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What happens if I change my relationship status to only me?

What happens if I change my relationship status to only me?

Changing your relationship status on social media can have a big impact, especially if you go from “In a Relationship” to “Single.” Your relationship status is often one of the first things people notice on your profile, so a change is bound to get some attention.

People Will See the Change

The first thing that will happen if you change to “Single” is that all of your connections on the social media platform will be able to see that change. Depending on your privacy settings, your new relationship status may also be visible to the public. So anyone who visits your profile will immediately know that you are no longer in a relationship.

This public display means that you’ll likely get questions from friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, and maybe even old connections you haven’t talked to in years. Some may reach out via private message or text to ask what happened. Be prepared for your change in status to spark lots of curiosity.

Your Ex Will Be Notified

In addition to your wider social network being updated, most social media platforms will send a notification to your former partner that you are no longer linked in a relationship. This prevents situations where one person changes the status but the other is unaware.

So if you make the change to “Single,” your ex will get an automatic alert informing them of your new status. Depending on how the relationship ended, this could reopen wounds or lead to them preemptively announcing the split online before you get a chance.

It Can Complicate the Breakup

Speaking of your ex, changing your relationship status can cause complications in finalizing the split. Even if you are both certain the relationship is over, seeing that public declaration on social media can stir up emotions and make the breakup suddenly more “real.”

In some cases, this notification may prompt your ex to reach out and try to reconcile, especially if the breakup was not mutual. Signaling that you are moving on can cause an ex to suddenly fight for the relationship in a way they did not when you were still together behind closed doors.

You May Get Backlash

There can sometimes be social consequences to announcing a breakup online before or instead of telling people in your life directly. Friends may feel slighted that they had to learn of the split from social media. Family members may be hurt they were not told privately first. And your ex may be upset if it appears you are broadcasting the breakup publicly.

It can seem insensitive or impersonal to notify your entire network about your personal life via a status change. Be prepared for potential backlash from those closest to you if you change your relationship status before informing key people.

It Opens the Door for New Relationships

A major implication of going from “In a Relationship” to “Single” is signaling to others that you are now available. This social media update essentially lets your entire network know you are back on the market and looking to date again.

In particular, those who had a crush on you but respected that you were in a relationship may now feel freed up to make a move. Changing your status can open the floodgates for messages from interested suitors in your network.

You May Get More Dating Offers

Beyond existing connections reaching out, switching to “Single” means anyone new coming across your profile knows you are unattached. This makes you appear more approachable.

As a single person, you may notice an uptick in friend requests, likes, and messages from potential romantic prospects. People who may not have reached out otherwise now have a green light to express interest.

It Reflects Personally

The act of changing your relationship status can force you to confront your new single reality. Even if you are the one initiating the breakup, seeing that “Single” label publicly displayed can spark emotions like sadness, regret, or doubt.

Updating this status makes you really analyze if you are ready to present to the world that you are no longer in this relationship. So be prepared to process some feelings around what this means for your self-identity and social media presence.

You May Keep Tabs on Your Ex

Transitioning a relationship from “Linked” to “Unlinked” on social media can be challenging if you are not over the person. Despite separating digitally, you may be tempted to continue viewing your ex’s profile to see how they are reacting.

Are they posting sad song lyrics? Did they also change their status? Are they uploading photos with someone new? You may unfortunately fixate on their social media presence and get upset if they appear to be moving on faster than you.

It Can Feel Liberating

While there are certainly downsides to announcing your breakup online, there can also be an empowering sense of freedom. Updating your status to “Single” communicates both to yourself and the world that you are no longer defined by this past relationship.

Separating yourself digitally can provide closure and let you feel in control. This act of independence and self-sufficiency can lift your spirits and excite you about new possibilities.

You’ll Receive Support

As you manage this major life change, do not underestimate the power of your social support network. Often when people announce a breakup online, they receive an influx of encouraging comments and messages from well-meaning friends.

Your connections want to be there for you during this challenging transition. Changing your relationship status allows people to clearly recognize you are going through something difficult and offer assistance.

You May Revert Back Quickly

Despite the finality of clicking “Single,” the reality is you can always revert your status back quickly if you end up reconciling. Some couples break up and make up multiple times, which can lead to a relationship status that frequently toggles back and forth.

So while a status change feels permanent, know that you can always edit it again if your situation changes. However, frequent reversing may also confuse your social network, so only update it if you are absolutely certain.


Changing your relationship status on social media platforms has many implications beyond just digitally updating your profile. It announces your situation to connections, offers a public sense of closure, and opens up new possibilities. While it reflects a breakup is occurring, it does not necessarily mean the situation is permanently resolved.

Think carefully about if or when to update your status, as the reactions can be wide-ranging. And communicate directly with key people in your life so they do not feel out of loop. But approaching this status change thoughtfully can help you take control of the narrative and move forward.

Pros Cons
Signals you are single and ready to mingle May upset people who wanted to hear news privately first
Lets your network know you are going through a breakup Opens you up to being contacted by more people
Can provide a sense of closure Makes the breakup seem more “official”
Empowers you to move forward May prompt your ex to reach out
Allows people to offer support Can stir up emotions around the loss of relationship

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I wait to change my relationship status?

It depends. If the breakup is amicable, there is no need to wait. But if your ex is still processing the split, hold off out of respect. Avoid using the status change to “get back” at an ex.

What if my ex sees I’m single and wants me back?

Reassess if getting back together is truly what you want or if you are just missing elements of the relationship. Proceed cautiously and do not feel pressured. Clarify your needs if you decide to reconcile.

Can I change my mind after going single?

Absolutely. You can revert your relationship status at any time. But avoid playing games by toggling it back and forth multiple times.

How do I announce a breakup on social media?

If you do decide to post about the split online, be kind in your wording. Avoid calling out your ex directly or venting angrily. Focus on gratitude, lessons learned, and what is next for you.

Should I delete old photos of my ex?

It depends on if seeing them makes you feel sad or prevents you from moving on. Hiding past photos is better than deleting in case you change your mind later.

How do I hide my new single status from my ex?

On most platforms you can select who sees your relationship status and related updates. Restrict this info from your ex specifically.

When is it too soon to say I’m single online?

Wait until you have processed the breakup and are ready for inevitable questions and reactions. Do it when it feels right for you.

What if my family is upset about my status change?

Explain to them directly that you did not intend to hide the news from them, it was just part of your process. They should respect how you choose to share.

How do I deal with unwanted attention after going single?

Use privacy settings to control who can message you. Politely decline any offers that do not interest you. And do not feel pressured into anything you are not ready for.