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What happens if I remove my profile from Facebook?

What happens if I remove my profile from Facebook?

If you decide to delete your Facebook profile, there are a few key things that will happen. Facebook does not immediately delete profiles when users choose to remove them. Instead, it takes a few weeks for all of your data to be wiped from their servers. During this time, your profile is deactivated and largely inaccessible.

Your Profile is Deactivated

Once you initiate the deletion process, your profile is no longer visible to other users on Facebook. Other users will not be able to search for you or view your profile. Any posts or photos you shared will no longer appear. You essentially disappear from the Facebook community.

However, it’s important to note that your data is not immediately erased. It can take up to 90 days for Facebook to fully delete all of your photos, posts, and other information stored in their system. So your profile enters a sort of limbo state where it’s deactivated but not yet deleted.

You Lose Access to Facebook Services

Obviously, deleting your Facebook profile means you can no longer log in to use their services. You will no longer be able to:

  • View your Facebook timeline or news feed
  • Message Facebook friends
  • Interact with Facebook groups
  • Use Facebook apps
  • Play Facebook games
  • Use Facebook Marketplace

Essentially all Facebook services will become inaccessible to you. So deleting your profile cuts you off entirely from the Facebook ecosystem.

Your Friends Can No Longer Tag You

Once your profile is deactivated, your Facebook friends will no longer be able to tag you in posts or photos. Any existing tags with your name will also be removed from your friends’ timelines and photos.

So friends can tag your deactivated profile as much as they want, but the tags will not appear. Eventually, when Facebook deletes all of your data, it will also scrub all tags of your name from the platform.

You Can Reactivate Your Profile

It’s important to note that you can still reactivate your Facebook profile during the deactivation period before full deletion. For instance, if you changed your mind a week after deactivating your profile, you could log back in and reactivate it.

However, once the 90 day deletion period ends and your data is fully removed from Facebook’s servers, it’s much more difficult to recover your profile. You would essentially have to start again from scratch by creating a new profile.

Your Facebook Messages Are Deleted

When you delete your Facebook profile, all of the messages you sent and received on Facebook Messenger will eventually be erased. During the deactivation period, you will no longer be able to access your messages.

But once the deletion is complete, your entire message history will be wiped from Facebook’s servers. So if you want to save a record of conversations on Messenger, you’ll need to download them before deleting your profile.

You Can Download Your Data

Before deleting your account, Facebook does allow you to download a copy of your personal data from their servers. This includes your posts, photos, videos, and profile information.

This allows you to essentially create a backup of your Facebook presence before removing your profile completely. You won’t be able to download your actual Facebook messages, but you can save all other info.

Your Facebook Page Remains

If you created a Facebook Page for a business, brand, organization, or as a public figure, that Page will not be deleted when you remove your personal profile. Pages are considered separate entities.

However, you will obviously lose admin access to your Facebook Page once you deactivate your profile. You’ll either need to assign another admin or delete the Page entirely if you don’t want it to remain without your oversight.

You Can’t Create a New Profile Right Away

To prevent people from immediately rejoining, Facebook does not allow you to create a new account right after deleting your profile. There is a waiting period before you can sign up again.

Some users report waiting days or weeks before being able to create a new profile using the same name or email address. This cooling off period is not a full ban, but it delays your ability to return to Facebook right away.

Your Instagram Account Remains

Unlike Facebook Pages, your Instagram account is tied directly to your personal Facebook profile. But Instagram functions independently, so deleting your Facebook does not automatically delete your Instagram.

However, you will lose the ability to log in to Instagram using your Facebook credentials. You’ll have to link Instagram to another login method to keep using it after removing Facebook.

You Can’t Use Facebook Login Elsewhere

Many third-party apps and services allow you to log in using your Facebook account. This is no longer possible once you delete your Facebook profile.

So if you use Facebook Login for any shopping sites, gaming platforms, forums etc., you’ll have to switch to another login method or create new accounts entirely.


In summary, deleting your Facebook profile cuts off your access to their services, eventually erases your data from their servers, removes your ability to interact with friends, and prevents you from easily rejoining right away.

It’s a significant decision since Facebook has become such an integral platform for so many people. Be sure to download any data you want to save and be aware of the impacts to other linked services before deleting your account.

What Happens Notes
Profile is deactivated No longer visible to others; Data remains on Facebook servers
Lose access to Facebook services Can’t view timeline, message friends, use apps, etc.
Friends can’t tag you Existing tags also removed
Can reactivate during deactivation period Typically about 90 days before permanent deletion
Messages are eventually deleted Messenger history wiped from servers
Can download your data Backup photos, posts, videos, profile info, etc.
Facebook Page remains Lose admin access though unless reassigned
Waiting period before rejoining Typically days or weeks
Instagram account remains Lose Facebook login option
Lose Facebook Login for other apps/services Have to switch to other login methods

Want to visualize the timeline of events when you delete your Facebook profile? Here is a helpful flow chart:

As you can see, the process takes place in distinct stages, beginning with deactivating your profile and ending with permanent deletion after a waiting period. Different things happen during each stage.

In the first 1-3 days after deactivation, your profile is hidden from search and your information remains accessible to you if you log back in. In the next 3-90 days, your data becomes inaccessible but is still stored by Facebook. Then after 90 days, all of your data is deleted from Facebook’s servers and your removal is permanent.

Understanding this sequence of events allows you to know what to expect when going through the profile deletion process. It is not immediate, but eventually all ties with Facebook will be severed after a few months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook notify my friends when I delete my profile?

No, Facebook does not directly notify your friends or followers when you delete your account. However, friends may notice when your profile and posts disappear from their news feed.

Can I rejoin Facebook right after deleting my profile?

No, Facebook prevents you from immediately recreating your profile after deletion. You have to wait days or weeks before making a new account.

What happens to my Facebook events if I delete my profile?

Any events you created will remain on Facebook but will no longer list you as the host. Any RSVPs you made to events will be removed.

Will people be notified if they were removed from my friends list?

No, users are not notified if you remove them as a friend before deleting your Facebook profile.

Can I view Facebook without an account after deleting my profile?

No, it is not possible to view any Facebook content without registering for an account. Deleting your profile completely cuts off access.

What happens to my Oculus content if I delete Facebook?

You will lose access to any apps, games, or content purchased through your Oculus VR headset linked to a Facebook account.

Helpful Resources

Deleting your Facebook profile is a big decision. Here are some useful articles with more details on the process:

It’s also a good idea to download your Facebook data for your records before deleting your profile. Learn more here: