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What happens if I unfriend and block someone on Facebook?

What happens if I unfriend and block someone on Facebook?

Unfriending and blocking someone on Facebook can be useful tools for managing your connections and controlling who sees your profile and posts. Here is a look at how unfriending and blocking work on Facebook, the key differences between the two, and the effects they have.

Unfriending Someone on Facebook

When you unfriend someone on Facebook, you are removing them from your friends list. This means they will no longer show up as a friend in your friends list, and your posts will no longer automatically show up in their News Feed.

However, unfriending someone does not block all interactions. Even if you unfriend someone:

  • They can still view your public profile and posts.
  • They can still contact you through Messenger.
  • Your posts and comments on mutual friends’ timelines will still be visible to them.
  • You will still be visible in their friends list unless they also unfriend you.

So unfriending limits visibility of your non-public posts, but it does not completely block the person from interacting with you or seeing public information.

How to Unfriend on Facebook

Unfriending someone on Facebook is easy to do:

  1. Go to their profile page.
  2. Hover over the Friends button below their cover photo.
  3. Select Unfriend from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm you want to unfriend them when prompted.

Once you unfriend someone, they are immediately removed from your friends list and your News Feed. You can still re-add them as a friend later if you choose.

Effects of Unfriending Someone

Here are some key things that happen when you unfriend someone on Facebook:

  • They no longer show up as a friend in your friends list.
  • Your posts no longer automatically show up in their News Feed.
  • You no longer see their posts in your News Feed.
  • They can still see your public posts and profile info.
  • They can still contact you through Messenger.
  • You remain visible as a friend in their friends list.

So unfriending limits visibility and removes the friendship connection, but it does not completely block interactions on Facebook.

Blocking Someone on Facebook

Blocking someone on Facebook goes a step further than unfriending. When you block someone, you severely limit their ability to interact with you and view your profile and posts.

Here is what happens when you block someone on Facebook:

  • They can no longer see your profile or any of your posts (even public ones).
  • They can no longer tag you or invite you to events.
  • They can no longer start a conversation with you in Messenger.
  • Your posts no longer show up in their News Feed.
  • You no longer see their posts in your News Feed.
  • They are removed from your friends list if connected.

Blocking someone provides much more control over limiting interactions. But it does not completely prevent someone from viewing your public information or contacting you outside of Facebook.

How to Block Someone on Facebook

To block someone on Facebook:

  1. Go to their profile page.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Block from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm you want to block them when prompted.

Once blocked, they will no longer be able to find or interact with you on Facebook. You can always unblock someone later if you change your mind.

Effects of Blocking Someone

Here are the key effects of blocking someone on Facebook:

  • They can no longer see your profile or any posts.
  • They can no longer contact you directly on Facebook.
  • You no longer see their profile or posts.
  • They are removed as a friend if connected.
  • Limits most interactions, but does not prevent outside contact.

In summary, blocking severely limits someone’s ability to interact with you and access your profile and posts on Facebook only.

Unfriending vs. Blocking: Key Differences

While both unfriending and blocking limit interactions on Facebook, there are some key differences:

Unfriending Blocking
Removes News Feed connection Prevents them seeing your posts
Limits but doesn’t block interactions Blocks most interactions
They can still contact you Prevents them contacting you
They can still view your public info Prevents them accessing your profile

In summary, unfriending simply removes the friendship connection, while blocking severely limits interactions and access to your profile. Blocking provides more control over restricting access.

What Happens When You Unfriend or Block Someone

So in summary, here is an overview of exactly what happens when you unfriend or block someone on Facebook:

When You Unfriend Someone:

  • They are removed from your friends list.
  • You no longer see their posts in your News Feed.
  • Your posts no longer show up in their News Feed.
  • They can still see your public posts and profile.
  • They can still contact you through Messenger.
  • You remain visible as a friend in their friends list.

When You Block Someone:

  • They can no longer see your profile or any of your posts.
  • They can no longer contact you on Facebook.
  • You no longer see their profile or posts.
  • They are removed as a friend if connected.
  • Limits most Facebook interactions, but not outside contact.

So in summary:

  • Unfriending removes the friendship connection and limits visibility.
  • Blocking severely limits interactions, visibility, and access to your profile.

What You Should Know When Unfriending or Blocking

Here are some other things to keep in mind when unfriending or blocking someone on Facebook:

  • You can unblock or re-friend someone later if you change your mind.
  • The person will not be notified if you unfriend or block them.
  • On Messenger, you can block someone to avoid contact without unfriending.
  • Unfriending someone may cause drama, so consider whether it’s worth it.
  • Blocking should be reserved for harassment, bullying, or other serious issues.
  • Neither option prevents outside contact or seeing public posts/info.
  • You can limit someone’s posts without unfriending using the Snooze feature.

So think carefully before cutting off connections. Evaluate if unfriending or blocking is the best option, or if snoozing or limiting contact through Messenger may be better alternatives.

Reasons People Unfriend or Block on Facebook

There are many reasons why someone may decide to unfriend or block a Facebook connection. Some common reasons include:

  • An argument or falling out leading to lost friendship.
  • Annoyance over someone’s constant posts or tags.
  • Bullying, harassment, or other abusive behavior.
  • Disagreement over political or social views.
  • Breakup after a romantic relationship ends.
  • Wanting to limit contact after a divorce or family dispute.
  • Too many game invites or event invites from someone.
  • Inappropriate advances or messages from someone.

As you can see, there is a wide range of reasons someone may want to unfriend or block someone on Facebook. It can be done to de-clutter your feed, avoid unwanted contact, deal with bullying, or cut ties after a relationship ends. Understanding the root cause can help determine if it is the appropriate action.

The Effects of Unfriending or Blocking Someone

Unfriending or blocking someone on Facebook can have social and psychological effects, both on you and the other person. Some potential effects include:

  • Feeling relief and freedom from no longer seeing their posts.
  • Sadness or grief over losing a connection.
  • Feeling guilt or regret over cutting off a friendship.
  • Anger or resentment from the other person over being blocked.
  • Causing drama or issues within a shared social circle.
  • Empowerment and reclaiming control if dealing with harassment.
  • Loss of access to information about someone’s life.
  • Awkwardness or tension from subsequent in-person interactions.

As you weigh the pros and cons, consider the mental and emotional effects both you and the other person may experience. This can help determine if unfriending or blocking is the right decision.

Pros of Unfriending or Blocking Someone

Some potential advantages and positive effects of unfriending or blocking someone include:

  • No longer seeing unwanted posts in your feed.
  • Avoiding abusive or harassing interactions.
  • Not being tagged in irrelevant posts or events.
  • Peace of mind from less contact with someone negative.
  • More control over your social media experience.
  • Less distracting when trying to focus or be productive.
  • Ability to move on from an ended friendship or romance.

Cons of Unfriending or Blocking Someone

Some potential drawbacks and negative effects include:

  • Permanently damaging a relationship or friendship.
  • Causing resentment or retribution from the other person.
  • Losing access to someone’s life events and information.
  • Appearing petty if done over minor issues.
  • Contributing to greater social media polarization.
  • Having an awkward subsequent in-person encounter.
  • Regret or guilt over cutting someone off.

Consider both the short term relief and long term social consequences when deciding if unfriending or blocking is your best option in a situation.

Alternatives to Unfriending or Blocking on Facebook

Rather than fully cutting off connections, here are some alternative options to consider:

  • Snooze: Temporarily hiding someone’s posts for 30 days without unfriending.
  • Adjust News Feed settings: See less of someone’s posts rather than removing completely.
  • Turn off notifications: Avoid constant pings without fully disconnecting.
  • Unfollow: Stay friends without their posts in your feed.
  • Messenger blocking: Block on Messenger only to avoid contact.
  • Lists: Add annoying connections to lists so their posts don’t clutter your main feed.
  • Take a break: Disable your account for a while rather than cutting off friends.

Depending on your reasons, these alternatives may allow you to subtly distance yourself without fully unfriending or blocking someone. Always evaluate the pros and cons first.

How to Tell if You’re Blocked on Facebook

Wondering if someone has blocked you on Facebook? Here are some signs:

  • You cannot view their Facebook profile.
  • You get an error sending them a message.
  • Your comments disappear from their posts.
  • You disappear from their friends list.
  • Mutual friends mention they cannot tag you in comments.
  • You stop seeing their posts and activity.

While not definitive, these are good indications someone may have blocked you. But it’s not always possible to tell for sure if you’ve been blocked.

Ways to Check if You’re Blocked

To check more conclusively if someone has blocked you, try:

  • Searching their profile from an alternate account.
  • Asking a mutual friend to view the person’s profile or tag you.
  • Checking if you can reply to one of their public posts.
  • Seeing if you can invite them to an event.

If all signs point to you being blocked, it’s best to move on. Continuing to reach out will likely be fruitless.

What to Do If You’re Blocked on Facebook

So what should you do if you realize someone has blocked you on Facebook? Here are some tips:

  • Respect their decision and keep your distance on Facebook.
  • Consider if you exhibited any behaviors that may have caused offense.
  • Reflect on if the blocking was justified or excessive.
  • Discuss the issue calmly in person if appropriate.
  • Focus on other connections rather than getting fixated.
  • Give it time, as the situation may resolve itself.

Harassing someone or creating new accounts to circumvent being blocked will only make things worse. The healthiest approach is to use self-reflection to either move on or attempt to resolve the issue outside of Facebook if possible.

When to Walk Away

Here are some signs it may be best to walk away and move on when you’ve been blocked:

  • You cannot identify any reason for being blocked.
  • Your attempts to communicate are ignored.
  • The blocking was done to prevent harassment.
  • You have no substantial history or friendship with the person.
  • The person has blocked many other people.
  • Continuing to reach out seems obsessive or excessive.

If the block seems arbitrary or you have no constructive way to address it, letting it go and shifting your focus elsewhere is typically the healthiest option.

In Conclusion

Unfriending or blocking someone on Facebook can provide more control over your connections and feed. But both actions have consequences and may not prevent all outside interactions. Consider alternatives like snoozing posts or muting conversations if appropriate.

Evaluate your reasons thoughtfully before cutting someone off completely. Weigh the pros and cons of limiting their visibility or access to your profile. And resist the urge to harass or retaliate if you are blocked. Instead, use self-reflection and seek constructive dialog when possible.

With over a billion users, clashes and cleanups are inevitable on Facebook. But approach them with maturity and nuance. Use tools like unfriending and blocking strategically rather than as knee-jerk reactions. This can help maintain your mental health while still allowing forgiveness and redemption in relationships when appropriate.