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What happened with the Reply All podcast?

What happened with the Reply All podcast?

Reply All was a popular podcast produced by Gimlet Media that covered stories about the internet and technology. The show ran from 2014 to 2021 before going on an indefinite hiatus due to internal controversies at Gimlet Media.

The Early Success of Reply All

Reply All was launched in November 2014 and was hosted by PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman. The show quickly found an audience with its unique, irreverent take on stories about how the internet and technology impacted people’s lives.

Some of Reply All’s most popular early episodes covered stories like:

  • The strange saga of a start-up company called Bodega that wanted to replace corner stores
  • An attempt to reunite a man named Paul with an online gamer named EcstasyOfGold he had randomly met years before
  • The bizarre internet mystery known as Shrimp Fight Club

Reply All flew up the podcast charts and developed a loyal fanbase. By 2018, it was averaging over 2 million downloads per month. The show received praise for taking seemingly mundane topics related to technology and using them as a jumping off point to tell compelling stories about human nature and internet culture.

The Test Kitchen Series and Bon Appétit Controversy

In mid-2020, Reply All released a mini-series called “The Test Kitchen” that focused on allegations of workplace racism at food magazine Bon Appétit. The Test Kitchen series covered former Bon Appétit employees of color speaking out about discrimination and exclusionary behavior they faced working at the magazine.

The Test Kitchen received a lot of attention and praise for its reporting. However, it also led to internal controversies at Gimlet Media regarding its own company culture and treatment of employees of color.

In the wake of The Test Kitchen, many current and former Gimlet employees took to social media to voice concerns over instances of discrimination and lack of diversity at the podcasting company. This sparked a company reckoning over Gimlet’s culture.

The No-Win Situation and Unionization

In early 2021, the Reply All hosts found themselves in a no-win situation. Listeners were criticizing them for hypocrisy in reporting on Bon Appétit’s diversity issues while seemingly ignoring problems at their own company. However, Gimlet management did not want the hosts discussing their employer’s controversies publicly.

Frustrations over these issues helped motivate Gimlet employees to begin a unionization effort. In April 2021, Gimlet workers announced they had formed a union, becoming the first major podcasting company to unionize.

Sruthi Pinnamaneni Leaves Reply All

One Reply All host, Sruthi Pinnamaneni, left the show in February 2021 after facing backlash from colleagues over her role in Gimlet’s work culture issues. Pinnamaneni wrote a letter apologizing for being “callous” and dismissing concerns from co-workers in the past.

Pinnamaneni had been an essential part of the show since its launch. Her departure was a major blow and left the future of Reply All uncertain moving forward.

PJ Vogt Goes on Leave

In March 2021, Alex Goldman announced on Twitter that the other lead host PJ Vogt would also be stepping away from Reply All temporarily. Vogt said he was taking time off to “rethink my editorial leadership.”

Vogt did not provide details on a timeline for his leave or when he might potentially return. His departure put Reply All completely on hold.

The Show Goes on Hiatus

With both of its hosts departing, Reply All went on an indefinite hiatus starting in March 2021. No new episodes have been released since then.

Gimlet Media has not provided any updates on if or when Reply All may come back. Nearly a year later, the show remains on hiatus as of October 2022.

What the Future Holds

The future of Reply All remains uncertain. Some key questions include:

  • Will Alex Goldman return to host a revived version of the show solo, or will he be joined by a new co-host?
  • Can the show recover and find a new audience after over a year off air and the loss of Pinnamaneni?
  • How will the show balance examining internet/tech stories while also meeting listener expectations to cover internal company culture issues?

It’s also possible Gimlet may ultimately decide to end Reply All entirely. However, given Reply All was Gimlet’s biggest podcast, there is likely incentive to find some way to bring the show back eventually.

Regardless of its future, Reply All left a lasting impact during its initial 7 year run by pioneering a new style of technology-focused audio storytelling that inspired many other podcasts in its wake.


Reply All went from a rising podcast sensation to being put on hiatus within the span of just a few years. While internal controversies at Gimlet Media were the proximate cause for the show grinding to a halt, its downfall also highlights the challenges of balancing a successful creative endeavor with an inclusive, ethical company culture. The team behind Reply All appears committed to taking the lessons from the show’s turmoil and using them to inform whatever comes next – whether that involves a Reply All reboot or entirely new ventures.