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What happens if you remove a friend request?

What happens if you remove a friend request?

If you remove or cancel a friend request on Facebook, it simply removes your request from the other person’s inbox. The person you sent the request to will no longer see that you have a pending request with them. Removing a friend request does not block the person or unfriend them if you are already connected. It only cancels the initial request you had sent.

Common Questions

Does removing a friend request also remove me from their list?

No, removing or canceling a friend request only takes away the request you initiated. It does not remove you from their friends list or make any changes on their end. The other person will remain unaffected.

What notification will the other person get when I remove the request?

The other person will not receive any notification when you remove or cancel a friend request. The request will simply disappear from their inbox. They will not know you canceled it unless they notice it is gone.

If I remove a request, can I send another one later?

Yes, removing a friend request does not prevent you from sending another one in the future. You can send a new friend request at any time, even to someone whose previous request you canceled.

Will the other person get mad if I remove the friend request?

In most cases, no. Removing a request does not notify them or affect their profile in any way. They may not even notice the request is gone from their inbox. As long as you did not spam them with multiple requests, removing one is harmless.

Step-by-Step Guide

Removing a pending friend request on Facebook only takes a few simple steps:

On Mobile:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone or tablet
  2. Tap on the “Friends” tab at the bottom
  3. Tap on “Requests” at the top of the screen
  4. Find the request you want to remove and tap on the three dots next to it
  5. Select “Cancel Request” to remove it

On Desktop:

  1. Go to on your computer browser
  2. Click on the Friend Requests icon at the top right
  3. In the Friend Requests window, hover over the request you want to remove
  4. Click on the “Cancel Request” button that appears to the right

The friend request will immediately be removed once you confirm the cancellation on mobile or desktop. It’s a quick and easy process!

What Happens When You Remove a Friend Request

Here is an overview of exactly what happens when you remove or cancel a sent friend request on Facebook:

  • The friend request disappears from the recipient’s inbox
  • The recipient is not notified or alerted about the removal
  • Your profiles remain unconnected unless already friends
  • You can send another friend request again in the future
  • The recipient’s profile or friends list is completely unaffected
  • Neither person is blocked from interacting normally

Essentially, removing the request simply deletes it from existence. Everything goes back to the state it was in before the request was sent originally.

What Does NOT Happen When Removing a Request

It’s also important to note what does not happen when you remove a Facebook friend request:

  • The recipient is not unfriended or blocked if already connected
  • You do not lose any current friends or contacts
  • Neither person is prevented from sending a new request in the future
  • The recipient is not notified or alerted in any way
  • Neither profile loses any data or information

In summary, removing a request only deletes that request itself. No other data or relationships are impacted.

Reasons People Remove Friend Requests

There are many reasons why someone might want to remove or cancel a sent friend request on Facebook. Some common ones include:

Accidental or Spam Requests

Sometimes requests are sent by accident just by tapping or clicking the wrong button. Other times spam bots can send unwanted requests from your account. In these cases, removing the accidental requests cleans up your inbox.

Change of Mind

You may have a change of heart and reconsider being friends with someone after sending a request. Removing the request prevents an unwanted connection.

Recipient is Ignoring the Request

If the other person seems to be ignoring your friend request, you may cancel it rather than letting it sit indefinitely. This removes the awkward pending request.

Cleaning up Old Requests

Over time, your pending requests list can get cluttered with old requests. Removing the outdated ones declutters your inbox.

Privacy Concerns

If you reconsider connecting with someone due to privacy reasons, you can remove the request to avoid sharing any personal information.

Ended Friendships

In some cases, a friendship ends and you no longer want to be connected on Facebook. Canceling the original request can sever the social media tie.

How to Prevent Removed Requests Confusion

Having your own pending friend requests removed can feel confusing or even hurtful if you don’t understand how the process works. Here are some tips to avoid misunderstandings:

  • Remember that removed requests happen silently without notifications.
  • Don’t take it personally if someone cancels a request.
  • Keep requests tidied up by removing ones you don’t want to pursue.
  • Follow up in person if needed to clear up any confusion.
  • Communicate directly if you want to reconnect after a removed request.

The main thing is realizing that removed friend requests are not meant to offend anyone. They are simply deleting an earlier social media action. Keeping this in mind prevents hurt feelings or mistaken assumptions.

Pros and Cons of Removing Friend Requests

Removing pending friend requests on Facebook has both advantages and disadvantages:


  • Keeps your inbox tidy by deleting unwanted requests
  • Lets you gracefully back out of unwanted social connections
  • Frees you from feeling obligated to accept requests
  • Avoids awkwardly ignoring endless pending requests from some people
  • Removes requests sent unintentionally or by spam


  • The other person may feel confused or rejected if they notice it’s removed
  • It can come across as passive-aggressive instead of declining directly
  • Some may see it as snubbing them socially
  • Recipient may not understand why their request was removed
  • You lose the option to reconnect with that person later on

Overall, it is usually better to directly decline unwanted requests when possible to avoid misunderstandings. But removing requests can be the simplest option in many cases.

How Often Should You Remove Requests?

There is no rule for how often you should remove pending Facebook friend requests. It depends entirely on your personal preferences and situation. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Remove accidental or spam requests as soon as you notice them.
  • Cancel unwanted requests within a few days to a week.
  • Occasionally tidy up your pending list by removing very old requests.
  • Delete requests from people you would no longer socialize with in real life.
  • Only remove requests when necessary to keep your inbox tidy.

Checking your pending requests about once a week and removing any unwanted ones helps keep your social media connections meaningful without clutter. But do so sparingly, only removing requests when truly needed.

Should You Message Someone After Removing a Friend Request?

It is not necessary to message someone after removing a pending Facebook friend request. But in certain situations, it may be thoughtful or wise to send them a brief explanation:

  • If they are an acquaintance you want to remain on good terms with
  • If they had requested your friendship multiple times
  • If you think they may feel hurt or confused by your action
  • If you want to clearly end a friendship that is dissolving

A simple message saying you are keeping your friend list small, have privacy concerns, or feel you do not know them well enough yet can clarify. But only message if truly needed, as most removals go unnoticed.

Mistakes to Avoid When Removing Requests

While removing Facebook friend requests can be perfectly harmless, there are some mistakes to avoid:

Removing Too Many Requests at Once

This can come across as doing a purge of your contacts. Remove requests selectively and only a few at a time.

Removing Requests Right After Sending Them

This makes it obvious you requested them impulsively and immediately regretted it. Wait a few days before removing to be less conspicuous.

Removing Requests Over and Over

If you keep sending requests then removing them, the other person will likely be offended eventually. Make up your mind before requesting.

Removing Requests Without Explaining

If someone is an important real-life connection, it’s better to communicate your reasons for removing the request.

Ignoring Someone’s Request But Keeping Your Own Active

This hypocritical behavior damages real relationships. Keep things equal by removing your request as well.

Alternatives to Removing Friend Requests

Rather than removing friend requests, you also have these options:

Politely Decline the Request

You can send a message declining the request and explaining why. This avoids silently removing it.

Privacy Settings

Adjust your privacy settings to limit what new friends see. This allows connecting without full access.

Restricted List

Put new friends on your Restricted list. They will see limited posts until you trust them more.


Keep new friends but unfollow their posts to avoid oversharing. You stay connected without constant updates.

Acquaintances List

Sort friends into Close Friends and Acquaintances lists to share less with new contacts.

Ignore the Request

Simply leave the request pending if you cannot decide. Removing it may cause more confusion.

What to Do If Someone Removes Their Friend Request to You

Having someone remove their own friend request to you can feel briefly frustrating. But here are some productive ways to respond:

  • Let it go since removals are silent and may go unnoticed.
  • Check if you removed their request first without realizing.
  • Consider if you know the person well enough for social media friendship.
  • Accept that the connection does not make sense for them currently.
  • Reflect on if you have overshared personal content recently.
  • Focus on real life connections rather than social media.

Ultimately, a removed request says more about the other person’s choices than anything about you. Try not to take it personally if it happens.

Signs Someone May Remove a Request

There are some common signs that a pending friend request may end up being removed:

  • The person rarely interacts with your content
  • Your friendship is mostly just online connections
  • Their privacy settings are very strict
  • They have few friends or contacts overall
  • The request has been pending a long time already
  • Your social circles do not align much

Noticing signs like these can prepare you for the possibility of request removal down the line.


Removing Facebook friend requests simply cancels that request and restores both profiles to how they were before. It does not block anyone, cause drama, or have impacts beyond deleting that request. Reasons for removing requests include cleaning up spam, ending unwanted connections, and tightening privacy. When done tactfully, removing requests causes little to no offense and keeps your connections tidy. It is a useful self-curation tool for social media. Just be thoughtful about when and how often you remove requests to avoid misunderstandings.