they are in a relationship with you on their own profile until you reactivate.

What If You Change Your Mind About Your Status?

What happens if you change your relationship status while deactivated and no longer want that previous status to display when you reactivate?

  • You can edit your relationship status in the settings while deactivated.
  • When you reactivate, whatever status you have set most recently will display.
  • So you can change your mind during deactivation, and the newest status will show.

Therefore, if you want your profile to display a new relationship status from the one you had before deactivating, you can change it during deactivation, and that new status will take effect when you reactivate your account again.


Deactivating your Facebook account temporarily hides your relationship status from your profile. It will disappear from public view but will not be erased. When ready, you can simply reactivate your account and your status will be visible again as you had set it before deactivating. Just be aware you may need to update it if anything changes during your time off Facebook. Deactivating gives you a chance to take a healthy break while knowing your profile information is waiting for you when you return.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does deactivating Facebook delete my relationship status?

No, deactivating Facebook does not delete or erase your relationship status. It just hides it temporarily until you reactivate your account again.

Can someone else change my status while I’m deactivated?

No, the privacy settings on your account while deactivated prevent anyone else from changing your relationship status until you reactivate.

What if my relationship ends while I’m deactivated?

If you end a relationship while deactivated, you’ll need to remember to come back to Facebook and change your status manually when you reactivate your account. Facebook will not know to remove a past relationship status while you are deactivated.

Will my new partner be notified if I change my status during deactivation?

No, since your profile is hidden during deactivation, any relationship status changes you make will not notify anyone else. Others will only see the updated status after you reactivate your account again.

Can I reactivate my account just to change my status?

Yes, you can temporarily reactivate your Facebook account just to change your relationship status, then deactivate again. Your updated status will then display next time you reactivate your account.

5 Things That Happen to Your Facebook Account When You Deactivate It

Deactivating your Facebook account does more than just hide your relationship status. Here are 5 key things to keep in mind about what happens when you deactivate your Facebook account:

  1. Your profile is hidden – No one can search for you or view your profile until reactivated.
  2. You stop getting notifications – You will not get notifications about tags, messages, or news feed updates.
  3. Your messages are inaccessible – You cannot view past conversations or messages in your inbox.
  4. Your info is saved – All profile info, photos, posts, friends list, etc. is saved and restored on reactivation.
  5. Reactivation is easy – You can quickly reactive your account with your login email and password when ready.

So in summary, deactivating makes your account temporarily invisible to others, but all your data is saved for when you are ready to return to Facebook again.

How to Deactivate Your Facebook Account

If you decide you are ready to deactivate your Facebook account, here is a quick step-by-step guide to do it:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right and select “Settings”.
  2. Look for the link that says “Your Facebook Information” in the left column.
  3. Click “Deactivation and Deletion”.
  4. Choose “Deactivate Account” and follow the on-screen prompts.
  5. Select either “Continue to Facebook” or “Log Out”.

And your account will then be deactivated! When ready to return, simply log back in with your credentials and reactivate.

Should You Permanently Delete Facebook?

While deactivating Facebook just hides your profile, completely deleting your account is permanent. Here are some pros and cons of permanent Facebook deletion:

Pros Cons
  • Permanently gone from Facebook
  • Data no longer collected
  • More private
  • Lose connections
  • Lose access to data/photos
  • Harder to reconnect later

Overall, deactivating is usually preferable unless you are absolutely certain you want to permanently remove yourself from Facebook. Deactivation allows you to take a break while retaining your account’s information.

Other Social Media Relationship Status Options

Facebook isn’t the only place where you can display your relationship status online. Here are some other social media sites and how they handle relationship status:


Does not have a designated relationship status feature, but you can mention partners in captions or bios.


You can list a relationship in your Twitter bio but there is no specific relationship status function.


Like Instagram, Snapchat does not have a relationship status option and is more centered around sharing photos/videos.


Also does not have a built-in relationship status feature, but users sometimes mention partners in bios or captions.


You can list your relationship status on your LinkedIn profile. It’s treated as professional/career focused vs. social.

So in summary, Facebook remains the main platform where users expect to display relationship status updates, while other sites focus less on that.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key things to remember about what happens to your relationship status when deactivating Facebook:

  • Your relationship status gets temporarily hidden but does not get deleted.
  • The status will reappear when you reactive your Facebook account.
  • You can still view and edit the status while deactivated.
  • Be sure to update your status if anything changes during your time off Facebook.
  • Deactivating allows you to take a healthy break while retaining your account info.

Following these tips will help ensure a smooth process for taking time off from Facebook without permanently losing your relationship status information.