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What happens if you send someone a friend request and then cancel it on Facebook?

What happens if you send someone a friend request and then cancel it on Facebook?

Quick Answer

If you send someone a friend request on Facebook and then cancel it before they accept it, a couple things happen:

  • The friend request notification will disappear from their account, so they won’t see the request anymore.
  • They will not get any type of notification that you canceled the request.
  • You can send them another friend request in the future if you want.

So in summary, canceling a sent friend request makes it so the recipient never knows you sent them one in the first place. There are no notifications, records, or limitations on sending them another request later on.

Detailed Explanation

Facebook’s friend system allows you to send friend requests to people you want to connect with on the platform. When you send someone a request, they will get a notification alerting them to it.

At this point, the recipient has the option to confirm and accept the request, which would add you as friends, or ignore and delete the request.

However, on the sending end, you have the ability to cancel a friend request anytime before the recipient accepts it. This gives you the flexibility to change your mind if you decide you no longer want to connect with that person.

Here is what happens if you do choose to cancel a pending friend request:

The Request Notification Disappears

Once you cancel the friend request, the notification telling the recipient about the request will immediately disappear from their account.

It will be like you never sent them the request in the first place as far as their Facebook experience. They will not get any new notification indicating the cancellation – as far as they know, nothing happened.

This prevents any awkwardness or confusion that could arise if the person saw you sent them a request and then took it back before they could act on it.

No Record of the Canceled Request

In addition to the notification disappearing, there will be no record or log of the canceled friend request that the recipient can access.

Your name will not appear in any “pending requests” area of their account. There will be no trace that a request was ever made.

This gives you a clean slate if you change your mind again in the future and want to send them another request. As far as the recipient knows, it will be the first time.

You Can Send Another Request Later

Canceling a friend request does not block or limit you from sending that person another friend request in the future.

Since they have no record or knowledge that you previously requested to be friends, you can initiate the process again down the line if you want to connect.

This is useful if you cancel a request but after some time reconsider and decide you do want to be Facebook friends with that person after all. The cancellation gives you a chance to essentially “start over” with the friend request process.

How to Cancel a Friend Request

If you need to cancel a pending friend request, here is how you do it:

  1. Click on your Facebook profile icon in the top right
  2. Select “Friends” from the drop down menu
  3. Click on the “Sent Requests” tab
  4. Locate the friend request you want to cancel and click “Cancel Request”

This will immediately revoke the request so the other person no longer sees it.

Why People Cancel Friend Requests

There are a few common reasons why someone may cancel a Facebook friend request after sending it:

  • They changed their mind about wanting to connect with that person online.
  • They intended to send the request to someone else with a similar name.
  • They think the recipient is unlikely to accept the request.
  • The relationship has changed or deteriorated since the request was sent.
  • They want to temporarily revoke the request for privacy reasons.

In most cases, the cancellation is about rethinking whether the online friendship is wanted or appropriate at the moment. Sending a request by mistake or to the wrong person is also common.

Whatever the reason, canceling just makes the request disappear rather than leaving things in pending status indefinitely.

Can the Recipient See You Canceled?

A common question people have about canceled Facebook friend requests is whether the recipient gets notified in any way that it was revoked.

The answer is no – there is no way for the recipient to know the request was canceled or taken back. From their perspective, they simply never received a request in the first place.

Even if they happened to see the notification before you revoked it, once canceled there is no record or indicator of the request existing at all. No note is made anywhere that a request was sent and retracted.

So you do not have to worry about the recipient being alerted or finding out you canceled the request. As far as they know, nothing occurred.

Can You See Canceled Sent Requests?

Since canceled friend requests essentially disappear as if they never happened, you may be wondering if you can still see records of requests you have canceled.

The answer is no – there is no list or log of canceled requests visible to you either. Once you cancel it, it is gone from your sent requests list as well.

The only way to keep track of requests you revoke is to manually document them yourself outside of Facebook if you want to keep note. But within Facebook itself, it leaves no trail or evidence.

You will only see the friend requests still actively pending that have not been canceled or accepted. Any revoked requests are wiped from the logs and record history.

Are There Any Effects of Canceling?

Because canceled Facebook friend requests are completely erased from the record with no notifications or traces, there are no real effects or consequences of canceling beyond the request being revoked.

A few key things to note:

  • You can send another request in the future with no limitations.
  • The recipient will not be alerted or find out it was canceled.
  • It does not affect your existing Facebook friends or connections.
  • There are no limits or restrictions to how many requests you cancel.
  • You and the recipient will retain any existing friend connections.
  • There is no timeout period to resend a request after canceling one.

So in summary, a canceled friend request essentially leaves the situation as if you had never sent the request at all. No bridges are burned by revoking the request, and you can take a “no harm, no foul” approach if you change your mind later on.

Can the Recipient Resend a Canceled Request?

Since the recipient is unaware that a canceled friend request ever existed in the first place, they do not have the ability to resend the revoked request themselves.

Only the original sender – the person who canceled the request – has the power to initiate sending another one. The recipient cannot resend a request they do not know was made.

But if you do send another friend request to the same person after a previous cancellation, it will appear to the recipient as a brand new request as far as they can tell.

So while the recipient cannot resend on their end, you can always start fresh by sending another one just as you did the first time.

In Summary

Canceling a pending Facebook friend request ensures the recipient will not see or be notified of the request anymore. There will be no record or evidence a request was ever made.

Neither party will have any indication the request existed after it is canceled. The situation reverts back to how it was before the request was sent initially.

No limitations or restrictions are placed on resending a new request in the future if desired. The cancellation effectively pushes the reset button on the process while leaving your existing friendship connections intact.


Canceling a Facebook friend request before it is accepted allows you to gracefully revoke the gesture and maintain privacy over your social media connections. The recipient will have no knowledge it was ever made in the first place.

Both parties are free to move forward as if nothing ever happened – no harm, no foul. You retain the flexibility to restart the process and send another request anytime if you change your mind again down the line.

In essence, canceling a friend request just rewinds time and clears the slate. It erases the social media record so you can manage your online friendships freely and comfortably.