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What happened to my chat sidebar on Facebook?

What happened to my chat sidebar on Facebook?

If you’ve noticed that the chat sidebar is missing from your Facebook desktop site, there are a few possible reasons why it may have disappeared. The chat sidebar is the column on the right side of the Facebook website that shows a list of your friends who are currently online, as well as friends you’ve recently interacted with. Here are some common reasons the chat sidebar may not be showing for you on desktop:

You’ve hidden the sidebar

The most straightforward reason your Facebook chat sidebar is missing is because you’ve hidden it yourself. Facebook gives you the option to show or hide the chat sidebar on desktop. If you’ve clicked the “Hide Chat” option at the bottom of the chat list, it will disappear from view.

To get the chat sidebar back, look for the Chat tab on the lower right corner of your Facebook window (it will be hidden by default). Click on the tab and select “Show Chat” from the menu. This will make the chat sidebar visible again.

Your browser window is too narrow

Another common reason for the chat sidebar disappearing is if your browser window is too narrow. The Facebook chat sidebar requires a certain minimum width to show up. If you’ve shrunk your browser window very small horizontally, it can cause the chat column to disappears.

Try expanding your browser window wider and refreshing Facebook. Once the window is wide enough, you should see the chat sidebar come back into view on the right side of the page.

You’re using Facebook Lite

Facebook Lite is a stripped-down version of Facebook designed for slower internet connections and less powerful devices. One of the features missing from Facebook Lite is the chat sidebar. So if you’re accessing Facebook Lite on your desktop, you won’t see the chat bar because it doesn’t exist in this version.

To get access to the chat sidebar again, switch from using Facebook Lite to the regular Facebook website. The standard desktop site has the chat feature enabled.

You’re zoomed in on your browser

If you’ve zoomed in or increased the page magnification in your browser, it can sometimes cause certain page elements like the Facebook chat sidebar to disappear from view. The chat requires enough screen width to display properly. Zooming in reduces the effective visible width, which can make the chat box vanish.

Try going back to the default zoom level in your browser by pressing Ctrl+0. You may need to scroll or resize your browser window after zooming back out to get the chat sidebar to reappear.

There’s a temporary technical issue

In some cases, the Facebook chat sidebar may disappear temporarily due to a technical glitch or bug. Issues like server outages, software bugs, or browser incompatibilities can sometimes make features like the chat malfunction or vanish entirely.

If the chat sidebar disappears for no clear reason, it could simply be a temporary technical problem on Facebook’s side. Trying refreshing the page or waiting a bit to see if the chat comes back on its own. If the issue persists for more than a day, it may indicate a deeper problem requiring a fix from Facebook.

Your account was restricted

If Facebook has restricted or limited your account due to violations of their policies, one of the features they sometimes disable is the chat function. Having the chat sidebar permanently disappear can be a sign your account has been restricted.

Check your notifications and account settings to see if you’ve received any alerts about your account being temporarily restricted. You may need to resolve any outstanding issues before your access to chat is restored.

How to troubleshoot your missing Facebook chat sidebar

Here is a summary of steps you can take to troubleshoot and restore your missing Facebook chat sidebar if it has disappeared:

  • Check if you’ve hidden the chat yourself, and select “Show Chat” if so
  • Expand your browser window wider in case it’s too narrow
  • Switch from Facebook Lite to the regular desktop site
  • Reset your browser’s zoom to default level if you’ve zoomed in
  • Refresh the page and wait briefly in case it’s a temporary technical issue on Facebook’s end
  • Check your account restrictions and resolve any outstanding issues
  • Try using a different browser or device to access Facebook chat
  • Update your browser and Facebook app to the latest versions
  • Contact Facebook support if the issue persists unresolved

Why Facebook’s chat sidebar is useful

The Facebook chat sidebar provides some helpful features and conveniences:

  • See who’s online – You can view at a glance which of your friends are online and available to chat.
  • Quick access to recent chats – Chats with friends you’ve interacted with recently are easily accessible.
  • Keep in touch effortlessly – You can pull up a chat window and send a message without having to search for friends.
  • Spot notifications – Unread messages and other notifications are flagged in the chat list.
  • Organized interface – Having a dedicated chat sidebar keeps FB messaging separate from your main feed.

While not absolutely essential, the sidebar does make Facebook chatting more seamless and convenient compared to relying solely on the full messenger app or mobile chat.


In summary, the Facebook chat sidebar may disappear due to you hiding it, a too narrow browser, using Facebook Lite, zooming in, a technical glitch, or account restrictions. Troubleshooting steps include resetting chat options, expanding your browser, switching from Lite to desktop site, resetting browser zoom, and checking account status. If the chat sidebar remains missing without explanation, contacting Facebook support may help resolve the issue.