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What happens if you get permanently banned on Facebook?

What happens if you get permanently banned on Facebook?

Getting permanently banned on Facebook can have serious consequences for your online presence and ability to connect with friends and family. A permanent ban means you are no longer allowed to access or use Facebook’s services in any way. Your account is essentially deleted by Facebook.

Why would you get permanently banned from Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook may permanently disable your account:

  • Violating Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards multiple times
  • Posting content that promotes violence, hate speech, nudity, or illegal activities
  • Harassing or bullying other users
  • Creating fake or duplicate accounts
  • Spamming groups, pages, events, or people’s timelines
  • Spreading misinformation intentionally
  • Hacking or attempting to gain unauthorized access to Facebook systems

If you commit one of these violations, Facebook will typically send you a warning or temporarily restrict your account at first. But repeated or severe violations can lead to the permanent deletion of your account.

What happens when your Facebook account is permanently disabled?

Once your account is permanently disabled by Facebook, here are the key effects:

  • You are logged out and cannot log back in. Any password reset emails will not work.
  • Your profile, posts, photos, videos, and all other data is deleted. This cannot be recovered.
  • You lose access to any Facebook groups you were a member of.
  • You cannot create a new Facebook account. New accounts you try to create will be deleted if discovered.
  • Pages and ad accounts you owned through Facebook will be removed.
  • You will not be able to buy or manage any ads on Facebook services.

Essentially, you lose all access to any presence you had on Facebook permanently. And you cannot reopen a new account later on.

Can a permanent ban be appealed or reversed?

It is very unlikely that a permanent ban will be reversed by Facebook. The ban is only implemented after multiple violations or a major infraction of Facebook’s rules. According to Facebook, fewer than 1% of accounts banned are later reinstated.

However, you can try to appeal the ban through these methods:

  • Submit an Appeal Form – Facebook provides an appeals form to explain why you believe the ban was an error.
  • Contact Facebook Support – Reach out to Facebook’s support channels to ask for a manual review of your ban.
  • Prove your identity – To appeal a ban, you must provide government ID that matches the banned account details.

Even if you go through this appeals process, success is very unlikely. Facebook takes its ban decisions very seriously. Unless there was truly an error in their enforcement systems, the ban will stay in place.

What are the effects of losing your Facebook account?

Having your Facebook account permanently deleted can have wide-ranging effects on many aspects of your online life. Some of the major impacts include:

  • Losing connections – You will lose the ability to connect with friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances who you were linked to through Facebook.
  • Damage to reputation – Others may see your account deletion and suspect you engaged in misconduct.
  • Loss of photos/memories – Any photos, videos, posts or info you shared solely on Facebook will be erased.
  • Less reach for businesses – Brands and businesses will lose all their Facebook followers and access to Facebook services.
  • Can’t access Facebook apps – You will be unable to use Facebook-connected apps like Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, and others.

The extent of the effects depends on how integrated Facebook was into your life. But losing permanent access can be very disruptive to both personal life and business activities for heavy Facebook users.

Key takeaways

Here are some key points to understand about permanently banned Facebook accounts:

  • It is extremely difficult to get unbanned after a permanent account deletion.
  • All your data on Facebook will be deleted and unrecoverable.
  • You will lose connections with friends, family, customers who you interacted with on Facebook.
  • Businesses pages and advertising accounts associated with your account will be removed.
  • Do not try to create a new account after getting banned, or it will get deleted.
  • Appealing is unlikely to work unless Facebook made a clear error in disabling you.
  • The effects of losing your Facebook presence can be severe based on how much you used it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ever use Facebook again after a permanent ban?

No, a permanent ban means you will never be allowed to create a new Facebook account or access Facebook services again after your account is disabled. Facebook’s systems will detect any new accounts you try to make and delete them.

What should I do if I’m banned by mistake?

If you believe your account was wrongly banned, you can submit an appeal to Facebook through the appeals form they provide. You’ll need to provide valid government ID matching your account details. However, very few bans are actually made in error. So appeals are rarely successful unless there was a clear mistake on Facebook’s end.

Can I transfer my Facebook data before getting banned?

No, you cannot transfer or extract your Facebook data once your account has been permanently disabled. All of the photos, posts, videos and other data tied to it will be lost for good. This is why it’s wise to backup any important info you have on Facebook externally in case you ever lose access.

Will a Facebook ban affect my Instagram, WhatsApp or Oculus accounts?

Most likely yes. If your Facebook account is banned, associated Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus accounts banned too. This is because they are all owned by Facebook and linked to your main Facebook account credentials.

Can pages and ad accounts I run still be used if my personal account is banned?

No. If your personal Facebook profile is banned, any Facebook pages, advertising accounts, or other assets you own through Facebook will be permanently removed as well. You will not be able to administer them without a personal FB account.

Is it possible to get an IP ban from Facebook?

It is possible, but rare, to receive an IP address ban from Facebook. This prevents you from accessing Facebook from a specific device or internet connection. But IP bans are not the same as a full account ban – you can still use Facebook from other locations and devices.

Solutions for Losing Facebook Access

Once your account is permanently banned, there is no recourse to restore your Facebook access. But here are some solutions to cope with losing your Facebook presence:

  • Let contacts know you lost FB access and give other ways to connect with you.
  • Use other social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn to stay in touch.
  • For businesses, focus marketing efforts on alternate channels besides Facebook.
  • Download your Facebook data archive before getting banned to retain photos and info.
  • Where possible, encourage connections to interact outside of Facebook.
  • Avoid the behaviors that got you banned originally on other platforms.

Losing your account hurts most in the beginning. But over time, you can re-establish connections through other means and move away from a dependency on Facebook alone.

Preventing a Permanent Ban

To avoid the severe consequences of a permanent Facebook ban, be very careful to follow Facebook’s rules and policies. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t harass, threaten or bully other users.
  • Don’t spread dangerous misinformation or hate speech.
  • Don’t post nudity or graphic/sexual content.
  • Don’t spam people with unwanted friend requests or messages.
  • Report any impersonating or fake accounts.
  • Don’t violate copyrights or share pirated material.
  • Read Facebook’s terms closely and avoid any violations.

Staying in line with Facebook’s rules isn’t always easy. But with billions of users, they have to enforce standards. Following their policies closely prevents the irreversible damage of a permanent ban.


Getting permanently banned from Facebook can truly be devastating for those heavily integrated with the platform. You permanently lose connections, photos, data, and access to big parts of the social web.

Avoiding this scenario comes down to being responsible with how you use Facebook. Don’t harass people, don’t spread fake news, don’t impersonate others. If you stick to positive interactions, you should be safe.

But if you do end up banned, learn from it. Rebuild connections outside of Facebook. Rely less on a single channel. And contribute positively going forward on other platforms you remain a part of.