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What happens if I turn off message requests?

What happens if I turn off message requests?

Turning off message requests on Instagram is a setting that allows you to control who can send you direct messages. With message requests disabled, only accounts you follow or have previously interacted with will be able to send you DMs. This prevents unwanted messages from strangers or bots.

Why Would You Want to Turn Off Message Requests?

There are a few key reasons why someone may want to disable Instagram message requests:

  • To avoid unwanted messages from strangers or bots – This is the main reason most people disable requests. It stops random users from being able to message you.
  • To maintain privacy – By limiting who can directly message you, you have more control over who can contact you privately.
  • To reduce message clutter – Turning off requests can cut down on irrelevant/unwanted DMs cluttering up your inbox.
  • To avoid potential harassment – Preventing messages from unknown accounts also avoids potential harassment or bullying in DMs.

How Do You Turn Off Message Requests on Instagram?

Turning off Instagram message requests is easy to do through the Instagram app for iOS and Android. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile page
  2. Tap the menu button (3 horizontal lines) in the top right corner
  3. Go to Settings > Privacy > Messages
  4. Toggle the slider for ‘Allow Message Requests’ to the off position

And that’s it! Message requests will now be disabled. People who you don’t follow or have no prior engagement with will no longer be able to send you DM requests.

What Happens When You Turn Off Message Requests?

When you disable Instagram message requests, here is what will happen:

  • Unknown users will no longer be able to send you DM requests. Their messages will be blocked.
  • You will stop receiving any new message requests from accounts you don’t follow.
  • Your existing message requests will still show up in your message requests folder.
  • Users you follow or have previously interacted with can still message you directly.
  • You can still send messages to any user without restrictions.

So in summary, turning this off only limits who can send you direct messages, not who you can message. And any pending requests won’t disappear, but new ones will be blocked.

Who Can Still Message You?

With message requests off, there are still some accounts that will be able to message you directly. These include:

  • Any users you follow
  • Any user who follows you
  • Accounts that you have previously interacted with, such as by commenting, liking posts, etc.
  • Accounts you have previously messaged

So people you already have some connection to on Instagram will still be able to reach you via DM. Turning off requests only blocks brand new accounts with no prior engagement.

What Are the Downsides of Disabling Requests?

While limiting messages can be beneficial, there are some potential downsides to keep in mind as well:

  • You may miss messages from new followers or legitimate accounts trying to reach you for the first time.
  • It takes a bit more effort for someone new to contact you – they first need to follow you or comment publicly.
  • Former contacts or old friends may be blocked from messaging you if you don’t follow them anymore.
  • It can seem unfriendly or standoffish to block direct messages from new people.

So weigh the pros and cons based on your preferences and messaging needs. You can always toggle message requests back on if you change your mind.

How Do You Know Who Can Message You?

If you’re unsure about who can and can’t message you after turning off requests, there are a couple ways to check:

  • Go to your settings and view your blocked accounts list – this will show you any users currently blocked due to your requests setting.
  • Try messaging a user you don’t follow from a secondary account – this will confirm if requests are on or off.
  • Ask a friend to try messaging you from an account you don’t follow.

You’ll get a notification if a user tries to message you but is blocked. And you can always temporarily switch requests back on to test things out.

Can You Selectively Accept Requests?

Unfortunately there is no built-in Instagram option to selectively accept or decline certain message requests. It’s an all-or-nothing setting.

You have a few options if you want to allow some users to message you while blocking others:

  • Follow or interact with specific accounts to whitelist them before disabling requests.
  • Temporarily toggle requests on to accept from certain people, then turn it back off.
  • Use a third party Instagram DM app with more customizable filters.

But within Instagram’s native settings, you can only fully enable or disable message requests for all unknown accounts simultaneously.

What About Message Requests From Business Accounts?

When you disable Instagram message requests, this blocks requests from all account types – including personal, business, creator and corporate accounts. There is no way to only block requests from personal accounts.

The only exception is that accounts you already follow or have previously interacted with can still message you directly, regardless of account type. So if you want to be sure to still receive messages from certain business/brand accounts, be sure to follow them or like/comment on their posts before disabling requests.

Can You Auto-Decline Message Requests?

Unfortunately Instagram does not currently have an option to automatically decline all incoming message requests. The only settings are to allow or block requests.

Some third party apps like Unfold provide auto-decline features, but this requires routing your DMs through another app. Within Instagram’s native messaging, it’s only possible to fully enable or disable message requests for all accounts.

Tips for Managing Message Requests

Here are some tips to help manage your message requests efficiently:

  • Check requests regularly to accept legitimate messages – Don’t let them build up!
  • Report or block any abusive, harassing or unwelcome requests.
  • Temporarily enable requests when expecting first-contact messages.
  • Add info to your bio if you prefer DMs from new followers.
  • Follow back or interact with accounts you want to whitelist.
  • Use filters in third-party apps to auto-manage requests.

Can I Disable Message Requests on Facebook Too?

Yes, Facebook provides similar options to limit who can send you new messages. To manage message requests on Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings & Privacy menu
  2. Select Settings
  3. Go to the Messaging section
  4. Adjust the ‘Who Can Send You Messages’ settings

Here you can disable new message requests from people you’re not friends with on Facebook. You can also limit messages to only friends or friends of friends if desired.


Disabling Instagram message requests can be a useful way to control unwanted DMs and protect your privacy. Just be aware it also blocks messages from potentially legitimate new followers or contacts getting in touch for the first time.

Make sure to periodically check your message requests folder so you don’t miss anything important. And you can always toggle the setting back on if you find it’s too restrictive.

With message requests off, most random bots and spammers will be prevented from messaging you. But accounts you already follow or engage with will still have no problem reaching you directly. So disabling requests gives you more control over incoming DMs without fully isolating yourself.