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What happened to Nitroluke?

What happened to Nitroluke?

Nitroluke was once one of the most popular YouTubers and content creators on the internet. At his peak in the early 2010s, he had over 5 million subscribers on YouTube and millions of followers across other social media platforms. However, over the past few years, Nitroluke has slowly faded from the limelight and his online presence has diminished significantly. So what exactly happened to the once hugely popular internet personality? Why did he seemingly disappear from the online world?

Nitroluke’s Early YouTube Success

Nitroluke, whose real name is Luke Patterson, first joined YouTube in 2009. His channel focused on Call of Duty gameplay videos and tips & tricks content. This was perfect timing, as Call of Duty was one of the most popular video game franchises at the time. Nitroluke quickly gained a reputation for being exceptionally skilled at FPS games like Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield. His gameplay highlights and montages attracted millions of views.

By 2012, Nitroluke’s channel had over 2 million subscribers. He had cultivated a loyal fanbase of Call of Duty fans who loved watching his entertaining videos. He was able to quit his day job and focus on YouTube full-time. As his channel continued to grow, Nitroluke expanded beyond just Call of Duty content. He posted vlogs, comedy sketches, and even music videos. His charismatic on-camera personality was a big contributing factor to his growing popularity.

The Height of Nitroluke’s Fame

The years 2013 and 2014 marked the height of Nitroluke’s fame. During this period, his channel grew exponentially, reaching over 5 million subscribers by the end of 2014. Some of his most popular videos accumulated over 15 million views each. Brand sponsorship deals were pouring in and Nitroluke was making a small fortune from YouTube ad revenue alone. He was frequently featured in mainstream media outlets as one of YouTube’s biggest stars.

Nitroluke wasn’t just popular on YouTube either. He had over 2 million Twitter followers and 1.5 million Instagram followers at this point. He was known for doing publicity stunts and viral challenges specifically aimed at gaining more followers. His fanbase, who referred to themselves as “Nitronauts”, were extremely passionate and engaged with all of Nitroluke’s social media profiles.

For a while, it seemed like Nitroluke was unstoppable. Everything he posted online instantly went viral. He was the undisputed king of YouTube gamers and on track to become an elite internet celebrity.

The Start of Nitroluke’s Decline in Popularity

So when did things start to go downhill for Nitroluke? Most pinpoint the start of 2015 as when the cracks began to show in his online fame. His view counts slowly started to decline and he wasn’t gaining subscribers as quickly. There are a few factors that contributed to this change:

– **Shifting interests** – Nitroluke was stubbornly sticking to posting mostly Call of Duty content. But the hype around Call of Duty began to fade while other games like Minecraft took over in popularity. Nitroluke was slow to adapt to this changing landscape.

– **Stagnating content** – Despite having a talent for FPS games, Nitroluke’s video ideas had gotten repetitive. He kept making the same types of montages and tip videos. Fans started to get bored.

– **Controversies** – In early 2015, Nitroluke was embroiled in some controversies that damaged his brand image. He made an offensive remark during a livestream and was also accused of faking giveaways.

These issues made Nitroluke seem less likable and relatable. By the end of 2015, his view counts had dropped by more than 50% compared to his peak. It was a wake up call that he needed to change up his content strategy.

Attempts to Revive His Channel

2016 marked Nitroluke’s first real efforts to revive and save his dying YouTube channel. He tried experimenting with new types of videos beyond just Call of Duty and FPS games. He posted more vlogs, comedy videos, and even some music content.

Unfortunately, these attempts failed to reconnect with his original core audience. At the same time, he wasn’t gaining many new subscribers from these different video genres. His view counts kept declining despite posting more consistently than ever before.

He also tried collaborating with other popular YouTubers in hopes that their fanbases would cross over. But even videos with collab partners saw lackluster viewership. Nothing Nitroluke did seemed to reverse the downward trajectory of his channel.

The Final Years on YouTube

2017 – 2019 marked Nitroluke’s final years as an active YouTuber before he slipped into total obscurity. In a last ditch effort to revive his dying channel, he attempted to get back to his gaming roots in 2018. He posted gameplay of newly popular games like Fortnite and livestreamed on Twitch.

But by this point, the gaming landscape had changed drastically. There were tons of other skilled gamers who had taken Nitroluke’s place in popularity. His Fortnite and Twitch content failed to pull in the big view counts he once boasted.

By 2019, Nitroluke’s channel was getting less than 100k views per video on average. His subscriber growth had stalled completely. He was simply uploading sporadically with no clear direction. By the end of 2019, he quietly stopped posting on YouTube all together.

What Caused Nitroluke’s Downfall?

There are a few leading theories as to why Nitroluke fell off so dramatically from his peak YouTube popularity:

– He failed to adapt to changing trends and interests. When Call of Duty declined, he didn’t pivot to new games quick enough.

– His content became stale and repetitive over time. Relying on one game made his videos predictable.

– He lost his “relatability” through controversies and lack of evolution as a creator.

– Other gamers emerged who were more skilled, creative, and interesting to watch. Nitroluke lost his competitive edge.

– He seemed to run out of motivation and passion for YouTube fame. His content became infrequent and low-effort.

Essentially, Nitroluke’s demise on YouTube stemmed from a combination of complacency, controversies, and failure to adapt. His creative fuel seems to have fizzled out years ago.

Where is Nitroluke Now?

So what is Nitroluke up to now, years after his disappearance from YouTube? Surprisingly, not much is known about his current whereabouts or activities.

His Twitter account has been inactive since 2017. His Instagram has no new posts since 2018. He has refrained from any public statements or interviews about his time as a YouTuber.

Some speculate that Nitroluke sought a normal, private life outside of internet fame. Others believe he could be pursuing a career totally unrelated to social media or gaming.

Whatever the case, Nitroluke has managed to disappear almost completely since his last YouTube upload in 2019. He remains an enigma and a reminder of the ephemeral nature of internet celebrity. Only time will tell if he ever decides to return to the public eye.

His Legacy and Influence

Despite his rapid decline in popularity, Nitroluke’s impact on video game content creation can’t be understated. He was one of the first gaming YouTubers to gain elite-level fame and really become a household name online.

At his peak, he paved the way for gaming channels to be taken more seriously and to be seen as a valid source of entertainment alongside mainstream celebs. Nitroluke’s success story was an inspiration for the massive influx of gamers who have tried to follow in his footsteps on YouTube over the past decade.

He helped revolutionize the culture around gaming content and cement YouTube as a place where game commentators could thrive. Nitroluke’s pioneering work ethic and procedures around FPS game videos are still felt today. Modern gamers constantly reference and pay homage to his catalog of iconic videos.

So while Nitroluke’s own fame was short-lived, his impact can’t be denied. He helped gaming channels on YouTube evolve from niche to mainstream. Even if he has moved on, Nitroluke’s legacy continues to inspire new generations of content creators.


Nitroluke’s meteoric rise and subsequent disappearance from YouTube remains an intriguing case study. His journey shows how quickly internet fame can come and go for online creators.

At his peak, Nitroluke seemed unstoppable. But his complacency and inability to adapt led to a rapid decline in popularity. He serves as a lesson for all aspiring YouTubers and influencers today.

No matter how famous you get online, it takes constant effort, evolution and resilience to stay relevant in the long-term. While Nitroluke has largely faded into obscurity, his pioneering work for gaming creators will always be remembered fondly by fans.