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What happens if I change my Facebook business page name?

What happens if I change my Facebook business page name?

Changing the name of your Facebook business page is a common request from business owners. Your business likely evolves over time, so you may find the need to update your Facebook business page name to better reflect your brand. However, changing the name of a Facebook business page is not as simple as it may seem. There are a few key things that business owners should keep in mind when considering a Facebook business page name change.

Why would I want to change my Facebook business page name?

Here are some of the most common reasons business owners choose to change their Facebook business page name:

  • Rebranding – If your business undergoes a rebrand, you’ll want your Facebook name to match your new brand identity.
  • New ownership – If your business is bought or changes ownership, the new owner will want to update the name.
  • Merger or acquisition – If your company merges with or acquires another business, you may want to change the name to reflect the new business structure.
  • Pivot in products/services – If your business significantly changes its offerings, you may want your Facebook name to better represent what you currently sell.
  • Legal or trademark issues – Sometimes a business must change its name due to legal or trademark disputes. This would require a Facebook name change too.

The key is that you’ll want your Facebook business page name to accurately represent your current brand and offerings. If that changes substantially over time, updating the name is advised.

What happens to my existing Page when I change the name?

When you change your Facebook Page name, here is what happens:

  • The Page URL will change – This means any links directing users to your old Facebook URL will break.
  • Existing Page followers will not be notified – Users who already like/follow your Page will not automatically be notified about the new name.
  • You will keep all existing likes/followers – Even with the new name, all your current followers and likes remain intact.
  • Your old Page name may not become available immediately – Facebook disables the old Page name for a certain time period before allowing reuse.

In summary, only the Page URL itself changes – everything else remains the same. However, the changed URL can impact findability if you don’t properly redirect traffic.

Can I change my Facebook business Page URL?

No, you cannot change the custom URL of your Facebook business Page once it is set. For example, if you have, you cannot later change it to

The only way to modify the Page URL is to change the Page name itself. However, it’s important to note that Facebook appends unique identifiers to the new URL, so it will not be exactly the same as your new name.

For example, if you change your Page name from “My Business” to “My New Business Name”, your new URL may end up as:

Facebook adds the extra numeric ID to ensure the URL remains unique within their systems. But this means you cannot change the custom URL format itself after initial setup.

What happens to my Likes when I change the name?

Importantly, changing your Facebook business Page name will not impact your current number of Likes or followers. All of the current users who have Liked your Page under the old name will remain intact.

The primary change is that the Page URL itself will be modified. But in terms of visible metrics:

  • Your number of Likes will remain the same.
  • Your organic reach and engagement levels will be unaffected.
  • Your reviews and star ratings will stay the same.
  • Your followers will not need to re-Like your Page after the name change.

In essence, your Likes carry over seamlessly. But you may need to re-build awareness of your new URL moving forward.

Will people who Like my page be notified of the new name?

No. There is no automatic notification sent out to current Likers when you change your Facebook business Page name.

The only notification is a small one that appears at the top of your Page briefly explaining the name was recently changed. But users who already Like your Page will not be informed directly.

This means you need to be proactive about spreading awareness of your new Facebook Page name. Some best practices include:

  • Posting about the change on your Page and asking followers to share.
  • Emailing customers to provide a heads up.
  • Updating your website, business cards, and marketing materials with the new Page details.
  • Running a social media and search ad campaign to increase visibility.

You cannot rely on Facebook to automatically notify your followers about the name change. Be sure you have a strategy in place to get the word out.

How long does it take for Facebook to change the name?

It typically takes Facebook about 24 hours to process and update your business Page name change. However, it can sometimes take up to 48-72 hours.

Here is a general timeline of what to expect once you formally request your Page name change:

Time Update
Immediately Your Page will display the old name but with a notice that the name is changing pending Facebook review.
24 hours The new name will become live and your Page URL will redirect to the new URL.
48-72 hours The name change process fully completes. Your previous Page URL may become available for reuse.

So expect it to take about 1-3 days for all aspects of the change to fully propagate through Facebook’s systems. Manage impatient expectations by communicating timeframes with stakeholders.

Can I revert back to my old Facebook business Page name?

No, once you officially change your Facebook business Page name, there is no option to revert back to the old name. The change is permanent.

Even if your previous Page name becomes available again, you cannot automatically restore it. You would have to create an entirely new Page, which means starting over from zero Likes and followers.

This is why it’s crucial to carefully consider whether a name change makes strategic sense before going through the process. There is no turning back.

The only option is to pick yet another new name if you decide you don’t like the most recent change. But there is no capability to revert to any past names once changed.

What happens to my old business Page URL?

After changing your Facebook business Page name, your existing Page URL will redirect to the new URL for an indefinite period of time. This helps retain traffic to any old links.

However, after about 48-72 hours, Facebook makes the previous URL available for reuse by new Pages. So your old custom URL will no longer represent your Page.

This means any existing backlinks or references to your prior Facebook URL will break. For optimal redirection, set up a 301 redirect on your website from your old Facebook URL to the new one.

Is there a limit on how many times I can change my Page name?

Yes. According to Facebook’s policies, you can only change your business Page name up to two times within any 90 day period.

If you attempt to change the name more frequently than that, Facebook will present an error message stopping the change.

This limit prevents businesses from spamming name changes or attempting to manipulate search results. So make sure to carefully plan out any Page name changes, knowing you only have two opportunities every 90 days.

Should I create a new Facebook business Page instead?

In some cases, rather than changing your existing Facebook business Page name, it may make more strategic sense to simply create a brand new Page.

Starting afresh can be advantageous in certain situations, like if your business is undergoing a major rebrand or relaunch. However, there are a few downsides to weigh as well:

  • You’ll start over from zero Likes – Your new Page will not retain your existing follower base.
  • You temporarily split your audience – Some may continue engaging with your old Page.
  • You lose your reviews and star ratings – Your new Page will have blank slates.

As such, carefully consider the pros and cons of creating an entirely new Facebook presence compared to modifying your existing Page name.

How do I create a new Facebook business Page?

If you do opt to create a brand new Facebook business Page, here are the steps to do so:

  1. Go to and log into your business account
  2. Click on the triangle drop down at the top right and select “Create Page”
  3. Choose the category that best describes your business
  4. Enter your new preferred business Page name and complete the on-screen setup process
  5. Publish an introductory post welcoming fans to your new Page
  6. Share the news of your new Page on your existing profile, website, and other marketing channels

The process only takes a few minutes, but the challenge will be attracting Likes and followers from scratch without your existing audience. Be prepared to invest in advertising to rebuild momentum.

Should I delete my old Facebook business Page?

After creating a new Facebook business Page, should you delete your old one? There are pros and cons to consider:

Pros Cons
  • Prevents split audiences across Pages
  • Focuses all growth in one place
  • Permanently deletes all followers and engagement
  • Erases your reviews, star ratings and messaging history

Generally, it’s recommended to keep your old Page active even if no longer updating it. Redirect traffic to your new Page. But maintaining the prior presence preserves your brand history on Facebook.

However, if the old Page has a drastically different name or focus, deleting it may make sense to avoid confusing followers. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer – evaluate the specifics of your situation.

Can I temporarily deactivate my old Facebook business Page?

Rather than permanently deleting your old Facebook business Page after creating a new one, you have the option to temporarily deactivate it instead.

This pauses any new posts or engagement, but preserves all existing content and followers. At any point, you can reactive the old Page to restore its previous state.

Temporarily deactivating a Page can be a safer middle ground if you want to evaluate performance of your new Facebook presence without erasing your old one entirely.

Key takeaways

Here are some top things to keep in mind when changing your Facebook business Page name:

  • Pick a name aligned to your current brand identity and offerings
  • Your existing Likes and followers will carry over after the change
  • Proactively communicate the name change to followers
  • Redirect your old URL to the new one after changing
  • Weigh pros and cons before creating an entirely new Page

Changing your Facebook business Page name can open up new opportunities, but approach the process thoughtfully. Move forward strategically, communicating every step of the way to avoid confusing your audience in the transition.


Updating your Facebook business Page name is a significant decision requiring careful planning. Evaluate the reasons you need a change, timing considerations, follower communication strategies, and the longer term impacts.

While changing your Page name to align with an evolved brand identity can make sense, the process also creates new challenges. Formulate a holistic plan to maximize the benefits while mitigating any downsides through thoughtful redirects, social promotion, and customer communication.