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What happens after I upload my ID to Facebook?

What happens after I upload my ID to Facebook?

Uploading an ID to Facebook can seem like a harmless way to verify your identity, but it does come with risks that users should be aware of. When you provide that kind of personal documentation, you’re giving Facebook extensive details about yourself that could be used or accessed without your permission.

Why Does Facebook Ask for ID?

Facebook asks users to provide ID in certain situations, such as:

– When your account is disabled and you’re trying to verify your identity to reactivate it.

– If someone reports your profile as being fake or fraudulent.

– When ads or Pages you manage get disapproved.

– When you try to change your name on your profile.

The stated reason is to confirm you are using your real identity on the platform. Uploading an ID helps Facebook match your profile to your real-world identity.

What Kinds of ID Does Facebook Accept?

Facebook asks for a government-issued ID that includes your name, photo, date of birth, and expiration date. Acceptable options include:

– Driver’s license

– Passport

– National identification card

– Immigration documentation

You’ll need to provide a photo or scan of the front and back of your ID. Facebook also utilizes facial recognition technology to analyze your ID photo and profile photo to determine if you are the same person.

What Facebook Does With Your Uploaded ID

Once you provide your personal documentation to Facebook, here is how the company may utilize it:

Identity Verification

First and foremost, Facebook will use your ID to confirm you are who you claim to be on your profile. It allows them to connect your profile to your real identity. The provided details like your name, date of birth, photo, and ID number will be checked to ensure you are using factual personal information on your account.

Compliance Purposes

Facebook may retain copies of IDs for auditing reasons and to ensure compliance with regulations around real name use and account authenticity. This data provides a paper trail if questions arise about fake accounts and fraud.

Targeted Advertising

The company may use your ID details like name, age, and address to improve targeted advertising. It provides additional demographic data points that help Facebook serve ads it believes you are most likely to be interested in based on your identity.

General Research

Facebook may incorporate data from users’ IDs into general research around safety, security, and facial recognition. For example, using ID photos for research on improvements to the facial recognition system. The company does routinely use account data for internal R&D.

Enhanced Data for Facebook Business Partners

Partners who utilize Facebook Business Tools may receive enhanced data like email addresses and phone numbers after users upload an ID. Facebook shares user data with third parties to enable functioning apps, ads, and measurement systems.

Identity Services

Facebook is developing identity verification services and may use your ID to support features that provide authentication across apps and websites. The goal is to become an identity validation provider.

Facial Recognition and Biometric Data Collection

When you provide a photo ID, Facebook is able to collect extensive facial recognition data including:

– Precise mapping of facial features

– Faceprint: A unique biometric map of the face

– Overall facial geometry – distance between eyes, shape of chin, etc.

This facial recognition data enables Facebook to quickly verify your identity in the future. It also provides data to enhance their facial recognition algorithms as they build out identity services.

Some key ways Facebook may use facial recognition data from IDs include:

Enhancing Facial Recognition Abilities

The facial scan provided through your ID helps Facebook train and refine its facial recognition AI over time. Each new photo allows the algorithm to get better at matching faces.

Tag Suggestions

By improving facial recognition, uploading an ID can lead to Facebook more accurately suggesting friends to tag in your photos. It improves their tagging recommendations.

Identity Verification Services

Facial recognition data supports identity services Facebook is developing for third parties to integrate into their apps and sites. Providing an ID photo helps expand this initiative.

Ad Targeting and Measurement

Precise facial data may inform ad targeting and help measure ad performance by determining if people engage with an ad after being exposed to it.

Unlocking Profiles

The faceprint can verify your identity in the future if you get locked out of your account. Facebook may unlock your profile via facial recognition rather than requiring an ID each time.

Law Enforcement Requests

Facebook may provide facial recognition data along with other account details in response to requests from law enforcement and government agencies.

So in summary, providing a photo ID gives Facebook extensive access to biometric facial data that can be used in a variety of ways to train algorithms, build new products and features, target ads, share data with partners, and more.

Risks and Privacy Concerns Around Submitting Your ID

While Facebook’s reasons for requesting an ID seem legitimate, there are some notable privacy risks involved:

Very Personal Data Access

IDs contain highly sensitive personal information like your full name, date and place of birth, ID number, home address, and sometimes other info like height, weight, and eye color. This provides in-depth personal data far beyond just your name and birthday.

Data Retention Duration is Unclear

Facebook may retain the personal data extracted from your ID indefinitely. Unlike other data they collect, there is no clear retention policy around ID data.

Hard to Fully Revoke Consent

Once your ID is submitted and the data processed, you likely cannot force Facebook to delete all the derived personal information or stop using it for facial recognition. This consent is difficult to fully revoke.

Data Sharing With Authorities

Facebook may share your account data including ID details with law enforcement if requests are received. This removes your full control over your personal information.

Facial Recognition Concerns

Civil liberty advocates argue facial recognition data collection violates privacy when done without fully informed consent. Facebook’s use of faceprints and biometric maps may raise ethical issues.

Data Use is Opaque

How Facebook specifically utilizes sensitive ID data internally for initiatives like ad targeting and facial recognition research is largely opaque. Users must trust Facebook’s claims on data use.

Tips for Protecting Your Privacy When Providing ID

If you do need to provide your ID to Facebook for account verification, here are some tips for reducing privacy risks:

Know Your Rights

Understand your legal rights – Facebook must adhere to data privacy laws like the GDPR in the EU and CCPA in California, which limit data use. Know the protections in place.

Go Through Account Settings

Adjust your Facebook account settings to limit ad targeting, data sharing with third parties, and to disable facial recognition if possible. Restrict how your data is used.

Avoid Unneeded Personal Details

When taking a photo of your ID, cover any information not required for verification like weight, height, eye color, etc. Only expose the minimum details.

Utilize Privacy Settings

Leverage Facebook’s privacy settings to keep your posts, photos, and profile information more private. Don’t publicly expose personal data that could be tied to your ID details.

Provide Only When Absolutely Necessary

Only upload your ID if it is absolutely necessary and required by Facebook to regain access to your disabled account. Avoid providing it for non-critical reasons.

Delete Your Account When Possible

If you are uncomfortable with Facebook’s data practices, delete your account completely when feasible to remove your details from their systems. This may be extreme but can limit risks.

Stay Vigilant About New Policies

Carefully read Facebook’s data policies and be alert for any changes that may increase data usage around IDs. Push back on expansions through comments to protect privacy.

The Tradeoff Between Convenience and Privacy

Ultimately, providing your ID to Facebook involves a tradeoff between the convenience of seamless access to your account and increased privacy risks from extensive personal data collection. It makes logging in easier but reduces control over how sensitive information is used. Understanding specifically how Facebook leverages your ID data can help inform your personal privacy calculus.


While handing over an ID to Facebook in order to restore a disabled account is sometimes necessary, users should be cautious about the extensive amount of personal data this provides to the company. Facebook may aggregate identity details, map facial geometry, and collect biometric faceprints for a variety of internal purposes that lack transparency. This level of sensitive personal information requires extra care to ensure it is not used or shared in ways you are uncomfortable with. Protect yourself by limiting unnecessary data points, restricting account settings, providing only when absolutely required, and researching data policies. The convenience of ID verification comes at a real cost to privacy.