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What happens to Messenger when you delete Facebook?

What happens to Messenger when you delete Facebook?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 1.3 billion monthly active users as of 2018. It allows you to easily communicate with friends and family who also have Facebook accounts. But what happens if you decide to delete your Facebook account? Can you still use Messenger?

Does Deleting Facebook Delete Messenger?

The short answer is no. Deleting your Facebook account does not automatically delete your Messenger account or data. This is because Facebook and Messenger are separate apps with separate logins and accounts.

When you first set up Messenger, it uses your Facebook login to create your Messenger account. But after that initial setup, your Messenger account exists independently of your Facebook account. The apps sync together via your phone number and list of Facebook friends, but they have separate databases and storage.

So if you delete your Facebook account, your Messenger app and account will remain intact. You won’t lose your Messenger contacts or message history. You’ll be able to keep using Messenger normally, you just won’t be able to access Facebook.

Can You Use Messenger Without a Facebook Account?

Yes, you can absolutely use Messenger without a Facebook account. Millions of users around the world access Messenger independently of Facebook. Here’s what you need to know:

  • You’ll keep full access to your Messenger app and account.
  • You can continue messaging all your existing Messenger contacts.
  • You can still send and receive messages, photos, videos, voice messages, etc.
  • You can add new contacts by their phone number.
  • You won’t be able to message Facebook friends who aren’t already Messenger contacts.

The only real limitation is that you can’t add new Messenger contacts from your Facebook friends list. But for ongoing conversations, it should function exactly the same even without a Facebook account.

Steps to Use Messenger Without Facebook

Here are the steps to start using Messenger independently if you delete Facebook:

  1. Delete your Facebook account but keep the Messenger app.
  2. Open Messenger and you’ll find your account and messages intact.
  3. Add new Messenger contacts using phone numbers instead of Facebook friends.
  4. Enable Messenger SMS connection if you want Messenger to handle your texts.
  5. Optional: Create a new Messenger profile with photo, info, etc.

It’s a quick and easy transition. Within the Messenger app you’ll find options to build your new, independent Messenger profile and sync your texts. The only disadvantage is losing easy access to your broader Facebook friends list for new contacts.

What About Messenger Features and Integrations?

Beyond basic messaging capabilities, here’s what happens to some of Messenger’s other features when you leave Facebook:

Messenger Feature Without Facebook
Messenger Day You lose access to Messenger Day posts
Messenger Rooms Rooms still work normally
Messenger Games Games still work normally
Messenger Kids Kids accounts remain active
Business Tools Pages, bots, APIs still work
Instagram Integration Can’t message Instagram followers
WhatsApp Integration Lose WhatsApp connection

As you can see, most core Messenger capabilities will function the same without Facebook. You mainly lose access to integrations with Facebook’s other apps and services. But the messaging experience should be nearly identical.


Messenger payments and Facebook Pay require you to have a Facebook account. So you’ll lose access to sending/receiving payments within Messenger when you delete Facebook.


You’ll stop getting most Facebook notifications like friend requests, events, etc. But Messenger-related notifications will continue as normal.


Messenger shows occasional ads, just like Facebook. Without a Facebook account, you may see fewer ads within Messenger conversations.

Messenger Apps

Messenger desktop apps for Windows and Mac will remain functional. You just won’t be able to access any Facebook integration those apps may provide.

Portal Devices

Facebook’s Portal video chat devices integrate with Messenger. If you use Portal and delete Facebook, your Messenger calls and chats will still work on Portal. But you’ll lose Facebook/Portal integrations.

Can You Reactivate Your Facebook Account?

If you eventually want to reactivate your old Facebook account, you have a limited window to do so. Facebook allows you to reactivate a deleted account within 30 days by simply logging back in with your old credentials.

After 30 days, your Facebook account is permanently deleted. But your separate Messenger account remains intact. If you create a new Facebook profile in the future, you can reconnect it to your persisting Messenger account and contacts.

How Deleting Facebook Affects Messenger: Recap

  • Messenger remains fully functional
  • Keep all your Messenger contacts and messages
  • Lose some Facebook-connected features
  • Can’t message Facebook friends who aren’t Messenger contacts
  • Can reactivate Facebook within 30 days


In summary, deleting your Facebook profile does not affect your Messenger account, contacts, or chat history. You can continue using Messenger as a standalone messaging app, you just lose some of the Facebook-related features and integrations. But the core messaging functionality remains exactly the same. Millions of people use Messenger independently without an active Facebook account.

So if you decide to delete Facebook but still want to keep in touch with friends and family on Messenger, go for it! Your Messenger app will function normally, and your contacts and messages will all still be there, even as you permanently delete your Facebook account.