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What happened to friend lists on Facebook?

What happened to friend lists on Facebook?

Facebook friend lists allow users to organize their friends into different groups or lists, such as family, close friends, coworkers, acquaintances etc. This feature used to be quite popular on the platform, but has seen a significant decline in usage over the past few years. Here’s an in-depth look at the rise and fall of friend lists on Facebook.

The Introduction of Friend Lists

Facebook first introduced friend lists in 2009, after acquiring the popular social networking app FriendFeed earlier that year. FriendFeed allowed users to organize their friends into different groups, so when Facebook integrated the feature, it was already familiar to many users.

The friend lists feature was rolled out to all Facebook users by the end of 2009. It provided an easy way for people to categorize their friends and control the content they saw in their News Feeds based on those groups. For example, users could create a “Close Friends” list to see posts just from those closest to them, or an “Acquaintances” list to follow more casual connections.

The Rise in Popularity of Friend Lists

In the early days of friend lists on Facebook, the feature gained significant traction. By late 2010, over 65 million Facebook users had created lists. The average user had about 7 or 8 lists. Some of the most commonly used list names included:

  • Close Friends
  • Family
  • Coworkers
  • Classmates
  • Acquaintances

Friend lists enabled users to bring more order to their social networks on Facebook. As people accumulated more friends, the feature became even more useful for parsing through the noise. Friend lists also helped users target status updates or limit viewing of certain content.

The Peak of Friend List Usage

Usage of Facebook friend lists peaked around 2014-2015. By that point, the average user had about 15 different lists with 50-100 friends in each one. Facebook had optimized the friend lists feature over the years, making it easier to create, manage, and view lists. Users could even choose to get notifications when close friends posted, without all the noise from wider networks.

However, even at the peak, less than 25% of Facebook users were actively using friend lists. Many found the process of categorizing friends to be tedious. The interface also wasn’t highly visible, so it was often overlooked.

The Decline of Friend List Usage

From 2015 onward, usage of friend lists began to decline significantly. There are a few key reasons the feature has faded in popularity:

  • Too time consuming to maintain – With friend lists, the sorting and categorizing never ends as new friends are made.
  • Limitations around privacy settings – There was confusion about whether posts were actually limited to list members.
  • News Feed algorithm – The algorithm curates content based on engagement, so friend lists became less needed.
  • Alternate features – Options like Close Friends lists, acquaintances lists, and News Feed preferences provide some of the same functionality.

By 2018, less than 10% of Facebook users were actively using friend lists. The rate of usage and creation of new lists had dropped off steeply. Most users who still maintained lists had not updated them in years.

The Current State of Facebook Friend Lists

As of 2023, Facebook friend lists are still available, but are utilized by only a tiny fraction of users. The majority of people have either never created lists, or long abandoned existing ones. However, there are some users who still find value in friend lists for parsing through their networks. The feature can also be useful for separating out different facets of life, like work and personal connections.

While friend lists may seem outdated, there are some signs Facebook is trying to modernize the feature. Over the past couple years they have introduced some interface tweaks to make lists more visible and easier to access. However, substantial growth in usage seems unlikely at this point.

The Pros of Facebook Friend Lists

Despite the overall decline, friend lists do still offer some potential benefits for Facebook users who want to bring more order to their connections. Some of the main pros of using friend lists include:

  • Organizing different types of friends and acquaintances
  • Limiting News Feed clutter
  • Targeting updates to certain audiences
  • Following close friends’ posts more easily
  • Exploring lost connections

For those who take the time to actively maintain lists, the feature provides much more control over the Facebook experience. Segmenting friends allows for more relevant, filtered content.

The Cons of Facebook Friend Lists

On the other hand, friend lists come with some notable drawbacks that have contributed to the decline in usage:

  • Laborious to set up and update regularly
  • Confusing interface and notifications
  • Limitations around privacy settings
  • Not seamlessly integrated into main News Feed
  • Require constant maintenance as networks change

In the end, the effort required to categorize connections and continually update lists outweighs the benefits for many users. The workflow simply doesn’t integrate smoothly into most people’s normal Facebook processes.

Are Friend Lists Still Relevant?

The rise and fall of friend lists highlights some interesting shifts in how people interact with social media over the past decade. In the early days of Facebook, networks were smaller and easier to categorize. Friend lists enabled users to bring order to their connections. But as networks grew exponentially, the feature simply didn’t scale well. And ultimately, Facebook’s algorithms proved better at curating content than rigid user-defined lists.

However, friend lists do still offer value for some users who want more control over their News Feed. The feature provides a way to follow close friends closely, while still maintaining wider networks. Friend lists may be past their prime, but still hold some relevance for anyone seeking to tame their continually expanding networks on Facebook.

Key Takeaways

Here are some of the key takeaways around the evolution of friend lists on Facebook:

  • Friend lists were introduced in 2009 to help users categorize connections.
  • Usage peaked around 2014-2015 before a significant dropoff.
  • Only a tiny fraction of Facebook users still actively use lists today.
  • Pros include better organization and content filtering.
  • Cons include being labor intensive and confusing.
  • Lists remain somewhat relevant for taming large, complex networks.

While their popularity has waned, friend lists still serve a purpose for some Facebook users. But the feature’s heyday has likely come and gone.

The Future of Friend Lists

Looking ahead, it seems unlikely that friend lists will see a major resurgence on Facebook. However, some possibilities for the future include:

  • Facebook introduces more AI into News Feed curation, limiting reliance on friend lists.
  • New streamlining features are added to improve friend list workflows.
  • Facebook focuses on growing other features like Close Friends.
  • Friend lists remain a niche feature for power users.
  • Facebook eventually removes the feature altogether.

Friend lists served an important role in the early days of social networks, when adding “friends” so liberally was a novel concept. But as networks have grown, the nuances of social connections have shifted. Facebook’s algorithms, augmented by user preferences, now determine the relevancy of content. While useful for some, the era of maintaining meticulous friend lists has likely come to an end.