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What happens to a Facebook account when someone dies?

What happens to a Facebook account when someone dies?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can either be permanently deleted or memorialized based on the request of their next of kin. Memorializing an account turns it into a place for friends and family to gather and share memories of the deceased person. A memorialized account has some key differences from a normal, active account.

Can someone log into a deceased person’s Facebook account?

No, Facebook does not allow anyone to log into a deceased user’s account. Once an account is memorialized, the login credentials are disabled. Memorialized accounts are “frozen” in the state they were in when the memorialization request was approved.

What happens when you memorialize a Facebook account?

When a Facebook account is memorialized:

  • The word “Remembering” is added next to the person’s name on their profile
  • The profile and information within it remain visible to the public
  • Friends can still post on the memorialized Timeline
  • The account no longer appears in public spaces like recommendations or notifications
  • No one can log into the account

Can you delete a memorialized Facebook account?

Yes, the next of kin or legacy contact can request permanent deletion of a memorialized account at any time. Once deleted, all account content like photos, posts, videos, etc. is permanently removed. Friends of the deceased will no longer be able to locate or interact with the profile.

Who can memorialize or delete a Facebook account after someone dies?

Facebook requires verification to memorialize or delete an account. The following people can make requests:

  • Immediate family members (parent, spouse, sibling, child)
  • Other verified family members
  • Executors of the estate
  • Legacy contacts designated by the deceased user while they were alive

Facebook may ask for documentation like the death certificate and proof of authority depending on the situation.

How do you notify Facebook that someone has died?

To report a death to Facebook:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form and choose “Request to Memorialize Account” or “Request to Delete Account”
  2. Enter the deceased person’s name, Facebook URL, your relationship, and your contact info
  3. Upload a copy of the death certificate and any other required documents
  4. Click submit and wait for Facebook to review your request

What can you do on a memorialized Facebook profile?

On a memorialized profile, friends and family of the deceased can still:

  • Post memories, condolences, and photos on the Timeline
  • Respond to new friend requests
  • Update the profile picture and cover photo
  • Share memories on the memorialized Timeline on birthdays, death anniversary, etc.

But memorialized accounts have some key restrictions:

  • No one can log into the account
  • The profile and new posts do not appear in public spaces like recommendations, notifications, etc.
  • No new friend requests can be sent from the account
  • Account and Timeline settings cannot be changed

What happens to Facebook Messenger when someone dies?

The Messenger account associated with a Facebook profile is also memorialized or deleted when the Facebook account is. If the account is memorialized, friends can still see prior Messenger conversations with the deceased person but cannot start new chats.

Can you save data from a deceased person’s Facebook account?

Yes, before submitting a deletion request, next of kin can use Facebook’s data download tool to save photos, posts, and other data from the deceased user’s profile. Just go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Download Your Information and request a copy. This can take up to a few days for Facebook to compile and send.

What happens to Facebook comments when someone dies?

Comments made by someone who has passed away remain visible on Facebook. Friends and family can also continue to comment and reply to the deceased user’s posts visible on their Timeline.

Can you still tag a deceased person on Facebook?

You can still tag someone who has passed away in posts and photos if their account has been memorialized. The tags will appear as normal. However, you cannot tag a user whose account has been permanently deleted.

What happens to Facebook Groups when someone dies?

If the deceased was an admin of any Facebook Groups, their admin privileges are revoked when their account is memorialized or deleted. Other group admins can post a notification about the passing if they want to inform the group members.

Can you deactivate instead of deleting an account?

Facebook does not offer deactivation of accounts as an alternative to deletion for deceased users. Accounts must either be memorialized or permanently deleted.

What happens to Facebook payments and donations when someone dies?

Facebook disables payments capabilities on accounts that are memorialized or deleted. Any pending or scheduled payments through Facebook will not process. Donation fundraisers will stop receiving contributions.

Can someone’s death be live streamed on Facebook?

No. Facebook removes live streams that depict deceased individuals. Other users are encouraged to report live videos showing someone who has passed away.

Does Facebook notify your contacts if your account is memorialized?

No, Facebook does not directly notify your friends or followers if your account becomes memorialized. The “Remembering” label is the only indication visible on your profile.

What happens to Facebook advertising and promotions when someone dies?

Any Facebook ad accounts and unpaid advertising balances associated with a deceased individual are permanently deactivated. Pages and ad accounts can be transferred to an authorized representative if needed.

Transferring a Facebook business Page after someone dies

If the deceased person managed a Facebook business Page, ownership can be transferred to someone else after providing proof of authority. Have the new owner submit a Page Transfer request.

Pausing ads after someone dies

Facebook will pause all ads for a business if they receive valid proof that the ad account owner has passed away. Ads remain paused until authorized representatives can regain access to the accounts.

What happens to Facebook Gaming and streaming?

Facebook disables live streaming capabilities and gaming profiles associated with accounts that are memorialized or deleted. Any Facebook Gaming channels and Level Up accounts belonging to the deceased individual are also removed.

Can you memorialize someone as a pet on Facebook?

No. Memorialized accounts are specifically intended to commemorate the lives of deceased people. Pets cannot have Facebook profiles or accounts of any kind.

What do Facebook’s terms say about memorialized accounts?

Facebook addresses memorialized accounts in their terms of service. Some key points:

  • Memorialized accounts are subject to the same terms as normal accounts
  • Facebook retains the rights to memorialized account content
  • Memorialized profiles may be removed at Facebook’s discretion


Memorializing a Facebook account after someone passes away provides an opportunity for friends, family, and the wider community to gather and reflect on that person’s life. It preserves some profile functionality while restricting access and preventing impersonation or identity theft. The alternate option is complete account deletion, which erases the person’s Facebook presence entirely. Both memorialization and deletion allow loved ones to decide how best to honor someone when their physical life ends but their memory persists on.